In a simple and simple room, there are basically no furnishings in the room. Except for a wooden table and two wooden chairs, there is only a simple small bed.

On the little bed lay a unconscious man. The man was pale and obviously very weak.

At this time, the man's fingers moved slightly and his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, which was obviously a sign of awakening.

"Where am I?" the man on the bed slowly opened his eyes, looked at everything around him and said.

This man is Qin Yun. The reason why he can live is that Mei Xing and Mei Yue did everything they could to resist most of the attacks for him.

Then the strong vigorous wind hit. When everyone was resisting the vigorous wind, Qin Yun's body was immediately involved in the rolling riverside by the vigorous wind.

Then, the monsters fled in all directions, and the practitioners only focused on chasing the monsters, while Qin Yun was quickly washed away by the undercurrent of the riverside.

Along the rolling river flow along the riverside, it was directly taken to the East China Sea.

Qin Yun was rescued by a passing cargo ship of search country T and followed to country t.

At this time, he felt that he had a headache and couldn't lift up his spiritual power, and he was very weak now.

With a "creak", the door was gently pushed open, and a girl in a brown dress came in.

The girl looks about 20 years old. Although she wears simple clothes, she has bright teeth and healthy wheat skin, which is hard to hide.

The corners of her mouth were smiling, with two dimples, which seemed to add a bit of closeness.

"You're awake," the girl said to Qin Yun.

"Where am I?" Qin Yun rubbed his swollen head and said to the girl.

"This is the T country. My brother's cargo ship found you when passing by China, but your life is so big that no shark came to eat you." the woman took a wooden chair and sat by the little bed.

The reason why no shark dares to eat Qin Yun is that Qin Yun bears the power of the Dragon God.

After listening to the woman's words, Qin Yun said to the woman, "thank you for saving me."

"Hee hee, maybe you are destined for me." the woman smiled at Qin Yun.

"By the way, my name is Chana. What's your name?" the woman smiled at Qin Yun.

"My name is Qin Yun," Qin Yun said to Chana.

"Qin Yun? Are you Chinese?" Chana asked Qin Yun after hearing his name.

"Well, I'm Chinese," Qin Yun replied.

"Then why are you at sea? Is it a sunken ship?" Chana continued.

"HMM... yes," Qin Yun said thoughtfully.

Qin Yun answered this because he was afraid to tell the truth and scare her.

"Oh, like this." Chana nodded.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Qin Yun asked Chana.

"It's been almost half a month. If you didn't have a heartbeat, I really thought you were dead." Chana said to Qin Yun.

"So long." Qin Yun frowned and said in his heart.

"By the way, you're hungry. I'll get you something to eat." Chana said, turned and walked out.

Qin Yun looked at her back and couldn't express his gratitude.

Then, thinking of six winged blood Gu and Mei Xingmei moon, I felt unspeakable sadness in my heart.

"I'm afraid I don't have a chance to pay them back in my life." Qin Yun said in his heart.

However, Qin Yun was relieved when he thought that the door of the famine was closed and the monster was stopped in the famine.

Then Qin Yun sat cross legged and tried to run the spiritual power around him, but Qin Yun found that he could only lift a trace of spiritual power.

This trace of spiritual power can't even feel the existence of dragon beads, fire beads and cold water beads.

Qin Yun tried to feel the Dragon mask again, but he didn't respond at all.

Qin Yun awakened the Dragon God mask when he made the most powerful blow, but the spiritual power contained in the Dragon God mask was completely consumed, so Qin Yun still can't feel it now.

Fortunately, I can still feel the existence of Golden Dragon Ruyi bracelet, but now the spiritual power is not enough to use the space.

Qin Yun knew that he was too weak now.

"It seems that it will take some time to recover slowly." Qin Yun said secretly in his heart.

Then he sat cross legged and began to slowly restore his spiritual power.

After a while, Chana came in with a tray. There were some simple food in the tray. These food were mainly light, which was very suitable for Qin Yun's weak body.

Watching Chana enter the house, Qin Yun opened his eyes.

Chana put the tray in her hand beside Qin Yun's bed, looked at Qin Yun sitting cross legged, and asked curiously, "what are you doing?"

"So comfortable to sit." Qin Yun smiled at Chana. It seems that Chana should not be a warrior.

"Oh? Really? I think the masters of nearby martial arts schools are sitting like this." Chana smiled at Qin Yun.

Qin Yun smiled. "There's a martial arts school here."

"Of course, our cargo ships need the protection of martial arts masters when they go out. They can beat more than ten each." Chana replied with a smile.

After listening to Chana's words, Qin Yun knew that the martial arts master here was equivalent to a bodyguard, and it was still a profession.

"Can you beat more than ten?" Chana continued to ask Qin Yun.

"Er... It should be possible," Qin Yun thought.

Although he was weak, after all, his body had been transformed by the power of the Dragon God. As long as he recovered some spiritual power and his body had half a day, it should not be a problem to deal with several normal people.

"That's great. Can you teach me when you're better?" Chana asked Qin Yun with big eyes.

"No problem." Qin Yun smiled and said. Although his Dragon God power Chana can't learn, she can teach her some ordinary things. After all, she is her own life-saving benefactor.

"Great, come on, hurry and taste what I've made." Chana picked up a bowl of porridge and said to Qin yundao with great joy.

She didn't know how many people begged Qin Yun and were driven back by Qin Yun with big gifts.

"HMM." Qin Yun smiled, nodded and took the bowl.

Qin Yun is weak and has little spiritual power. Food is a very good tonic for him.

Maybe it was because he hadn't eaten for a long time. He felt that the bowl of porridge in his hand was very fragrant and ate it in a few bites. Then Qin Yun swept away the food brought by Chana.

Chana was stunned. She had never seen such a patient who could eat.

However, Qin Yun was very excited when she wolfed down what she had made.

"So full, thank you." Qin Yun wiped his mouth, but his meaning was still incomplete.

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