Following Yarek’s words, Alice’s face, the noble education made her faint smile disappear without a trace, a trace of terror revealed .

“Does it mean… the crown and the kingdom?”

“Yes, guardian angels of ten mass points. From this perspective, whether it is the dominant power of words or the opposite Attribute’s water and fire can be used freely and can use such a powerful force, which can be explained. ―― By the way, the power of steel he showed when he confronted the Sect Lord of the East and the Marquis of the Mediterranean. Is it the result of Spirit Vision?”

The more I thought about it, the more I felt reasonable, and my intuition didn’t feel wrong. Yarek felt that he was stable. However, there is still a lack of conclusive evidence.

“I’m looking for-yes! The result of Spirit Vision is… St. George?”

Crash-bang searched for information, Alice read the result The tone is a bit strange. She thought she could see the name of an angel.

But then, she came to a conclusion with her rich knowledge of demonic path.

“Yes, it’s Michael!”

In Christian paintings and sculptures, Michael often uses golden hair, holding or red cross-shaped swords and giant dragons. The image of a young man wrestling or standing on the dragon body appears, and the image of St. George just replaces the young man with a solemn Paladin!

Originally, St. George was a hero born out of Michael, and the two dragon-slaying deeds also have a high degree of overlap.

“The guardian angel of the sixth mass…It seems that I can be sure of it.”

Standing up, Yarek sorted his clothes slowly.

“I’m going to the temple to verify this conclusion. If this is the case, then there may be a chance to win. Holding ten abilities at the same time sounds great, but if he is a tree instead of There is definitely a certain limit in the angels’ words.”

As if trying to convince himself, Yarek’s tone was heavy.

After finishing the clothes, he lightly sighed:

“However, I can’t find a way to win.”

The power of just a mass point , You can defeat yourself, the gap is almost desperate. However, the one who is used to looking for victory in this kind of adversity is the godslayer.

Farewell to Alice, Yarek turned into thunder and burst out.

038 Changes of the ancestors

The Bataan Islands are located in the northernmost part of the Philippine Islands, in the Pacific and South China Sea. In fact, compared to the Philippines, it is closer to Taiwan, and it is a group of small islands where agricultural and fishery exports are the main source of income.

In this group of islands, the northernmost Jami Island is a small island with no one to settle.

Now, there are two little girls standing on the beach on the island.

She was licked by the rising tide with her bare feet and ankles. It was obvious that she was not from the East. Because she is a beautiful Caucasian girl, about twelve or three years old.

Golden’s curly hair constitutes an elegant curve, reflecting her extremely upright and beautiful face that mortals have almost impossible to possess.

To describe it, she is like a classic doll created by a rare puppeteer betting on her career.

That is the beauty of innocent childhood, and the coquettish feeling of the black dress she wore was unexpectedly very suitable for her.

Behind her, there is another little girl standing.

The little girl was wearing a terrible wound, and the clothes on her body seemed to have been lost in the war, causing her to be naked now.

This seriously injured little girl said to the girl in front of her:

“…Is this really good, Lord Gnivia?”


There was an imperceptible smile on his face. Although the words were respectful, there was no respect in the words.

It can be seen that she doesn’t think much of a woman named Gnivia.

“This can only be done, Ansilla. I got Spirit Vision, what the British man has to do will result in the severance of the connection between God and man. If He succeeded, and it is very likely that God and the Demon King who killed the gods will no longer appear on the ground. If this is the case, I want to meet [that one]’s tragic wish, and it will be impossible to realize.”

Without looking back, ignoring Ansilla’s attitude, Gnivia’s face was full of worry.

Although she is looking at the sea, what she sees is not the scene of the sea, but the silhouette of the person who was gradually forgotten in the process of her reincarnation in a more distant time. ――

Gnivia and Ansela, both of whom are named [God Ancestor].

Goddess of the earth, with a desire to be fulfilled, retains its own god core with a secret technique, and they are the result of being reincarnated in a “human” posture. Therefore, their actions revolve around the desire that is still engraved in their souls even if their memories are obliterated.

Gnivia’s wishes, she herself has said. As for Ansela’s wish, looking at the injuries on her body can also tell you almost-it is a trace of the battle with the godslayer. Human beings want to cause the ancestors to bear fatal injuries. Simply is an impossible thing, and it is better to seal it.

“I still think your thoughts are too extreme, Lord Gnivia. Even that adult may not be able to do such exaggerated things. The gods will not wait to die.”

Speaking of the British man, Ansilla’s voice inevitably brought awe.

In just a short period of time after he was born, he defeated the five godslayers in the world one after another, killing two of them. At that time, Madame Aisha, one of the ancient godslayers, escaped because he was not in this era, and John Smith, the new godslayer, missed the timing because he caught Ansilla’s weak spot and fought with it.

This major event change is not a trivial matter for the whole world.

It can be said that even if the power of that one is in the god of disobedience, it is quite close to the apex. But even so, it doesn’t mean that he can use the entire myth as an enemy-this kind of thing, just think about it in a dream.

Ansilla thinks so. However, Gnivia had different opinions from her. As the strongest hero and servant girl of the brave to save the world, Gnivia’s status is the highest even among the ancestors, so Ansela has to be patient here to listen to her dreams.

“Listen, Ansela. The identity of that person is not at all as simple as that. If he understands himself deeply enough, then he must find some way to achieve this. After all, that person can also be [omnipotent and omnipotent] within a certain range.”

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