He Chenguang looked at Wang Yanbing and said, "Would you like to practice together?"

  "If I want to go to you, I won't go." Wang Yanbing turned his face and pretended not to care.

  He Chenguang laughed, then walked to Lin Yu's side, also lay prone on the ground, and began to follow Lin Yu's example, trying to do push-ups slowly.

  He wanted to see how many he could do.

  With the corner of his eye, he looked at Lin Yu, followed his movements, slowly descended with him, and propped up.

  Of course Lin Yu noticed He Chenguang, but he didn't care and focused on his training, because if he was distracted, even if he said a word, it might cause this push-up to be unable to be completed according to the standard.

  Wang Yanbing looked at He Chenguang at the moment, clenched his fists, and said, "Grandma's, learn to learn, who is afraid of who!"

  The next moment, he also walked to Lin Yu's side and began to follow suit.

  Immediately afterwards, the two of them were shocked to find that they could do it with Lin Yu's frequency. With their strength, just doing three or four things felt a little unsustainable!

  This made the two people can't believe it. They knew that this kind of push-up was difficult, but when they actually did it, they found that it was more difficult than they thought.

  Of course, the difficulty lies in the control of the muscles, which is done at a constant speed.

  If it's a push-up for [-] seconds, they can do a lot, but they can't do it at a constant speed!

  And Lin Yu had done dozens of them before, and he is still doing it now.

  Only then did they know how big the gap between themselves and Lin Yu was!

  "I'm here too!"

  Li Erniu ate the most and the slowest, and ran over at this moment.

  Then, he was embarrassed to find that he couldn't do any of them.

  "It's too difficult, isn't it?!" Li Erniu was speechless, he was such a rubbish?

  He also noticed that He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were also trembling, blushing, thick necks, and protruding blue veins.

  He Chenguang turned to look at Wang Yanbing at this moment, holding his breath, he said, "Can you continue to do it?"

  Wang Yanbing also trembled and replied: "What can't you do, if you can't, stop!"

  He Chenguang said: "Don't be brave, be careful to hurt your body!"

  After listening to Wang Yanbing, he said with difficulty: "Then don't do it, let's stop together!"

  He couldn't compare to Lin Yu, he didn't say anything, but he definitely couldn't allow himself to be inferior to He Chenguang, otherwise, wouldn't he be the third child?

  He Chenguang said quickly: "Okay, count to three and stop together."




  In an instant, the two quickly stopped, lying on the ground, gasping for breath.

  "So you two can't do much."

  Li Erniu scratched his head and smiled.

  He Chenguang shook his head at this moment.

  He found that this kind of push-up is indeed a very effective exercise for himself, and doing it for years and months can effectively improve his physical fitness, especially his ability to control muscles.

  Lin Yu said slowly at this moment, "Are you stealing your teacher and not paying the teacher fee?"

  He had just finished one and had time to speak.

  Wang Yanbing said in a bit of pain at the moment: "I've served it, can't you be strong? We admit defeat!"

  As tough as he was, he clearly knew the gap between them.

  He Chenguang looked at Lin Yu and said, "Don't be complacent, I can definitely catch up with you!"

  Wang Yanbing also nodded and said, "Yes, there is no eternal powerhouse, only unremitting struggle."

  After Lin Yu heard it, he smiled lightly and said, "Then try it out."

  Next, the three He Chenguang were on the side, training with Lin Yu.

  Of course, they have to take a break when they do a few, especially Li Erniu, who can hardly do one.

  This scene attracted the attention of many people.

  In the distance, several veterans passed by and saw this scene.

  Li Xiang touched his chin at the moment and said, "These recruits are a bit interesting."

  Wang Yu, who was next to him, also said half-sarcastically, "It's really interesting, and I even train myself. Is this because I'm not tired enough during training?"

  A few people, led by Wu Lai, saw Lin Yu in the middle and said, "The one in the middle seems to be the recruit who contradicted the fourth company instructor Gong Jian on the first day of enlistment?"

  Li Xiang said: "It seems to be a thorn. I heard that the physical fitness is very strong, and he is a figure in the recruit company."

  Wu Lai grinned and said, "The recruits are a bit wild."

  These people, all veterans of the Sixth Company, were talking and laughing at the moment.

  (Big guys, it's the fifth watch, give some flower evaluation tickets to support!).

Chapter 15

  Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, days passed.

