Splitting the steel spear
like a beast bite, Xiu Denan laughed loudly while suppressing the fate of opening his eyes with the violence of pure existence.

This Little Princess is really amazing. Just opening my eyes, I actually became able to enjoy myself a little bit. In time, she might be so strong that the first generation of inflammation burned her eyes, and she could even surpass it.

“So, what does the present god want to do?”

The voice of Alastor drops from the sky with Shana’s long knife.

Become a beast with his left arm, Xiu Denan raised his claw to take the knife, and then violently rotated his body to force Shana and Hirai Yuan back together.

“Who knows. If you have the opportunity, you can ask yourself.”

To avoid answering God’s questions about heavenly punishment, Xiu Denan devoted his energy to guide the phosphorus The children began to block. As long as it lasts five to 60%, the city will be transformed into a pure force of existence, and he will be qualified to fight with God.


A glance at each other, Shana and Yuan made a decision. Since he seems to know, even if he wants to use a strong one, he must be forced to speak out! The contractor of the two gods, if you don’t believe it, you can’t beat him as a Demon King!

The gilt and red, different colors, but the same ancient and noble flame, ignited from Shana’s long knife and Yuan’s long spear.

The two have completed the division of labor in a tacit look, ready to fight with Xiu Denan. If it is one of them, no matter who it is, it is impossible to fight him, but if the two of them work together, it may not be impossible to fight.

After one second.

The small building where Hirai Margin lives is scattered ashes and dispersed smoke among the three-color pillars of fire rising into the sky. The two girls who went all out, and Xiu Denan, who still maintained their human form, easily destroyed the entire vicinity.

The two of them have already exerted their full strength recklessly, but Xiu Denan seems to be able to do so.

The battle with Zhao Huang allowed Xiu Denan to learn from experience. Getting large in size is not necessarily a good thing in many cases. Rather than trying to overwhelm the enemy with quality, it is better to consider submerging the enemy with skill and huge presence.

Now he is practicing this with the two “Little Princess” in front of him.

That is his boldness of execution stems from superb skill, replaced by other Red Demon Kings, even the so-called top five in modern times, it is impossible to guide the devouring city while not being the strongest Fight with two enemies that cannot be underestimated.

The turbid purple flame roared, almost extinguishing the golden and red flames. The deafening explosions continued one after another, and the entire enclosure was transformed into a battlefield for three people.

Lying on the ground at the edge of the seal, Ma Qionglin covered her wound and repaired it regardless of consumption. She must return to the battle as soon as possible, and she can’t just let the two small points face the fierce Demon King who hides her strength.

Time slowly passed, Shana and Yuan began to have wounds on their bodies, and Xiu Denan’s appearance became embarrassed. He worked hard for several purposes, after all, it made him appear a number of weak spots that he shouldn’t have.

But, all this is worth it. Because the spell of devouring the city is about to be completed. The distortion of this city has become so huge that if the ban is lifted, it can be seen immediately with naked eye.

Transformed into a huge synthetic beast, Xiu Denan stepped out of a sonic boom, easily flashed Shana and Yuan’s combined attack, and then knocked down the two little girls.

Up to now, there is no need to take out the final posture at all. He has already figured out the combat experience of the two little girls and can achieve suppression.

“It’s a pity that what I want to do is over.”

Recovering his human form, Xiu Denan let the law of freedom enter the first stage. As long as the resonance becomes stronger, the whole process will happen unstoppably. It was he who won.

It was at this time that the heavenly punishment god finally noticed the huge distortion of the city.

Unfortunately, it’s too late.

――Is it really late?

“Have you never thought about it, is everything going too smoothly, Xiu Denan?”

A hand that does not belong to anyone present, lightly catches it from behind Xiu Denan’s shoulder.

Until he uttered his voice, no one, including the god of heavenly punishment, noticed him. It’s as if he was inserted into this World only at this brief moment.

“Knowing that I might be in the vicinity, and doing these little actions, whether you are in the vicinity, be it Belle Peolu, you are so courageous. Even if you died last time, it didn’t matter. You can’t jump like that.”

Missing in a tone like a conversation with a friend, Zhao Huang lightly squeezed Xiu Denan’s shoulder and threw him to the ground.

“Your luck is really good, Xiu Denan. Every time I plan to do something and so on, you can always catch up.”

patted hand, Zhao Huang looked down at Xiu Denan and smiled:

“This time, I will trouble you to witness the rehearsal. I will let you know how much’Eden’ can do.”

The voice fell, and the young man moved towards the sky and raised his right hand.

“—I am rewarded and punished, and I must repay each person for what he has done!”

Powerful words come out from the mouth, the golden balance illusory shadow, slowly follow Behind the boy appeared.

At this moment, he, with a solemn and solemn expression, is the only judge in this world!

(6k3, also 2k)

029 Rehearsal of Judgment Day

When the golden balance illusory shadow appears, all the non-profits within the scope of “Eden” Everyone instinctively understands one thing: from this moment on, something has become different.

Although they don’t know what is different for the time being, this sense of lack and infreedom is more vivid than anything else.

The breeze blows, and the huge power of existence escapes from Zhao Huang’s body, moving towards all around spreads, and all the people that come into contact along the road will be affected by the battle of Xiu Denan and the others Repair the resulting damage.

When this ring-shaped spreading force of existence touches the edge of the seal, the turbid purple seal immediately dissolves like ink falling into the water, and disappears under the inexplicable force.

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