Chapter 239 Layers of analysis, revisiting the past! (3/7 seeking automatic)

The first person Chen Luo dialed was the counselor of Tang Yue’s university more than ten years ago.

The call is connected.

“Hello, I’m Zhao Ming.”

“Hello Mr. Zhao, this is the Criminal Investigation Team of Changguan County, Hanzhou City. I want to know with you, do you remember Tang Yue?”

Chen Luo asked, but on the other end of the phone he asked a little bit unbelievably: “Hanzhou Criminal Investigation”

“Yes, if you have any doubts, you can confirm whether the landline number I dialed for you is…Changguan County Criminal Investigation Brigade.”

Chen Luo doesn’t use his mobile phone stupidly. The latter said hurriedly: “Sorry, comrade police, I am afraid of online fraud, so I just ask casually.”

“Well, Mr. Zhao, do you remember Tang Yue? It’s Tang Yue, the sixth graduate of the university you worked for 14 years ago.”

Chen Luo said in detail, and the other person immediately remembered: “You said him, and when I think of him, I am very impressed.

When I was in school before, I was half a man of the wind.”

“Well, Mr. Zhao might as well introduce Tang Yue to me.”

“Okay, but what happened to police comrade Tang Yue? Since he graduated, I have never seen him again.

But… I heard from other students that he stayed at home all the time.”

“Yes, now Tang Yue is involved in a criminal case, and I hope Mr. Zhao can know everything about it.

Especially when Tang Yue graduated, did he…have ever participated in work.”

“I haven’t heard that Tang Yue’s performance in school at that time has always been among the best.

Others are good-looking, so they have always been celebrities in the school.”

“Oh, yes, when Tang Yue was in school, he participated in many literary competitions and won many awards and bonuses.

Those of us…The counselors and the teachers in the school all felt that Tang Yue, a student who would not be a top student in the future, would definitely be a writer.”

After Chen Luo listened to it, he opened Tang Yue’s materials, and in his detailed materials, he clearly stated the awards of the literary competitions he had won.

Judging from the awards, the top three have won many awards.

But on the other hand, Hao Ming, his academic qualifications compared with Tang Yue’s, it is impossible to see.

Tang Yue graduated from a well-known college, and Hao Ming was from Pheasant University.

During Tang Yue’s school, he won many literary competition awards related to college students, and Hao Ming seems to have been struggling with the passing line.

The problem should not be here.

“Then when Tang Yue was in school, did he… ever talk about the industry he was most interested in?”

Chen Luo asked, and Zhao Ming said: “I haven’t heard of it, but I am not very clear, or you can contact Li Dongyang.”

Li Dongyang’s name Chen Luo is familiar, like Tang Yue’s roommate.

“Okay, thank you Mr. Zhao.”

Chen Luo said that he hung up the phone, and then dialed Li Dongyang’s number.

After the latter heard the words, he said, “Tang Yue, he doesn’t seem to have expectations for a specific industry.

Anyway…At that time, we all felt that he would either become a writer and rely on writing, or he might go to a certain place as an editor or something.”

“Then when Tang Yue was at school, he had never been interested in any one.”

“No, he is very smart, and his literature is particularly dazzling, so it covers up his other aspects of light.

Oh, yes, he seemed to be very interested in the Internet industry at that time. At that time, he said that the future will definitely be the world of Internet companies.”

“Then after you graduate, does Tang Yue have any related jobs?”

“No, but I know that Tang Yue has never returned home after graduation. He rented a house and seemed to want to continue his literary dream.

Only later I returned to my hometown and gradually lost contact with him.”

Chen Luo frowned, as if he still hadn’t established contact with Hao Ming.

“Then do you know Ye Qing?”

“Ye Qing doesn’t know him.”

“Where is Hao Ming”

“Neither do you know.”

Chen Luo nodded, but at this moment Guan Hongfeng, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, said something.

“Group leader, ask what Tang Yue was doing during the time he did not leave the city where the school is located after graduation.”

“Zhao Ming said that Tang Yue seems to be continuing his literary dream.”

“He didn’t succeed. If he succeeded, he would not return to his hometown to live a passive life.

So what happened after he graduated must have something to do with Hao Ming.”

As soon as Guan Hongfeng finished speaking, Qin Feng said: “The words of the team off…remind me that we don’t look for the reason according to the person, and calculate it according to the time!”

“Tang Yue graduated in the first half of the year, and Hao Ming worked in a construction company called Hanhai in Dongzhou.”

“In October of the same year, Hao Ming’s job changed. He moved from Hanhai to another construction company.”

“In December of the same year, Tang Yue left his city and returned to Guan County.

So the two months from October to December in 2006 will be… the place where Hao Ming and Tang Yue had conflicts.”

Qin Feng’s words made Chen Luo feel like a flash of inspiration, but Hao Ming’s construction industry has almost nothing to do with Tang Yue.

But Qin Feng used time to determine the possibility of contradictions, which makes sense.

“That’s Mr. Li, did you have no contact with Tang Yue since you graduated, or did you say that you were in contact at the beginning, but gradually reduced the contact”

“It’s slowly reducing contact.”

“Well, in the two months of January and December of 2006, did Tang Yue… tell you or do you… heard about Tang Yue from other classmates”

Time has passed for too long, not everyone’s memory can be as powerful as Qin Feng.

When Chen Luo reminded him like this, Li Dongyang…remembered.

“I forgot about it just now, but what you said, it seems that during that time I heard people say that Tang Yue went to sell. It seems that the manuscripts he wrote have been rejected, but in order to continue living, he needs to find a job. Dry.”

“It’s just that Tang Yue is very proud, I don’t believe that he can run sales.

Anyone who has done sales knows that as long as the customer does not care…

We have to be the grandson of whoever that person is.”

Chen Luo’s gaze condensed, Tang Yue’s resume did not have a resume in a certain company.

But now some people say that Tang Yue did sales. Could it be that Tang Yue didn’t even succeed in entering the job. Chen Luo asked again: “The student who told you this news, did he know which company Tang Yue worked for at the time? What kind of sales are you doing?”

“It seems to be a running building material, but he definitely didn’t do it. If he did, how could he go home so quickly?”

Li Dongyang has come up with an idea. If Tang Yue succeeds in joining the company, it would be impossible to return to his hometown so early! “Thank you, Mr. Li, but do you still have the contact information of the classmate who told you the news?”

“Yes, or let me ask for you”

“It could not be better.”

Chen Luo smiled and said thank you, then Li Dongyang hung up the phone.

Only a few minutes later, Li Dongyang called and said, “Comrade Police, my classmate told me that Tang Yue seemed to have joined the sales company at the time and finally did not hire Tang Yue.”


“It seems that Tang Yue has not completed the company’s assessment, that company has now closed down.

However, the company had a rule before that, in order to become an employee of the company, you need to successfully pull a list.”

“But Tang Yue didn’t seem to succeed, and it is said that he was humiliated.

Harm, he is such a proud and noble person. I have said that he can’t do sales.”

Li Dongyang said, but Chen Luo knew that the real motive for committing the crime finally surfaced! Feilu reminds you: Reading three things, collecting, pushing

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