After the stone gate was closed, I could still feel the giant eel pounding desperately.

Since the Tianling stone is in hand, Qin Yun doesn't need to stay here. He swims up the way he came.

At this time, the shaman wizard Ketar was staring anxiously at the water.

Qin Yun has been in the water for more than an hour. During this period, he has been staring at the water surface. He can clearly see the waves on the water surface and the vibration from the mountains.

He was not worried about Qin Yun's life and death, but that Qin Yun would destroy the holy spring.

"Wow." with a sound, a figure flew out of the water of the spring. The figure was Qin Yun.

Then Qin Yun fell steadily on the ground.

There was a burst of visible heat rising on Qin Yun's body surface, steaming his wet clothes dry.

The great wizard Ketar looked at Qin Yun and stared at him. If he hadn't seen Qin Yun enter the water with his own eyes, he couldn't see the trace of Qin Yun entering the water.

"Are you all right?" Ketar asked Qin Yun gingerly.

"Do you still want something to happen to me?" Qin Yun replied coldly. Then he didn't stop much and strode outside the cave.

Ketar looked at Qin Yun's back, turned his head to look at the Koizumi eye, and hurried to follow up.

The sun outside has completely risen and everything is bright.

The people of the witch sect surrounded Malik and others in the center. Malik and others looked at the covetous eyes of the people around the witch sect, which was also extremely nervous.

When Malik and others looked at Qin Yun with a smile, they seemed to grasp the backbone and immediately welcomed him.

"Let's go." Qin Yun said to Malik. He actually got the celestial stone this time. Naturally, he was very happy.

"OK, OK." Malik quickly nodded and agreed. He didn't want to stay here any longer.

So Malik took the lead to get on the helicopter and left the headquarters of the witch cult in the roar of the helicopter engine.

Watching the helicopter leave, a masked man came to Ketar and said, "great wizard, what happened? Why did it take so long to take a ghost grass?"

"You shouldn't have asked, don't ask!" Ketar scolded coldly.

The man was so scolded by him that he quickly closed his mouth and stepped aside.

"Go to T country." Qin Yun looked out of the window and said faintly.

Malik on one side quickly ordered the pilot to turn around and fly to the direction of T country.

A few hours later, the four helicopters landed steadily on the open space of the village.

There were no planes in this small village. People were so scared that they hid in their rooms that no one dared to come out.

"You go, there's nothing for you here! I don't want to see you in the future!" Qin Yun said in a deep voice to Malik after getting off the plane.

"Yes, yes, yes." Malik nodded his head and ordered his men to drive the plane away. He didn't want to meet Qin Yun in his life.

With the departure of the helicopter and the emergence of Qin Yun, people gradually came out of the room. Chaxi brothers took the lead in coming to Qin Yun: "brother, where have you been these two days?"

Qin Yun smiled. He couldn't say that he went to the kingdom of God first and was offered as an emperor for a day. Then he went to the witch sect and stirred it up.

"Where's Chana? Where's Chana?" Qin Yun asked.

"Xiao Na was taken to Abba's yesterday," chaxi replied.

"Take me there. I can cure her now." Qin Yun nodded.

"OK, this way."

When Qin Yun saw Chana again, she was still lying in bed pale, and her father and several women were taking care of her.

"You go out for a while." Qin Yun told several people in the house.

After listening to Qin Yun's words, they didn't hesitate. They got up and went out and closed the door tightly.

"Brush!" the golden awn flashed in Qin Yun's hand, and a white cloth appeared in his hand. When the white cloth was opened, a dark green ghost grass appeared.

Qin Yun's spiritual power flashed, and the dark green ghost grass rose out of thin air.

"Drink!" Qin Yun whispered. The golden light in his hand burst and shrouded in the ghost grass.

Then Qin Yun clenched his fist, and the golden light crushed the ghost grass and condensed it into dark green juice.

Qin Yun picked up the cup on the table, caught the dark green juice and took it for Chana.

After taking the juice of ghost grass, Chana's face began to improve slowly, and the damaged soul power began to recover slowly.

Qin Yun looked at her, a happy smile appeared on his face, and then turned and walked out of the room.

"Chana will recover in a few days. I have something important to do. Let's meet again." Qin Yun went out of the room and said to chaxi brothers and their father.

Chaxi brothers looked at each other, but they knew that Qin Yun was not an ordinary person, and they couldn't keep him here at all.

"You are not only a strong man, but also a rare good man." Chana's father stared at Qin Yun and said firmly.

After listening to his words, Qin Yun was suddenly stunned on his face, but in a moment, the corners of his mouth showed a smile again.

In the eyes of good people, he is a good man. In the eyes of bad people, he is a devil and a nightmare. This is Qin Yun.

"I once promised Chana to accept her as an apprentice. Now it seems that it may not be possible. Apologize to her for me." Qin Yun said to chaxi.

Chaxi shook his head. "I don't want to learn anything. I want her to be healthy and happy."

After listening to chaxi's words, Qin Yun nodded, then turned into a golden light and disappeared in front of several people.

The old man raised his head, looked at the disappeared Qin Yun and said with deep meaning, "I hope Xiao Na can get better as soon as possible."

After that, he walked in the direction of Chana

Qin Yun left the village and flew straight towards the Chinese territory. Now he can't wait to meet Ye Rou and others.

It is not far from the southeast border of China. At night, Qin Yun appeared at the border between T and China.

Here, Qin Yun fell from the air and walked to the territory of China.

Here is a dense forest with dense trees. A huge stone tablet stands impressively in the dense forest. That stone tablet is the border line.

Just as Qin Yun had just stepped into the territory of China, "Kaka, Kaka..." several bullets were loaded.

"This is Chinese territory. You can't cross the border without authorization. If you go forward, I'll shoot!" a low voice came from a distance.

Qin Yun smiled and stood where he was. After all, he was his own man. He didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

The sound of "rustle" came, and a team of heavily armed soldiers in camouflage jungle clothes rushed out of the trees.

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