There are 14 people including Monk Xiangyan, Shenlun, Guangyan, Deqing, Rongrui, Puzhao, and Situo, and 18 sailors.6 Nanhai Zhonghua Day departed from Chongfu Temple in Yangzhou and entered the sea through the Guazhou Canal to the south. Along the way, the wind and waves were high, the water and rice were cut off, and the boundary of the drifting state (now Yaxian County, Hainan) had to be docked. In this way, the fifth voyage failed again. Jianzhen and others were supported by the local magistrates, and after doing some Buddhist deeds in various places, they were sent back to Yangzhou. "

Doctor Myth instructed everyone to open the time tunnel function on the magic clothes and magic vests, and he took Li Ping, Ah Lang, Ah Bin, Yang Yang, and the time tunnel of the flying man with thunder and lightning. In front of them were Jianzhen's master and apprentice and the Japanese monk Rong Rui, who were full of 14 people and sailors, and set out from Yuezhou (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang) in high spirits in July and August

I'd like to accompany you for a walk. "

Master Jianzhen replied: "Hello, Doctor Myth, this is our fifth eastward crossing, and if it fails, we are ready to cross eastward again." "From time to time, seabirds fly close to the sails, and fish in the sea often jump out of the water. When Jianzhen saw this, his expression was very happy, and he kept standing on the board. But not long after, a strong wind suddenly blew on the sea. Soon the sky darkened, and large dark clouds obscured the sun, and the more it blew, the sea set off huge waves like hills one after another. The wooden boat that Jianzhen was riding on was like a leafless and acidless, tossed high by the waves for a while, and buried in the trough for a while. The people on the ship staggered one by one, and some of them did not dare to move because of the wooden pillars in the cabin; Some of them vomited profusely because of seasickness. Doctor Myth, Adam, Nut, and Pai couldn't help vomiting because of their conditioned reflexes. The wooden ship tossed and turned day after day in this treacherous environment, and at any moment it was in danger at the bottom of the sea.

When the sixth day arrived, the relentless sea breeze was probably tired, and it gradually quieted down, and the sea slowly calmed down. The boatload of people, due to the fact that they had not eaten or drunk for several days, and because they vomited desperately, they were all pale and had no strength in their bodies. People's lips were so dry that they couldn't open their mouths, and their throats were smoking, and they were really uncomfortable. However, there was not even a mouthful of fresh water on the boat, and someone used a little seawater to taste it, but it was bitter and astringent, and it was really impossible to swallow.

On the afternoon of the seventh day, large dark clouds ran in the southwest sky, and people were afraid that a strong wind was coming, and people's hearts were jumping with nervousness. Immediately, people's mood turned cloudy again, and this dark cloud turned into a heavy rain in an instant, which was like rain from heaven for people who were eager for fresh water. People cheered, "This is life-saving rain." "

People brought out of the cabins all the vessels that could hold water, and they were filled with rainwater. Then the people stood on the deck with their heads tilted and tried to open their thirsty mouths to catch water. Dr. Mythology, Li Ping, Ah Bin, Ah Lang, Yang Yang, and Huang Mei began to eat the compressed biscuits they had brought, and then observed on the boat. The boat continued to move forward, and on the 14th day, the whirlwind swept up the wooden sailboat they were on, first threw it into the sky, and then fell into the valley, and the planks on the boat broke and screamed, and Ah Bing and Doctor Myth guarded several women, Ah Lang protected Master Jianzhen, and the wooden sail was like an eagle with broken wings, unable to fly, and could only drift with the waves on the sea.

In the past few days, disasters have not gone alone. First, the Japanese monk Rong Rui fell ill and died. Looking at Rong Rui's body, Jianzhen cried sadly that Shuangjianzhen's eyes were sick, and although he took medicine for treatment, he still did not get better, and finally lost his sight. This was really a heavy blow, and just when Jianzhen was very sad, he heard the news that Xiangyan was seriously ill. One night, Xiang Yan felt that he was about to die, so he guarded his senior brother and called the master quickly. Jianzhen came to him, Xiangyan gasped for breath urgently, and with great difficulty, he took out a notebook and a scripture book that he copied by hand from the small cloth bag beside him, held it to Jianzhen with both hands, and spit out the last sentence intermittently: "Please, Master... It's these....brought to Japan...... Go. "

After saying that, Shohiko swallowed. Jianzhen leaned down and stroked Xiangyan's corpse, crying out in grief, "Xiangyan, Xiangyan! Xiangyan lay quietly, Jianzhen suffered such a heavy blow mentally and physically, and deeply felt the difficulties of the road to the east.

However, all this has only increased the courage to appreciate the truth. He swore to heaven: "If I don't go to Japan, I won't die!" Dr. Myth, Ah Bin, and Ah Lang were moved by the scene and all burst into tears. The wooden boat floated to the sea of Yazhou near Zhenzhou (commonly known as Yazhou in modern times). They think they are cornered, they don't know where the road is, they don't know where they want to find a harbor to stop.


the endless road, a large ship came to them, and there were several people who looked like merchants on it. The other party was a merchant who was transporting goods back to Zhenzhou, and when he heard that it was Master Jianzhen's ship, he said enthusiastically: "You follow us under the traction of the big ship, Master Jianzhen's wooden sailing ship has been traveling on the sea for 3 days, and finally saw a piece of continent appear in front of them.6 They used their last strength and rowed their oars desperately, and the ship docked at the port of Shuinan Village.

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