enemy’s target is a magician, and his concealment ability is extremely strong. Therefore, unless the presence of a magician is sensed, the opponent will not take risks if he knows the existence of the follower.

For this reason, Semiramis asked the pigeons to send Zhao Huang props that can simulate the breath of the master. There were five samples in the garden, even if it was temporary work, the production time of an afternoon was overflowed.

With this, even if Zhao Huang is alone, it is enough to be a bait.

On the roof of a building in the distance, Spirit Physique’s Atalante is watching Zhao Huang silently.

She still remembers the young man who fought Hector in front of her. It is a strange thing that Wu Yong can’t remember.

She didn’t feel much at the time, but now, she is vaguely convinced.

The follower has a “similar” taste.

He must have made efforts to help someone, chasing the Holy Grail.

It’s…sad that such a person turns into a berserker and so on.

However, after thinking about his other Treasure Item, Atalante couldn’t help but open his eyes slightly, seeing the boy’s figure more clearly.

That unknown posture, curses and resentment entwined from head to toe.

――Maybe, that is the end that matches the person who made the wish of overestimate one’s capabilities.

015 Encounter in the Mist

Not only Romania, even in the whole territory of Europe, there is no other city as peculiar as Sighisoara.

The specificity lies in the word “unchanged”.

Although it is only a small city with a population of 30,000, people who come for sightseeing will have the illusion that time travels back to the medieval era as long as they visit historical areas registered as world cultural heritage. . Therefore, it is not a suitable place for sightseeing for those who live in not too long ago.

Walking up the uneven stone-paved ramp, you can see many residential houses that have not been changed since the 16th century. The square used for the trial of Demoness is still in its original shape. .

Other tourist attractions include the home of Vlad III (now a restaurant), the obelisk as a landmark building, and the hill church (Amakusa) at the highest point in the old city. Stronghold). In any case, it is also the most suitable place for foreigners to “experience the past of Europe”.

And such Sighişoara is now shrouded in the terror cloud of successive killings of Human Demon.

Under the dim sodium lamp, Zhao Huang was walking silently.

At first, his pace was relatively fast. As a modern person, he has been accustomed to a fast-paced life in that environment since he was a child, and he walks at a large and fast pace. Because he didn’t want to waste time on the road.

However, the more he walked, the more serious his expression became and his pace slowed down.

――In his heart, he had released a lot of grievances because of the hours-long battle not long ago, but now he has started to boil again. This also means that he may fall into a frenzied state at any time.

There is only one possibility for this situation.

That is, his body is eager to fight. Longing for… the enemy not far away.

The enemy is not at all, and Zhao Huang has no idea where the opponent is, but this does not prevent his body from starting to activate, and the magic power flows to the limbs.

The experience gained across countless death fights allows him to “smelt” the aura of battle.

The dim street lights actually hinder the view. The bright places are dimly visible, not to mention the dark places. However, these have little effect on Zhao Huang. Although he can’t see clearly now, as long as he wears armor, with the help of it, he can temporarily obtain clairvoyance-like skill effects.

The use of light and shadow to affect his vision is just a meaningless move.


Stopping, Zhao Huang pulled out his hands from his trouser pockets.

“…has it fogged up?”

At some point, a cloud of fog began to appear around Zhao Huang. In this way, his vision has become more blurred, to the point where he can’t even see beyond the five meters without armor – no, wait a minute.

The weather was clear just now, how can there be thick fog that can block the view suddenly?

This is unscientific, but very magical.

“Huh. Skills?”

It was just an instant that a dark flame burst on the boy’s body.

When the flame dissipated, the full-covered streamlined armor was put on him.

The vision is increased, and the concealing effect of the dense fog is immediately reduced. However, even so, Zhao Huang’s line of sight is still unable to penetrate the mist.

“Poison mist composed purely of magic.”

As long as it is an assassin with a slightly higher aura masking level, it can be swaggered to approach from the front with the help of this mist. Because, the magic power in this mist will cause considerable interference to the follower’s induction ability.

In addition, this mist also contains the toxicity that an ordinary person will die soon after inhaling it. Even a magician, as long as he is in this mist, he will suffer continuous damage.

A follower, unless he has no magic power, will not be poisoned. But agility will drop by one level. And it will lose direction.

At the very least, Zhao Huang, who has clearly memorized the map and even measured the entire city with his feet, has no idea where he is in just a few short steps. .

When I saw the walls and buildings, I couldn’t match the terrain in my mind.

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