  In the past few days, Lin Yu has been training hard, and He Chenguang and the three also followed, and their physical fitness became stronger day by day.

  However, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were speechless. As time went by, they found that the gap between them and Lin Yu had not narrowed, and it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger...

  In the past few days, Lin Yu's unique training method has been spread out, including many veterans who know the existence of the recruit company Lin Yu, which is considered a little famous.

  During the rest of the day, only a muffled sound was heard. Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang were kicked and flew out, fell to the ground, and got out a few meters away.

  "Cough!" Both of them kept coughing.

  "Have you taken it?"

  Lin Yu stood on the spot and looked at the two people calmly.

  In the past few days, Wang Yanbing challenged him several times, but she was easily defeated by her.

  Even this time, He Chenguang couldn't help it. He wanted to see how his strength compares to Lin Yu, and joined the battle!

  Then, the two of them suffered a crushing defeat, and neither of them were opponents.

  Wang Yanbing got up from the ground at this moment, rubbed his stomach, and said with an ugly face: "I've taken it, and I won't challenge you again."

  His character would never give in easily, but this was the first time that Lin Yu had really beaten him. In a few days, he was beaten to pieces.

  The most important thing is that in so many fights, including his teaming up with He Chenguang, he didn't even hit Lin Yu.

  He Chenguang's face was also ugly. He was a free-kicks champion outside, and he defeated many opponents, but it was completely unattractive in front of Lin Yu.

  "Lin Yu, you are too strong."

  Li Erniu on the side couldn't help but admire, He Chenguang is the champion of free kickboxing, this is not an opponent!

  However, Lin Yu shook his head a little at this moment, because when he was fighting two, he used twenty or thirty moves to defeat the two. After all, the strength of the two is not weak.

  It seems that although the primary fighting ability is very strong, it is nothing more than that. If you want to quickly defeat the two, you need to strengthen it again!

  Of course, if He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were allowed to know what Lin Yu was thinking, they might have the urge to vomit blood.

  "These guys are really capable of tossing around."

  In the distance, the old black squad leader shook his head helplessly.

  In the past few days, he has seen this scene several times, and of course it ends with Lin Yu's victory.

  On the side, Gong Jian walked over with a smile on his face and said, "That's how it is, to stimulate their fighting spirit, compete with each other, and become stronger and stronger."

  The old black squad leader smiled bitterly and said, "Of course it's good to be able to compete, but I'm afraid that Lin Yu will turn them off sooner or later."

  That's right, the difference in strength is not big, so there is competitiveness, but when the difference in strength is too big, the competitiveness will be very weak...

  At noon, after lunch, Lin Yu prepared for a rare lunch break and returned to the dormitory.

  In the dormitory, the atmosphere of the hippies in the past was changed, and it seemed to be a little silent, which made Lin Yu a little not used to it.

  He noticed at this moment that Wang Bo, who was on the opposite side, was a little blue at the moment, and there was some mud on his body, as if he had been beaten.

  "What's the matter, did you fight yourself?"

  Lin Yu asked, he thought it was a conflict between several people in the dormitory.

  However, Zhao Wu shook his head at this moment and said, "Brother Lin, what are we fighting, we are fighting with others."

  "Oh? What happened?" Lin Yu raised his brows.

  Zhao Wu and several people, although their strength is not very good, but they are still good. Generally speaking, they will not take the initiative to cause trouble. How can they fight with others?

  Wang Bo said with an ugly face: "Several veterans from the Sixth Company mocked that our recruits are all rookies, especially if you like to be in the limelight, Brother Lin, we reasoned a few words, and we were taught a lesson."

  They were all honest in character. They were taught by the veterans, and they didn't dare to fight back or cause trouble, so they endured it.

  After Lin Yu heard this, his brows slowly wrinkled.

  He didn't expect Wang Bo to be beaten, and it was partly because of him.

  These days, he has also heard some rumors about him, but he just ignored it. After all, it is normal for some people to be jealous of recruits who are too limelight, and they are too lazy to pay attention.

  However, now that his dormitory comrade-in-arms was beaten because of himself, he couldn't bear it.

  Lin Yu stepped forward at this moment, pulled Wang Bo up, and said, "Go, follow me to Liulian."


  Wang Bo was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, and said immediately, "No need, it's not a big deal."

  He didn't want to cause trouble.

  Lin Yu waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's see how capable these veterans can be!"

  With that said, he dragged Wang Bo out.

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