Subconsciously, everyone bounced on the screen in front of them, connected to a camera with a microphone that was dropped after the mist was dispersed.

“–Return to me, Shishina!”

The hermit’s cry of crying came into everyone’s ears.

After that, they saw it.

The pure white beam of light rises from the sky.

After that, they heard it.

The magic detector screamed and warned.

A wave of magic power reaching the magnitude of the spirit wave, swept the entire Heavenly Palace City in an instant.

After this, the beam of light dispersed. A small white hand puppet, riding on the wind, fell slowly, and fell into the hands of Shiiono who was looking up at the sky blankly.

038 grail! The world is completely messy

Zhao Huang left with Toka and Shiina.

The special teams of ast and dem, who had fallen into a sluggishness, did not notice the departure of the three.

Even the Flaxinas crew members who were silently observing everything in the sky, they just stared at the empty scene in a daze.

What they saw just now was enough to shake the common sense so far.

Including the “half human” in Qinli, who was also in a state of vacillation at this time.

“This World…wasn’t there only elves and humans…”

Looking at the big screen on the bridge, the piano mumbled unconsciously.

On the left half of the screen, the body data of “White Knight” was finally analyzed by the analysis officer of Murakami Lingyin. On the right half of the screen, Zhao Huang comforted Shiiono, coaxed her to make a wish and took back Shiina with the power of the Great Saint Cup.

“Commander…this matter, I am afraid it will completely break the current balance.”

Kamimuzuki Kyohei, who also looks at the screen, is rarely seen on his face. Showing a serious expression.

As a ace player of ast, he can also be ranked in the forefront of wizards in the world. He knows exactly what it means on the screen.

The so-called White Knight is not actually a wizard, nor is it a wizard.

His body is entirely composed of high-density magic power, and there is no biological component from head to toe. Even the clothes and equipment are clumps of pure magic condom.

And just now, he used huge magic power as an introduction, and moved the space to make the hand puppet appear in front of the hermit.

If it is not for a moment, the space shock alarm will sound.

―In other words, what he said to Shitono “speak your wish” is not a nonsense to coax a child, but more like some kind of ceremony behavior.

To get serious, it is that he has a way to turn his spoken words into reality. Although this is probably limited by magic, it is already terrifying enough.

At the same time, this also means a great temptation.

Just think about the Holy Grail. In the world next door, this wishing machine has made it possible for heroes of all ages and even gods and Demi-God to fight for it in person.

Not to mention the world here.

When Jessica, Liaozi and Qinli submitted their reports in their own way, the world was completely messed up.

Under the carpet search, all the information after Zhao Huang’s descending spirit was presented on the table of the leader.

This time, all the incredible things he has done so far have been answered.

Get a full set of legal identity certificates without anyone remembering-the wish is fulfilled.

Let [Princess] and [The Recluse] both maintain the real world, but can freely decide whether to release spirit strength-the wish is fulfilled.

Even Zhao Huang’s combat capability and flame capability are classified as “wish realization”.

Finally, for the existence of Zhao Huang, dem, Japanese ast and Latatosk, they all summarized in their own way.

“This is a dangerous creature with the ability to achieve wishes within a certain range. Its body is constructed by 100% magic, with a humanoid appearance, high intelligence and thinking ability. Combat capability Higher than the wizard, the output limit is unknown.”

“The original codename White Knight was abandoned, and the new codename grail was used.”

“Comprehensive risk: ss. Comprehensive priority: max.”

If you can get him, it is undoubtedly equivalent to getting a gift from the gods. The technology and so on of the display device is not worth mentioning in front of the wishing machine. The display device also needs computer calculations, necessary materials and machinery, but the wishing machine only needs imagination and the wishing machine itself.

Speak up as you wish, and everything will come true if you want–if this is not the realm of the gods, what is it?

This power is enough to make anyone’s heart move. Not to mention those standing at the top.

If you give up everything and you can exchange this power, they may agree without saying a word.

When the time comes, what immortality, what powerful force, are only in a single thought.

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