The spiritual reaction seen through the Holy Grail also shows that it has become a part of the body of this follower.

It’s very strange, but Zhao Huang is not in a hurry to understand it. In other words, he didn’t understand it at all, making a wish to the Holy Grail to understand it resulted in no response. However, as long as you return to your seat, you will get the answer.

After putting away the key, Zhao Huang moved towards the beach.

The time now is afternoon.

The students and the aborigines on the island have either not finished their meal yet or are resting. Only the energetic elf and his non-human are still walking on the beach.

The eight dance twins eager to show off their swimsuits, and Toka and Shitono who have not yet completed the construction of the sand castle.

The playing time of the four elves will continue–

If the airship does not appear.


Here, Zhao Huang reflexively reached out and grabbed a small box that was falling rapidly.

It appeared abruptly above Zhao Huang’s head. This way of appearance is probably an airdrop from Flaxinas.

Opening the carton, Zhao Huang took out a headset.

“Can you hear it, Zhao Huang?”

The sound in the Wuhe Qin sounded from the other end of the earphone.

“No problem. Is there anything, Commander Wuhe?”

In response, Zhao Huang raised his head and looked towards the sky.

Although naked eye can’t see it, Fraxinas is somewhere directly above him.

“Just ten minutes ago, on the Ormei Island, we detected two sets of high-energy spiritual wave reactions. One of them is close to [Princess], and the other is stronger than it.-Berserk has not yet Do you have any contact with you?”

“Berserk’s affairs have been handled, the two girls are playing with Shixiang and others.”

Looking at the front and squatting there thinking together Zhao Huang replied softly to the four elven girls in the sand castle structure.

“…Really, that’s not the worst case at least. Now, we can detect the spirit wave reaction, but we can’t determine the location of the wizard. No, maybe it should be said. [There should be a wizard Where, we can’t see anything].”

The sound in the piano is a bit low, with some gnashing teeth.

“This phenomenon, unless the elves are buried in the ground, otherwise it is only possible that it is based on the invisible camouflage technology in the random field…. I originally thought that in addition to Latatosk, the world There should be no organization that controls this technology. Didn’t expect, dem’s technical department is still somewhat capable.”

The voice of Qinli made no secret of her anger.

Dem slapped Latatosk’s face with the most mocking method.

With the ability of the random domain, it is not difficult to cover the spiritual waves. Moreover, dem is also impossible to think that Latatosk will come.

However, they still just and honorable allow spirit waves to radiate everywhere. They just want to let Latatosk know that your efforts are in vain. Elf? We have caught two of these things.

“So, Zhao Huang, I hope–“

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it is really good time for people to catch up.”

Qinli The slightly pleading words could not be said yet. From the shadow of Zhao Huang, a pair of white lotus arms stretched out, and then tightly wrapped around his naked upper body.

――Zhao Huang is still in a swimsuit pose.

The slippery skin rubbed his chest with a cold feeling, and then gently pressed against Zhao Huang’s chest. At the same time, the soft warmth of the two groups also touched Zhao Huang’s back from zero distance.

“…Crazy three. So that’s how it is, since the elf you are looking for was brought here by dem, it is strange that you do not come.”

Raise your hand Pulling away the bare hands touching his body, Zhao Huang took a step forward, and then turned around.

The hands without any lust are like a poisonous snake looking for his weakness, making him very uncomfortable.

“Ah, it’s really cold, it’s really cold. But, it doesn’t matter, people have known you are such a person a long time ago.”

Hold your hands around yourself and sigh. The mad three of the spirit outfit form gorgeous appearance.

Her eyes are very clear, it seems that her attitude is very serious this time, and her purpose is very clear.

“It was agreed to save people, so I will go there.”

“No, they didn’t mean that. Actually, this operation is really difficult to handle. . That elf may become your enemy. I will come here in order not to let you kill her.”

Kuang San shook the head, her tone of compassion and sympathy radiates .

“What do you mean?”

“Literally. The elf was dem doing all kinds of things, and even his brain was passive. Now she is probably Believe that you are a dem person.”

When I heard this, Zhao Huang and the piano on the other end of the earphones were speechless.

Zhao Huang’s original guess has really turned into reality. Humans brainwashed the elf and transformed her into his own in this way.

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