just twenty days, Shana and Yuan used both flames in the duel exercises. Even Shana realized that she was alone in her own way, similar to the control method of the law of freedom.

“–Okay, that’s it.”

With the sound of words, the wolf’s paws were waved, and the flames waved by the two little girls were bounced off, and the practice was over.

The body of the giant wolf turned into a group of azure flames and dispersed, and the blond woman wearing a slim ol outfit fell to the ground lightly.

“Not bad, you two. The method of controlling flame in such a short time seems to be very talented in combat.”

Looking at the two in front of me. A girl who gasping for breath, Ma Qionglin praised them rarely.

Even by her strict standards, these two girls are impeccable. If it is other fire-mist fighters, unless there is hatred as fuel, it is impossible to achieve their level in such a short time.

“Thank you, Chant Reciter.”

As the inflammation cooled, Shana relieved the fighting posture. After expressing her gratitude to Ma Qionglin seriously, she looked at Yuan aside, and the two smiled at each other, quite in agreement.

These girls are almost inseparable during these days. In the face of high-intensity battles, they could not continue to attack solo, so they simply participated in the battle as a group. After fighting, they ate and lived together and studied together.

A variety of factors caused the two people’s feelings to heat up quickly, and they soon became very good friends.

“Tsk. At the beginning, the face was cold, but the little bit was actually hidden. Forget it, don’t thank me. This is meant to be a good reward. Misaki City So that many apostles will gather because of the present god who contracted Hirai? It’s nothing to be able to give me that many prey and teach you how to fight.”

“Hahahaha! That’s right! Ah! Fighting, killing and killing, you can get softer every day! After the hands are soft, the heart will also soften, my hard-mouthed lady Marjoon–haha!”

“Shut up, fool Mark! “

Seems to be stabbed in pain by Marksias’ words, and Marjorine fiercely punched the book.

“But, you have to have a head in these days. The outside house is already working hard, but many fire-mist fighters still pretend not to hear. To be honest, the outside house provides information and Food and lodging make the action of the Fire Mist Warriors easier, but once the faction this thing appears, many things will become troublesome.”

If the subject changed casually, Ma Qionglin repaired the yard. The edges and corners were blown up, and then the ban was lifted.

In the eyes of ordinary persons, today is just the same day as usual that’s all, but in the eyes of people who can recognize the power of existence, the closure of Misaki City and the surrounding areas of the city is becoming more and more. too much. Such a large number and frequency will cause irreversible distortions to the city over time and loosen the entire city’s existence.

Because there has never been such a thing before, the Fire Mist Warriors realized this only under the reminder of the Red World Demon King within the body.

This dangerous state has continued, and even the gods of heavenly punishment have no good solution. The reason why things will develop to this step is also very simple. The reinforcements of the Firemist Warriors have been delayed, and the apostles have also slowed down their pace of entering Misaki City, causing the battle strength of both parties to be in a delicate balance.

“en. Although Wanjo has tried his best to request reinforcements, the situation in Misaki City still cannot attract the attention of the headquarters of the outside world. Their strategy is indeed effective, but if Misaki City really collapses, The consequences are simply unimaginable!”

When it comes to this matter, the god of heavenly punishment is also somewhat helpless.

The most reliable foreign headquarters indeed sent troops to the Far East, but they did not focus on Misaki City. Among the fire-mist fighters, there are very few people who believe in the oracles of the gods. Although there are factors of different beliefs, many of them stubbornly believe that the words of the enemy’s gods cannot be believed.

So, they, who didn’t take Misaki City seriously, occupied every node city leading to Misaki City, blocked the apostles who planned to go to Misaki City, and shared the pressure for Shana and the others. Only a few fire-mist fighters enter Osaki City.

Therefore, the battle in Misaki City was not resolved for a long time, and neither the Fire Mist Warrior nor the Apostle had much rest time. This city is like a meat grinder, with apostles or fire fog constantly dying in battle, and then new apostles and fire fog join in.

“Ai, there is really no good way to do this, I can only look forward to a turnaround.”

Xana sighed softly. Even if she is a substitute for the gods, she cannot end the battle.

“…By the way, fate. Is there still no news on the side of the present gods?”

Speaking of which, the contractor of the friend is the source of everything. However, this source has been missing for a long time.

“Still not working.” Mario Hirai touched the ring on his hand, then shook the head, “Obviously the Divine Item is still there, but I can’t get a response. Maybe, Lord God is really Very busy.”

Only when Zhao Huang is mentioned, does Hirai’s face show a weak expression. She was very worried about whether the Lord God had encountered something that she couldn’t handle, and she was not returning. If things are really like that, she can’t help.

“Well. We must also pay attention to this matter. Since he is mentioned in the prophecy of Jue Zhi Xiaoyin, his existence must be closely related to the future of this World. At this point in time, disappear without a trace. , I’m afraid it won’t be a good thing.”

Alastor pondered then said.

Heavenly punishment God’s heart is a little disturbed. This World, as if it changed its appearance when he didn’t know it, there was always a subtle sense of incongruity, and this feeling became more and more intense as time passed.

Just as he was thinking, a breath suddenly approached.

The visitor was dressed in a maid costume, with a calm face with determination and caution.

“It seems that you have finished the cultivation. I came just right.”

Simply greeted, the maid stopped in front of the yard.

“Will Hemina?”

Calling each other’s name, Shana trotted approached. Although the maid had been a little unhappy after coming to this city, she didn’t mention those things again after seeing Shana’s battle with Yuan.

Don’t stop, but don’t agree, this is her attitude.

“Thanks,” said to Shana nodded, the maid still didn’t call her by that name, “I’m here this time to dictate an important piece of information. This is an urgent information from Zurich. , The inscriber is Zofi Sabeliss.”


Isn’t that the headquarters of the outside residence?


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