More than ten minutes later, two Bentleys stopped at the door of the villa.

Qin ran and Qin Zhao walked down from Bentley one after another. Their hair was completely gray, but they were really energetic. It seems that they didn't suffer much in prison.

Qin ran and Qin Zhao were dressed in high-end Tang clothes and were accompanied by a middle-aged man with a straight suit.

Those two middle-aged people have not low accomplishments, but their eyes are full of wisdom, and they still have two folders in their hands. It seems that these two people are experts to repel the four home owners.

Two middle-aged people are followed by two young people. Qin Yun has never seen these two young people, but they should be the direct descendants of Qin ran and Qin Zhao.

"Dangdang!" Qin ran took the lead and knocked on the door of the villa.

"Brother, we're here. Have you made a decision?" Qin ran shouted to the villa as he knocked on the door.

The villa was still the same as usual, and no one came out to answer.

Qin Zhao behind Qin ran frowned and came forward: "brother, I'm the third brother. Open the door."

But after Qin ran and Qin Zhao shouted, there was still no answer in the villa.

"Could it be that the eldest brother died and they didn't dare to come out?" Qin Zhao suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Maybe, let's go in and have a look!" Qin ran was also happy. If Qin lie died, the Qin family's property would be theirs.

"Bang!" Qin ran kicked the door of the villa, took several people behind him through the garden and stormed into the villa.

As soon as he entered the main hall of the villa, he saw Qin lie sitting on the sofa with a dignified face. Qin Wu stood respectfully behind Qin lie.

Qin ran and Qin Zhao looked at Qin lie sitting there with a trace of disappointment on their faces.

"Why did you break in without opening the door?" Qin Wu snorted coldly to Qin ran and Qin Zhao.

"This is my Qin family's territory. We can come in as we want. You can't control it!" Qin ran retorted, and then sat down on the sofa.

Qin Wu bit his teeth and didn't refute anything.

"What are you talking about, old man? Qin Wu is the Qin family!" Qin lie shouted.

"Elder brother, you're really confused. Qin Wu, an outsider, must have pretended to take over part of the Qin family's property when you die." Qin Zhao behind him also sat on the sofa and smiled at Qin lie.

"Bold, how dare you curse the master!" Qin lie shouted violently.

"Our brother is talking. It's none of your business. Get out!" Qin Zhao sneered. He didn't pay attention to Qin Wu at all.

"Cough, cough." Qin lie looked at his two brothers. He was so angry that he coughed violently.

Qin Wu saw this, and his hands flashed. He gently tapped Qin lie on his back to help him straighten out his Qi and blood.

Brother Qin ran shouted: "Qin Wu, with so much strength, you want to murder brother, come on! Take it down for me!"

"Yes!" the two middle-aged men in suits behind Qin ran and Qin Zhao agreed, gently put the folder in their hands on the tea table, and rushed to Qin Wu, holding Qin Wu left and right.

Hiding in the dark, Qin Yun looked at the two middle-aged men in suits and said, "Dongdao people!"

The two men did not hurt Qin Wu, but took him aside. Qin lie coughed and said, "let him go!"

"Elder brother, he just wanted to hurt you. How can we sit back and ignore it?" Qin ran said with a smile and didn't listen.

"You..." Qin lie bit his teeth and stared at his two younger brothers.

Since Qin Feng's tragedy, he has attached great importance to family affection. He always thinks that Qin ran and Qin Zhao are his brothers anyway. Even when they were in prison, he specially told the prison guards to be kind to the two brothers.

But today, it seems that his idea is a little wrong.

Qin Zhao ignored Qin lie's eyes and said to Qin lie, "brother, how are things going? If you want to divide your family property, sign this document."

With that, Qin Zhao picked up the folder on the tea table in front of him and looked at Qin lie proudly. Qin ran also stared at the old owner of the Qin family with the same eyes.

Qin lie felt the eyes of his two brothers and said with a sneer: "I won't agree to divide the Qin family's property!"

"Well, since we don't agree to divide the property, let's choose a new owner." Qin ran smiled.

Then to the young man behind him: "Xiaobin, I haven't seen grandpa yet."

The young man behind Qin ran stepped forward and said to Qin lie, "Grandpa." although he called grandpa Qin lie, he didn't have a respectful tone.

Seeing this, Qin Zhao also looked at the young man behind him: "Xiaohai."

"Grandpa." the young man behind Qin Zhao also stepped forward, and his tone was also full of disdain.

Qin lie is no stranger to Qin Hai and Qin bin. It can be said that he watched them grow up. During the imprisonment of Qin ran and Qin Zhao, he didn't take less care of the two grandchildren, but he didn't expect this outcome.

Although Qin lie was cold in his heart, he did not show it, because he was a little open now. It was enough for him to have Qin Yun as a relative.

"Xiao bin, come here." Qin lie waved to Qin bin.

Qin bin looked at Qin lie waving to himself. He was obviously stunned. When he was stunned, Qin ran showed a happy expression on his face, "what's Xiaobin stunned? Grandpa called you."

After listening to Qin Ran's words, Qin bin hurried to Qin lie's side.

Qin lie whispered in Qin Bin's ear and said, "do you remember what I said?"

"Well, remember, thank you, Grandpa." Qin bin smiled and said.

"Well, go back," Qin lie said.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of Qin ran and Qin Zhao brothers, Qin ran looked happy. He thought Qin lie would pass the title of home owner to Qin bin.

Qin Zhao has a gloomy face. If Qin bin becomes the owner of the house, there will be nothing for him.

"Xiaohai, Grandpa just coughed. Go and beat his back." Qin Zhao said to Qin Hai.

When Qin Hai hesitated, Qin Zhao suddenly stood up and kicked Qin Hai: "don't you hear me!"

Qin Hai hurried to Qin lie's back. When he was ready to beat Qin lie's back, Qin lie said, "Xiao Hai, you'd better go back."

"Ha ha..." Qin ran suddenly laughed and said to Qin Hai, "did you hear what your grandfather said? Don't come back quickly."

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