“Her existence within the body is really gone.”

Holding her hand into the coat, tightly grasping the knife Shana’s posture, Shana confirmed in a low voice.

“en. Her breath has become purer than before.”

The torch breath that could have been more or less noticeable before, is now completely unnoticeable. In terms of form of existence, Margin Hirai has undoubtedly become a complete individual.

“――Of course it is. So far, the breath of her you feel is the product of me and her being mixed together.”

Like the world After being forcibly inserted for a frame, a teenager suddenly appeared beside the bed.

He was sitting next to Yuan Hirai, carrying a black long spear in his hand. After confirming that the Law of Freedom was successfully used, he turned his head and looked towards Shana.

“The vigilance worked hard, Alastor, Shana. As you can see, nothing happened. Introduce myself. My name is Zhao Huang, and I am a god. In the future, please take care of me.”

With a familiar voice, the strange boy greeted him naturally.


Sana, whose body is tight, is subconsciously nodded.

I didn’t notice his actions at all!

I don’t know when he appeared, when he was sitting there, or when he held the gun.

If all these are acceptable, then he is clearly right in front of him, but he can’t detect any aura. If you close your eyes, there is only Hirai margin, which makes Shana have one’s hair stand on end .

Even if Zhao Huang is not a god, the power he showed through Hirai Fate is no less than that of many powerful, ancient, and prestigious Demon Kings. This kind of existence should have gathered eyes at all times, and every move would be eye-catching.

Their immense power of existence makes them most conspicuous at all times.

However, Zhao Huang completely violated this point. Shana didn’t even notice the power in him, just by looking at it, she might treat him as an ordinary human.

Shana, who was surprised and puzzled, bit her ear with Alastor secretly.

“…What? I can’t feel it? I can feel it….No, that’s it. Shana, as a fire-mist fighter, you are not mature enough to control the flames freely. , Most of the potential has not yet been developed. Therefore, the power that reaches the side of the pillar is too large for you, too large to be recognized, just like you are impossible to explicitly treat the world under your feet as an individual The cognition is average.”

However, if you change to a veteran guy like Ma Qionglin, you should be able to understand what level of monster the boy in front of you is.

His appearance did not bring any waves to the world. Could it be said that he is really the god of this World, and should have existed here?

Just when Alastor was puzzled, the pure white light suddenly swept across the sky and took away Lost his attention.

“This flame…the color of selflessness that completely wipes out everything. Could it be said that it is the summon of k!”

Surprised one after another.

As soon as the real body of the present god appeared here, there was summon the idea of ​​the god of the red world.

What is going to happen today?

And Zhao Huang also seemed to have noticed it, and turned his head and looked towards the sky outside the window. For some reason, he always has a hunch that he will be involved in vortex.

The one who was summoned was the will of Shahar, the guiding god of the Red World, the “Howling of Judgment”. k, as a True God that can change things with only words, is not below Alastor’s level of fear and disgust by disciples.

“――A brand-new probability has come to the world.”

With the brilliance of the pure white power of existence sweeping the entire earth, sudden sounds can manipulate existence in the world The consciousness of the creatures of power bounced.

As if struggling to ring a bell in the ear, the painful sound struck the whole body of the listener, and burned into the depths of the memory regardless.

“It is an infinite power, it is the pillar of the world. The almighty lamp, if it illuminates the world, the ignorant will eventually be buried. Therefore, the god of guidance, conveys it in the name of the whistle of consciousness . Chase the lights like a moth, follow your instincts and seek desire.”

Shana and Yuan, who were covering their ears in pain, all looked towards Zhao Huang after hearing this remark. Pillar of the world. This can only be talking about him.

“It is the answerer, it is the liberated one. If you hope to survive, then you can count your own faults and recognize your ideals. Only those who are relieved can go. It is a new world that is still unknown. .”

The voice fell, and the discomfort of being forced to listen dissipated from the body. The words that guide God do not have any force, but once they are heard, they can no longer be forgotten. In any case, the words of k that guide the future will set off new waves.

The true meaning of this remark is not even understood by Zhao Huang itself, let alone the apostles. However, feeling the coordinates of Misaki City engraved with words in my mind, no one can see the future of this city.

In order to seek endless power, in order to see the almighty lights, the apostles of good deeds will inevitably rush to this Osaki city in a swarm.

In order to guide the influence of God, 80-90% of the apostles who exist in the world will choose to come and see.

Of course, this also includes the families of other gods of the Red World.

Power will converge and involve the whole city ruthlessly.

Realizing this, Shana and Yuan couldn’t help trembling. God also feels a headache.

But Zhao Huang laughed, laughing extremely happily.

“Awesome. This time, it saved me a lot of effort. Come on, Apostles of the Red World, I am here waiting for you.”

(4k5)< / p>

PS: push book “Imperial Family Knight did not want to cut down trees” author: living in a fantasy Township

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