So, we must regroup here.

Coming to the high platform, Yarek raised his hand and grabbed Alice’s shoulder.

“Then, I will take her away, the god Zhao Huang. Next time, I will invite you with a safe attitude.”

Leave a word, Ya Lei Ke’s body instantly melted into a thunderbolt, and the Spirit Physique that had wrapped Alice disappeared without a trace.

The sight of the god of disobedience now can’t keep up. This is the so-called “swift” type of power.

“hmph, then go back. I’ll wait.”

After leaving the words like talking to himself, Zhao Huang closed his eyes and began to concentrate on stability With my own spirit and strength, I completed Divine Spark, and at the same time I am familiar with the different spiritual foundations in this specific system.

You can feel the sight of surveillance from all directions, and waves of nervousness are one after another, as if you are ready to die at any time.

[Well, what is this time? Is it the enemy of the world? ]

Is this a bit bad?

Let Zhao Huang destroy mankind, even if it is appointed by him, he will never agree. After all, Protector is almost obsessed with this matter. It’s rare that this World’s defense is so strong that it won’t be interfered by human beings. Zhao Huang is not bad if he doesn’t take care of it. How could he harm it.

Rather, it is rare to see such a thriving world. Even with the mysterious terrifying existence of gods and godslayers, it still does not hinder Zhao Huang’s affection for this World.

Unfortunately, he has now become a god of incompliance.

This makes his position very embarrassing. The destruction instinct of this body was washed away by him using the method of replacing the spiritual base. However, the god of disobedience is extremely jealous when he meets the natural enemies between the godslayers, even if he has the Holy Grail, there is nothing to do.

It’s like he has met a servant who is on the side of destroying humanity, and it is impossible to be ruthless. Really fighting, I can’t stop it.

[Then, let this be aside for now. Thinking about it now, Pandora had anticipated this a long time ago. Let me sustain myself like this, do as one pleases. As the creator of the Fool’s Son, what exactly does she want to see?

Pandora’s bet is not wrong. Even if he was ordered to exercise his hands and feet and demolished a street as soon as he came up, Zhao Huang still kept his original mind in his subconscious, and no one was hurt.

His mind, by now, is no longer a shielding memory, it can be easily blocked by inducement. All he needs to do is to remind him of what he is carrying on his name, and all his hands and feet will be wiped out.

eyes opened, looking at the one after another cordon pulled up at the end of the ruins in the distance, feeling the magic that is being applied to get rid of idlers around, Zhao Huang feels his position, I am afraid he wants to fight the world The elves are a bit like.

Divine Spark is taking shape little by little. The knowledge of Kabbalah that Zhao Huang has acquired so far, simply the knowledge he has acquired, and all his proficiency in his grasp, are all integrated into one.

Once Divine Spark takes shape, he will become [Spiritual God] in this World.

Some uneasiness rose from the bottom of his heart uncontrollably.

What will it look like after becoming a Spiritual God? is it possible that fate will bury things here too? What’s more, what Pandora said at that time, if you don’t want to know, you will know, what does it mean?

Next, what should Zhao Huang do in this World?

A lot of questions made him feel a little pain in his head.


With a sigh, Zhao Huang waved his hand and raised the curtain wall on the high platform to create a room.

In any case, he can’t move around today.

PS: Let’s have a watch first, I’m going to eat.

008 Zhao Huang, steel, hero

What kind of existence is the so-called Spiritual God? What is the difference between what they have seen and heard and other creatures? Zhao Huang once did Through all kinds of imagination. As a young child who likes hero stories and Myths and Legends, it is not strange to be interested in such illusory things.

And as it should be by rights, he didn’t get the answer. Human imagination will always be affected by inherent ideas, based on what is known. Even the little child with empty pegasus has a limit in this respect. Things that don’t exist cannot be imagined.

As for Zhao Huang after his death, he not only met God, he even became Demi-God himself.

At this time, he is not as curious about the gods as he used to. No matter Hestia or Loki, in the end, they are all extensions of “human”. Maybe it’s because they put away their past gestures in front of the children, maybe it’s because of other reasons. All in all, the “god” he saw was not much different from human beings, but it’s just an incredibly powerful creature that’s all.

Now, it is his turn to step on this path himself. Many accidents and many gifts made him come to this step after all. If human fortune is conserved, then the misfortune in his lifetime may be exchanged for the luck of today.

He is not the only Guardian selected by him, but he is the only one who has stepped into today’s guys who touched the door that cannot be turned back.

The gods are the existence that is not to be seen by the world, and the existence that will eventually disappear without a trace. Even if there has been glory, it is just the past and the past. In the world where Zhao Huang signed the contract, in the world where the heroic spirits exist, the “gods” are easily crippled by alien visitors, and then inevitably fall into decline, and then become a single personality that cannot be “developed” Disappeared without a trace, which in turn made human beings rise as a rapidly evolving existence.

Perhaps, some people think that the disappearance of the gods is just because of too bad luck. But Zhao Huang understands that the demise of the gods is inevitable. Even if the alien visitors don’t do anything, it just leaves a period of time for the gods struggling on whilst at death’s door that’s all.

Mysterious will eventually fade, and human intelligence will reach its peak.

This is an irreversible trend.

According to this statement, Zhao Huang should seek human intelligence instead of Condensing Divine Spark as it is now and go against it. However, what human intelligence needs is collective power. He only has himself, and he was impossible to develop human intelligence under his original conditions-don’t forget, he only learned to graduate from junior high school during his lifetime, and he didn’t have much time to study after his death.

That’s why he became like this.

As if looking back in time, he changed from man to god.

The moment Divine Spark finished, he got a new perspective.


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