There is no doubt about this.

If the only target locked is Zhao Huang, then even if he takes a bath in this main gun, that’s the case for him. All hostile interventions equivalent to level b are invalid and can be act wilfully.

But elves can’t, humans can’t.

If Zhao Huang does nothing, what about Shixiang and the others? What about Shizhi and the others?

After this shot, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke are normal results.

So, you cannot be indifferent to this.


With ten fingers crossed, Zhao Huang pressed the palms of both hands tightly together.


The magical power shaped like an electric arc leaked from his palm and hit the surrounding ground.

There is no time for him to wait for the rebirth of the long spear.

So, he has to directly accumulate the Treasure Item.


lightly shouted, Zhao Huang slammed his hands towards the sides and pulled them apart.

Golden’s light gun stretched out from the palm of his hand.

The gun is two meters long and can be held in one hand in diameter. The compressed magic power made an uneasy agitation within the “gun body”.

As soon as he grasped the long spear, Zhao Huang casually twisted a spear, and then strenuously kicked up, flying into the air with the jet of flames.

――He wants to intercept the main gun here.

“No problem. Since I can do it theoretically, I can try it…!”

In the helmet, Zhao Huang licked his lips.

He did this for the first time, so he didn’t know whether it was possible.

However, even if he fails, he can detonate the light gun to block the main gun, so don’t try for nothing.

“Come on, let me see if I can control it!”

Along with Zhao Huang’s voice, the brilliance of the main cannon like a waterfall poured into his Overhead.

At this moment.

The blazing flame swept across Zhao Huang’s body, and then separated a spiral wound around the light gun in his hand.

The magic power released at this time can no longer increase the formidable power of Treasure Item, but it can increase Zhao Huang’s ability value. In order to achieve this blow, he must be fully prepared.

“Cut it off…”

With a whisper, Zhao Huang raised the light gun and waved it at the magical shelling overhead.


The dazzling golden light blocked his vision.

The world in his eyes was divided in half by this flash of gold.

The unstoppable main gun, like an avalanche, was torn to pieces by this casually wave from beginning to end.

Immediately after the collapse, the rhythm began, the magical beam was destroyed, and the structure of the bombardment broke down in an instant.

Through the pierced atmosphere, Zhao Huang saw the enemy who fired this shelling.

“Is it an airship. Is this a magic technology? If it continues to develop, it is really terrifying.”

If this continues, the human military will become stronger, so other I am afraid that various types of technological applications will quickly become popular.

“That’s great…”

With a blessed smile on his face, Zhao Huang raised the light gun in his hand and threw it out.

Technological development is one thing, killing the enemy is another.

Since you are on the battlefield, there is nothing to say.

Don’t look at the airship annihilated in the golden radiance, Zhao Huang quickly rushed towards Shixiang.

On top of his head, several green rays of light are retreating.

“――Zhao Huang, are you okay?”

As soon as he saw Zhao Huang, Shixiang immediately threw the big sword aside in his hand, and the tiger hugged him. .

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