“No name…?”

Margin Hirai tilted his head. For her who has been given a name by her parents since she was born, it is rare to have no name.

However, this may be normal for the Fire Mist Warrior.

So, she stopped struggling, just greeted the girl to sit down at the table and help her serve the meal.

Sitting at the table, the girl who was kindly treated by Hirai Yuan felt uncomfortable. Obviously he has no less power than himself, but this person is too nervous.

“…so that’s how it is. You just signed a contract with her half a month. Then, the miserable situation in this city really cannot be regarded as your responsibility. However, in such a short time You can have such a strong power. Not only is your contractor not bad in size, but also has a good aptitude as a fighter.”

“Overpraised. She needs to learn a lot. The previous ones. The battle only broke out by accident and was lucky enough to fight a completely unprepared. If she fights melee from start to finish, she may not be able to win.”

On the other side, two people who did not see the silhouette each minding their own business Chatted.

The atmosphere here is obviously better than the silent crusaders and Hirai, who is struggling to talk all the time.

The first day that the crusaders came to this city, they spent it in a family-like atmosphere.

015 Unexpectedly, very talented in fighting

After welcoming cohabitants, the unmanned home also became a bit angry, which made Hirai’s face a little bit more Smile.

This girl showed such a relaxed and happy smile, which is the first time since this half a month.

Sure enough, only in front of peers (?), the girl can truly relax. If you talk to Zhao Huang, no matter how close the relationship between the two is, the difference in identity always makes Hirai girl subconsciously change her attitude. For example, she dared to make jokes with the little crusaders, tried to make her laugh, and used her as a cat, but she was completely impossible to do to Zhao Huang. In front of Zhao Huang, she has always had a sullen face.

In the morning, Hirai prepared materials and went to school early.

She went to school to suspend herself. Although the head teacher and the dean supervised to stay on the surface, the final procedures were quickly completed. It seems that the school doesn’t have much intention of retaining her, a girl who has no parents.

It was not ten o’clock in the morning, and Yuan Hirai returned home. At this moment, the little crusader is sitting obediently at the table, looking at the two “Divine Items” on the table-Divine Item of this World, referring to the contract between the Fire Mist Warrior and the Red World Demon King A communication tool used to express Wang’s consciousness later appeared.

Alastor is very interested in the existence of Yuan Hirai and Zhao Huang, so the crusaders have to endure the impatience in their hearts and stay.

Heavenly punishment After reviewing the events that happened yesterday, God discovered that if it weren’t for a high-ranking presence like him, or a very comfortable teacher with great wrists, then no matter who looked at it, he would probably Yuan Hirai is regarded as a fire-mist fighter. The “contract” on the girl had the same composition as the fire mist, so it was normal to be mistaken.

“I will not ask about your secrets. No matter what it is, there is a bottom line. As long as it is not related to the safety of this World, even I am not qualified to touch it.”

Heavenly punishment God’s words are very straightforward and their meaning is very clear. Chatting with someone like him who talks straightforwardly, although sometimes it is easy to chat to death, but there are a lot of unnecessary intrigues and temptations, and overall it is very comfortable.

“However, I still want to know, if you are a god, why do you only appear until now? And, as a god, I want to know what you think about the red world… “

Heavenly punishment God’s tone is very serious. The opponent’s strength is perfectly clear, and even his contractors, who are gods of heavenly punishment, can overcome. As long as it continues to grow, it will not take long for this power to defeat any evil Demon King. This level of power can be said to have a certain impact on the entire world. That’s why it is necessary to clarify their attitude.

If possible, heavenly punishment God hopes to draw them in and get a strong boost.

“It’s up to now…this word is not used correctly.’It is now’, that’s why I was called. I am very special existence, and can only be called by despair. If Hirai did not call I, I may be called by the world. It is related to the survival of human beings, and it is not unusual for me to be called.”

The pendant and ring placed face to face against the cup are right. They were talking in a very serious tone, while the petite girl at the table was sitting in a dreadful manner, listening with a serious face.

“Talking to God of Heavenly Punishment, I don’t think there is any need to hide it. Yes, the reason why I was summoned is precisely because humans are about to come to an end. The situation has developed to a critical point. If red If the world’s apostles continue to eat people, the world will be completely distorted and come to an end within five years.”

“So, you will contract with mankind and plan to attack the apostles in a similar way to us?”

Heavenly punishment There is a hint of clarity in God’s tone. If so, maybe you can appear a powerful companion.

“Wrong. You are wrong, the heavens and the fire. I didn’t intend to involve Hirai Margin in the battle, but she chose to fight. When I saw her, she had been eaten by the apostle. There is a torch left. Therefore, I will use my existence to protect her and temporarily lose her body. Depending on her growth rate, it may only take one month at the fastest. I can complete the reshaping of her existence and then take it. Return to the body and clear out the apostles.”

“What kind of charity…Wait, do you intend to come with your body? No. With your existence on the same scale as mine, just existence will cause huge distortions! “

“No, we are different. You are Outsiders, so you can’t exist without devouring the power of existence. But, I am a local, the Demon God of the Red World. I exist here, this is what It’s common sense.”


In the face of thunderous anger, Zhao Huang silenced all the voices with just one light sentence.

“If,” through inner dialogue, the contractor with his hair turned into a fiery red sits down, Alastor organizes the language, “If what you say is true, then you are the world The strongest existence in the world. The complete power of the gods, even the three pillars of the masquerade party may not be able to fight. If you want to be an enemy, I’m afraid you can only use the army.”

” Who knows. Until I get my body back and really take part in the battle, everything is unknown. But one thing, I can say now. We can cooperate, Alastor. My enemy just arbitrarily twists the balance. Apostle, not all apostles. Just for this purpose, you will agree to cooperate.”

“en. Only for the balance of the world, then my contractor and I will be happy to be with you Companions. However, if we want to sever the distortion within five years, the gathering of our strength may not be possible. We still need more companions.”

“That’s what’s next. At least for now , We can only go one step at a time.”

Zhao Huang is not in a hurry, because it is useless to hurry.

Just when the chat came to an end and turned to cultivating his own contractor’s experience, Yuan Hirai finally returned home.

“I’m back~how are you talking, Lord God?”

She carried her bag and stepped into the living room. The girl had sorted out her emotions, her face did not show the slightest dissatisfaction with the school and classmates. Knowledge or something, Lord God said that sooner or later he would know a lot even if he didn’t want to, so the girl was not worried.

“The communication is complete. From now on, they will be companions.”


Happily clenched his fists, Mai Hirai He swooped and hugged the crusher girl Xiong into his arms, and then rubbed against the other’s annoying expression.

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