About two hours later, Qin Yun arrived in Binjiang city.

At a corner, "creak!" with a sound, Maserati shook her tail and stopped by the roadside. Qin Yun opened the door, stepped down from the car and waited for the Mercedes Benz.

Because Qin Yun has a dragon mask, Mei Xing and Mei Yue can't feel Qin Yun stop at all.

When the Mercedes Benz just turned the corner, Qin Yun looked at them with a smile.

"No, the Dragon Lord found it!" Mei Xing, who was driving, was surprised and was about to speed up to leave.

Qin Yun's voice came into their ears: "why, don't you come down and see each other?"

The two girls know that fighting alone is not Qin Yun's opponent at all, but they can work together to protect their lives. Besides, it's in the urban area, and Qin Yun can't make any big moves.

So he parked the car less than 20 meters away from Qin Yun, and then Mei Xing and Mei Yue came down from the car.

This pair of beautiful sisters, wearing red and black tight leather clothes and a heroic appearance, make people look pleasing to the eye, and can't help but make the male compatriots turn back frequently.

But Qin Yun knew in his heart that these two people could compete with Shenbang experts. He was not in the mood to appreciate their beauty and smiled at the second daughter.

"I didn't expect that the two strong men of the beast emperor sect were extremely poor in tracking."

After listening to Qin Yun's words, Mei Xing and Mei Yue couldn't help blushing. As the left and right envoys of the beast emperor religion, they had never done the tracking job. Qin Yun ruthlessly exposed them for the first time.

"We didn't follow you, we just passed by," said Mei Yue, wearing a black tight leather suit.

"That's really a coincidence. I don't know if you've got an eye on the Qin family. If so, I don't mind going to Shennongjia in person!" Qin Yun suddenly said coldly as he looked at the second daughter's eyes and words.

"How do you know!" Mei Xing said in surprise.

"Never mind how I know, answer my question!" Qin Yun coldly shouted. A killing intention instantly locked Mei Xing and Mei Yue.

"Although we are fierce beasts, we also know the truth that disaster is less than our family." Mei Xing replied in a deep voice.

"Yes, I know it's worse than my family. Go back and follow me next time. Don't say I killed you!"

With that, when Qin Yun was ready to get on the bus and leave, people suddenly screamed in horror not far away, accompanied by hysterical roars.

"What's the situation!" Qin Yun heard the voice, his body turned into a golden light and rushed to the place of the incident.

Mei Xing and Mei Yue also looked at each other and rushed away with a flash of body shape.

A middle-aged beggar with red eyes, ragged clothes and strong figure kept attacking the people around him, and the people around him fled in all directions.

"Bang!" the beggar punched a man in the chest.

The man flew backward and vomited blood in his mouth.

Seeing this, the beggar gave a ferocious smile on his face and continued to rush towards a mother and daughter.

With a "stab", the beggar scratched a woman's coat, left several blood marks on her white skin, threw it out, and then continued to attack the little girl.

Now the beggar didn't leave his hand at all. If this punch goes on, the little girl will die.

The little girl was no longer frightened and silly by the scene in front of her. She didn't know how to avoid it at all.

When the beggar was less than half a meter away from the little girl, Qin Yun appeared in front of the little girl.

"Get away from me!" Qin Yun waved his hand and threw it out with a spiritual force and hit the beggar on the chest.

The beggar vomited blood, and the arrow immediately flew backward, "bang!" hit the ground heavily and slid out for a long distance.

But after the beggar stabilized, he didn't care about the blood pouring out of his mouth. His red eyes stared at Qin Yun fiercely and rushed up.

Qin Yun looked at the coming beggar and frowned tightly. He could not detect any trace of spiritual power from the beggar, which proved that the beggar was an ordinary man. He was fighting with brute force.

His blow, not to mention an ordinary man, is a martial artist in the innate realm. He will hurt a lot, but the beggar in front of him doesn't seem to hurt at all.

Mei Xing and Mei Yue gave a soft drink at the same time, and their hands sent out black awns at the same time, enveloping the beggar and making him unable to move.

After about half a minute, the blood color in the beggar's eyes faded, and his strong body shrank rapidly. He fell to the ground and died.

Qin Yun looked at the fierce behavior of the beggar just now and suddenly thought of the fierce spirit of the beast emperor cult,

"What's the situation? Is it the ghost of the beast emperor cult?" Qin Yun asked Mei Xingmei and Yue in a deep voice.

"It's impossible. Fierce Qi has the effect of driving people crazy, but the effect is definitely not so strong, and the side effects are not so great," said Mei Xing.

"Besides, a beggar who is an ordinary person can't be infected with such a strong fierce spirit." Mei Yue continued to Qin yundao.

After listening to their words, Qin Yun also felt that there was some truth.

At this time, Qin Yun's mobile phone rang. It was Tang Xuan of long Ying.

"Where are you? There have been several cases of beggar madness in several cities near the sea in China, which has caused many casualties." Tang Xuan said to Qin Yun.

"I'm in Binjiang now, and I just knocked down a crazy beggar." Qin Yun said in a deep voice.

"Yes, most of the crazy people who have been killed are homeless vagrants!" Tang Xuan said.

"Did you find out why?" Qin Yun asked in a deep voice.

"It's still under investigation, so we hope the intelligence organization of the Qin family can also help," Tang Xuan said.

"No problem." Qin Yun hung up the phone and informed Qin Lu to mobilize the Qin family intelligence organization to investigate the incident.

Then inform all branches of nightmare to help suppress these crazy people.

Just hung up, Tang Jie's call came in.

"You must already know what happened in these cities." Tang Jie said in a deep voice.

"Well, it's under investigation," Qin Yun replied.

"I'm in Linhai now. There are especially many crazy people here, and there are four survivors who survived the madness."

"Great, have you asked why?" Qin Yun asked quickly.

"Two of the four people are unconscious, one has become a vegetable, and the other is nonsense. I don't know what to say," Tang Jie said.

"Shit!" Qin Yun said, gritting his teeth.

"However, after testing, they all have T03 new stimulant left in their bodies."

"T03?" Qin Yun wondered.

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