(Chapter 72: There is something to discuss)

Ye Xin was still waiting for Eligore to stand up and fight him again. After waiting for a while, he found that Eligore had not moved yet.

"Um? Is this the end? No! brother! Why are you so weak! Aren't you the ace of the dark guild Iron Forest?"

"As a villain, shouldn't you fight for hundreds of rounds? Why did you fall down before I even tried my best?"

"Don't you still have the 'Curse Song'? It's not too late for you to finish blowing first and then fall down!"

The presidents of various magician guilds who were watching the battle were very speechless when they heard Ye Xin's words. The presidents of the guilds present were all mature figures.

Although Ye Xin almost killed Eligore, the ace god of death in the Iron Forest, in an instant Now, they all could see that it was not that Eligore was too weak, but that the little monster Ye Xin was too strong. So strong that many magicians were afraid of him. Eligore, who was known as the God of Death, was like It was an adult who was beaten like a child and was unable to fight back. He didn't even have time to use the so-called 'curse song'.

"So strong!"


"Is this the 'Legendary Wizard'?"

"Eligore is no match at all!"......

Makarov felt relieved after hearing this, but he still said:"It's just so-so. This brat has no power at all. His opponent is too weak. This brat is far behind me."

Ye Xin was very unhappy. I am very unhappy. There must be insurance at the train station, but you still have to pay for the ride most likely. Before you can get back the money for the ride, you fell down.

Suddenly, an unpleasant and hoarse voice sounded from Eligore's position and said:"Jiejie~! Do you still want to fight? Then let me play with you!"

Then Eligore's chest Suddenly there was a green light, and a skeleton flute with three eyes flew out, and green smoke continued to emit from the flute.

In a blink of an eye, the smoke turned into a huge monster that looked like a tree man.

The presidents of the guilds saw this scene and exclaimed:"What?!"


"Oops! Something bad happened!" said Uub, the president of the Cyan Pegasus Guild.

"What is this?"

Goldman, the president of the Four-Headed Hound Guild, explained:"It's the devil in Zeref's book! That monster is the"curse song" itself, a living magic. This is the magic of Zeref, the most ferocious wizard in the history of the magic world."

‘Curse Song' said:"What a bunch of useless trash, I really can't stand it anymore, I'll do it myself! As for you, let me help you realize your wish!"

As he said this, the monster opened his mouth. , and then sucked on Eligore, and a soul that looked exactly like Eligore flew out of Eligore's body.

Eligor's soul kept struggling, but to no avail, and was finally sucked into his mouth by the monster.

"Huh~! Comfortable~! But I'm still very hungry. As a devil, I have to abide by my promise. Since I agreed to that idiot, I have no choice but to devour your soul."‘Curse Song opened his mouth wide as he said this.

Many magic guild leaders changed their faces when they saw this scene, covered their ears with their hands and shouted:"No! It's going to release a curse song!""

"Buzz~! call out——!"A golden laser beam fell directly on one of the arms of 'Curse Song'

"boom!!!"There was a terrible explosion.

"Click!"'Song's' arm was blown off by the explosion.

"Uh-huh~!"‘Cursed Song screamed in pain. He was planning to release the Cursed Song to harvest souls but had to listen to it. His body is just a flute. If there is any damage, he cannot use the group curse killing magic.

"asshole! How dare you hurt my precious body! I'm going to make you pay with your life! Ye

Xin held a lollipop in his mouth and said with a smile:"Didn't you say you wanted to play with me instead of that guy?" Then let's play. The rules of the game are very simple. I will attack you every ten seconds. As long as you can persist for one minute, I will spare your life. What do you think?"

"Brat! I am the devil from the Book of Zeref created by the greatest black magician. If you dare to underestimate me, then go to hell!"'Curse Song' opened his mouth wide when he said this.

"Boo hoo hoo——!"Balls of green magic energy bullets shot towards Ye Xin

"Boom boom boom!!"

The magic energy bomb fell on the ground and caused a large-scale explosion.

"You brat, this is what you will get for daring to go against the devil in the Book of Zeref!"

Suddenly, Ye Xin's voice rang in the ears of 'Chu Song':"I'll take it as you agreed, then I'll start counting down, 10, 9、....."

"What?!"'Shu Ge' was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Ye Xin had been standing on his shoulders for some time before he noticed it.

"Go to hell!"'Shu Ge' punched Ye Xin, and Ye Xin's body was suddenly smashed into golden light spots. Because 'Shu Song' seemed to have a hard time with his head, he used too much force and punched him. in one's own head

"Haha~! You arrogant kid, please die this time!"

"Puff~! wrong answer! There are still 10 seconds left"

‘Cursed Song' heard Ye Xin's voice, and his big face like a tree man monster showed an expression of disbelief for a moment.

"Buzz~! call out——!"

"boom!"'Song's' left leg was shot with a hole by the laser beam, and then the laser fell on the ground and exploded.

"Ouch!"'Song' was knocked to the ground by the impact of the explosion.

"Now start counting again 10, 9......"

‘Curse Song shouted loudly at Ye Xin:"How is it possible?! You are not dead!""

"......3, 2, 1!"Ye Xin ignored it and continued to read.

"Buzz~! call out——!"


‘A hole was also shot out of Curse's right leg.


"10, 9, 8......"

‘Curse Song raised his hand in a hurry and said,"Wait a minute! We have something to discuss!""

"Buzz~! call out——!"The golden laser beam penetrated 'Curse Song''s arm directly from the palm of his hand.


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