"Cold water dragon!" Qin Yun whispered, and a light blue light appeared on the Longyin sword.

With the appearance of the light blue light, a light blue dragon coiled around the Longyin sword.

"Hoo!" the cold air around the Dragon began to form a thin layer of ice on the nearby riverside.

The roaring black dragon was shocked again when he saw the light blue dragon on the Longyin sword.

It used to be the power of burning flames, but now it is the power of extremely cold water. He is the descendant of the Golden Dragon. Why did he cultivate such a powerful power of ice and fire.

While the black dragon was shocked, the whole light blue dragon came, with a strong breath mixed with the cold.

"Roar!" the black dragon looked at the light blue dragon, roared, and suddenly spit out a black bead. The bead was very bright. At a glance, it was the inner alchemy of the black dragon.

"Buzzing..." the inner pill began to vibrate constantly. At the same time, it released powerful power.

That force quickly condensed into a "small" black dragon, and the spiritual power contained in this black dragon is no weaker than the giant dragon formed by cold water droplets.

"I won't lose to you again this time!" black dragon's eyes showed determination. It seems that Black Dragon Prince Ao lie is ready to fight Qin Yun.

Then, the light blue dragon and the black dragon tangled together again.

Qin Yun did not lag behind at all. The Dragon singing sword in his hand was sharp and followed the light blue dragon.

Seeing that Qin Yun continued to rush, the black dragon put away the inner pill and rushed after the black dragon.

"Bang!" the light blue dragon and the black dragon broke apart in the air at the same time.

The two of them who were rushing together sank in their hearts at the same time, because they were all their own powerful blows.

However, their surprise just flashed in their mind, and soon they rushed together.

With the sound of "Qiang", the Dragon Yin sword intersected with the huge claws of the black dragon, making a sound of steel.

After the blow, the black dragon's eyes showed a smile, because it could clearly feel that Qin Yun's strength had become weak.

On the other side, the Shenbang master is fighting fiercely with the monsters appearing in the gate of the wasteland.

Although the cultivation of human masters has some advantages, the monsters seem to be endless, pouring out of the gate of famine.

Seeing the increasing number of monsters, Qin Yun, who fought with the black dragon, was also anxious.

"It can't go on like this. Once it doesn't take a few minutes, the whole Binjiang will be reduced to a world of monsters. Besides, there is little spiritual power left." Qin Yun thought to himself.

"Elder, what should we do about the gate of famine!" Qin Yun asked in his mind.

"The gate of famine will last for a period of time every time it is opened, and then it will automatically close, but looking at the current trend, the gate of famine should be only half opened." Jinlong's long voice sounded in Qin Yun's mind.

After listening to Jinlong's words, Qin Yun's heart suddenly sank. Now he doesn't know what to do.

The Golden Dragon's long voice came again: "you have the spirit stone essence. Since the spirit stone can open the channel of the secret place, you can also seal the channel of the secret place!"

Qin Yun listened to Jinlong's words in his mind and said firmly, "that's it, but how to seal it?"

"Use all your remaining strength, plus the power of the spirit stone essence, to destroy it!" the Golden Dragon said in a deep voice.

"Good!" Qin Yun should answer.

Seeing Qin Yun's attack suddenly relaxed, Heilong guessed what Qin Yun thought in his heart and said with a wild smile: "you still have the mind to care about others. You'd better care about yourself first!"

With that, the black awn on the black dragon's huge claw burst and suddenly patted Qin Yun's body.

Qin Yun sensed the murderous spirit coming to his face and quickly raised his sword to resist.

"Qiang!" the black dragon's claws glittering with dark light hit the ridge of Longyin sword.

Qin Yun was suffering from being unable to get away. He just took this opportunity to step back and escape from the battle.

Qin Yun, who was separated from the battle, flashed and rushed towards the gate of famine.

"It's not so easy to escape!" the black dragon's huge body rolled and rushed after Qin Yun.

Some monsters that had just rushed out of the gate of the wasteland also attacked Qin Yun one after another.

At this time, Qin Yun was in a very dangerous situation with monsters blocking the way and black dragons chasing after him.

But he was still desperate to rush towards the gate of famine.

Then, the colorful light flashed in Qin Yun's hand, and a heavenly spirit stone essence filled with extremely surging spiritual power appeared in his hand.

"This is... Heavenly spirit stone!" Xuantian first recognized the colorful spirit stone in Qin Yun's hand and exclaimed.

"No! It's definitely not the spirit stone that can contain such a huge spiritual power. It should be the spirit stone essence!" Jin Yaoqian, the money Lord, exclaimed.

"Celestial spirit stone essence!" after hearing Jin Yaoqian's words, all practitioners were shocked, completely shocked.

The heavenly spirit stone can be met but not sought. This heavenly spirit stone essence belongs to the legendary thing.

The black dragon who was chasing Qin Yun behind him was even more shocked.

Although he didn't know what Qin Yun was going to do, he instinctively felt that Qin Yun must have some attempt to rush to the gate of the wasteland recklessly with the spirit of heaven and stone essence.

"Stop him!" the black dragon roared.

The monsters listened to the order of the black dragon and attacked Qin Yun with the strongest attack.

"Protect Qin Yun!" Xuantian shouted and took the lead in stopping the attacks of several monsters.

Seeing this, other practitioners followed Xuantian's example.

For a moment, with Qin Yun as the center, there was a sudden flash of Lingguang, sword Qi and vigorous wind wantonly. These lights intertwined into an extremely beautiful picture.

However, Qin Yun, who was attacking the central government, was not in the mood to appreciate these.

There was only one place in his eyes, that was the gate of the wasteland where monsters kept coming in and out.

However, the number of monsters is far more than that of practitioners, and it is impossible to resist every attack, and most of the attacks are only offset by a small part.

The light from the mouth of more than dozens of monsters directly attacked Qin Yun's body.

Every ray of light is extremely fatal to Qin Yun.

The black dragon looked at Qin Yun being hit by these lights, and his eyes showed a trace of disdain, because in his eyes, Qin Yun could not live under so many attacks.

In the eyes of practitioners, there was infinite helplessness. They could only watch Qin Yun be hit, but they couldn't help at all.

The voice of "boom..." sounded around Qin Yun.

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