“On this basis, you said you want to beat me half to death?”

Zhao Huang’s “Sure enough” voice made the real fire extremely hot.


Shouted, the girl pulled out the lightsaber and moved towards Zhao Huang and flew over.

032 In order to kill the elves, don’t you even need your life?

The shield-shaped display device opened like a flower, and a cylinder fell into Jina’s hands.

As she pressed the switch, a thick lightsaber shot out from the front of the handle.

This is the lightsaber that accompanies her countless times to cut off the nightmare head. It has the formidable power that can treat the spirit outfit of the elf as nothing. In the whole dem, except for the executive director, Ailian, there is only A weapon she only possesses.

Because she is Adeptus2, holds the rank of second lieutenant, the proud trump card of dem society, and the wizard with the record of killing elves.

As soon as she grasped this sword, Zhenna’s nerves began to become numb.

Countless times… Her own countless experience of killing the nightmare began to rise from the depths of her mind. The touch of piercing her body with this sword made the specially treated hilt become sticky.

Cut off the head, cut off the limbs, smash the torso…At first, in order to completely kill Kuangsan, Zhenna’s approach became more and more brutal. However, when she found that Kuang San would not die, she just mutilated her routinely.

She turned the same face into a cold corpse time and time again, and then repeatedly experienced the touch of cutting limbs.

At her age, in the current daily background of this World, this kind of experience shouldn’t exist.

How long has her soul been eroded? Several years?

…In short, she is an invincible elf killer who holds this sword.

Even Nightmare can kill her again and again, and other elves are not worth paying attention to.

Step out in one step, and the display device behind it sprays magic power to accelerate.

In a blink of an eye, she rushed in front of Zhao Huang.



The lightsaber slammed down, severely slashing the barrel of the gun in front of Zhao Huang Above.


Janna, who was pushed away hard, swung down the lightsaber again without discouragement.

She didn’t understand why this guy in front of her could move freely in her random area. Obviously the gravity exerted on him has reached four times, and the air around him is obviously tampered with by the manifestation device into a solid.

If you continue to strengthen the restraint, it will affect the output of the lightsaber, so you really have to give up the plan to kill with one blow.


Second sword, Zhenna relied on being able to fly around to the back of Zhao Huang, originally planning to use the opponent’s slow weak spot to attack his back, However, he was once again blocked by the long spear that came first.

Where did she know that although Zhao Huang’s spear technique was a product he learned from all over the world, he had already walked out of his own way under repeated use by himself. Arrived at the gate of Divine Realm.

In this World, the guy who can defeat him through melee combat does not exist.


Just when Zhenna was about to continue attacking, Zhao Huang took a deep breath.

After unreasonably regaining his posture, he was clearly in the arbitrary domain, but he was still out of the lock of the arbitrary domain at that moment.

Slammed on the ground, Zhao Huang swung his gun while turning around.

He has no hatred with this group of wizards, and this battle was only fought because the opponent provoked. Therefore, Zhao Huang intends to knock down the opponent just like before.

“Wu! This kind of level……!”


Accurately parrying the long spear, really widened his eyes and rushed again Come up.

It’s not that simple to attack her in her random area.

Even if her own five senses cannot be captured, the random domain itself is also equivalent to a part of her body, and it is entirely possible for the random domain to manipulate the body to respond.

ding ding ding~ ――!

After three shots of Zhao Huang were blocked one after another, the girl’s overloaded body finally showed a weak spot.


Tear the air, Zhao Huang’s long spear moved towards Zhenna’s head straight.

Of course, he released the water with this blow. Because he couldn’t find the random area of ​​the girl in front of him, he had to force the opponent to defend with the random area to break it and weaken it. And unless he stabbed into the random area, he would not increase his strength.

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