So, how to pierce the enemy at a very short distance, he had long thought of a stupid way!

That is, through the control of the left hand, only the third length from the tip of the gun is used.

If it is a short gun, even close combat can play a role to a certain extent, and it will not be completely passive!

Heart, abdominal cavity, elbows, shoulders, throat-all the vital positions that can be attacked are all shrouded by gun shadows.

However, this is useless.


With a crisp sound, the tip of black’s gun was held tightly by the palm of the same black.

“–I caught you, insect!”



The dull strikes sounded within the body of Zhao Huang accompanied by a flash of bone cracking.

Like a ball, he was thrown high up by his kicked body, then rolled to the ground, bounced several times, and broke a tree before stopping.

“hmph, jumping around is quite annoying.”

After humming disdainfully, Velard dropped the “captured” long spear.

This thing is just a long toothpick to him.

“If you want to puncture, this kind of rotten brazier won’t work!”

Like a teacher on the same road, Willard pretended to shook the head, and then walked to him to use it. Come and hit Zhao Huang next to the broken tree.


The sharp claws slashed the tree trunk several times, and a long and pointed wooden gun was cut out.

“haha, just use this. It’s rare to be aroused, so I can’t refrain from it. If you pierce you, it should make the Fourth World understand how powerful it is?”

Pulling the wooden gun in his hand, Willard pinpointed the direction Zhao Huang was shot into, and walked over step by step.

The kick just now, although it was strong enough to hit, but instinct told Willard that the reptile named Zhao Huang was not at all dead.

[trifling prey, but it’s just a little firmer, can it come back? Plot against me can’t be done with systematic foresight, what are you! 】

It is precisely because of Zhao Huang’s successive attacks that aroused anger, Willard temporarily changed his mind and decided to pierce him.

The vigilance that Sherlock Holmes should have has also gradually disappeared because the opponent is not hostile.

As the body’s wild beast posture, even if it absorbs foreign genes, it cannot change its instinct to reduce rationality when emotionally excited.

“Haha!…Well, it hurts!”

It is estimated that several ribs have been broken, and the abdomen and back hurt fiercely.

Getting up with difficulty, Zhao Huang took a deep breath, and the injuries on his body began to heal slowly.

The fight just now is considered the first round, so he can reduce his injury by re-positioning.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, black long spear appeared in his hand.

Without the consent of the master, unless you have special skills, it is impossible to snatch the arm of the follower.

“Ai, if you want to fight him, you still need the Treasure Item.”

Lower the tip of the gun, Zhao Huang tightened his nerves.

The kick just now was not for nothing.

At least, Zhao Huang still noticed a little difference.

The white tattoo-like parts of Willard are different from other parts of his body. Although they will recover immediately after being injured, they will leave blood stains like tears.

In other words, there is no way to fully recover from the injury there. Otherwise, the blood should evaporate and dissipate.

Left and right shoulders and right abdomen. Perhaps those positions are Willard’s weaknesses.

However, the three lines that can be seen on the front are all broken in one second, and there is no change in Willard. He even grabbed the gun and kicked it, making Zhao Huang Suffered.

Are these three lines actually not weaknesses, but just fur patterns? Or is there actually a fourth pattern that has not been found?

Zhao Huang believes that the latter is the greater probability.

In order to be able to have enough energy to find lines, he must at least be able to fight Verad.

“Capacité (capacité).”

Calling for the power he has gained, Zhao Huang instantly felt the passing of magical power.

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