As soon as he thought of this, one of the soldiers couldn’t help but straighten his body straighter, and at the same time his eyes became more focused, according to his understanding of the company commander, if something really went wrong during their defense, it was not as simple as being locked up for a few days.

was remembered by the company commander, then the result, it is terrible to think about …

Adding a random five kilometers a day is enough for them to drink a pot, after all, the usual training is so complicated.


At this moment, a strong wind suddenly hit behind him, and before the warrior could react to what was going on, a camouflage cloth covered his nose.


He instantly sounded alarm bells in his heart, subconsciously wanted to call, but unfortunately the other party’s hand was very strong, he couldn’t make a sound at all, but felt that his head began to be confused, gun… Shoot……

The guards who can serve as Master Kong will naturally not be ordinary people, they are all carefully selected from the Iron Fist Regiment, and they dare not say that they are the best soldiers of the Iron Fist Regiment, but they are definitely the top ones!

After realizing that he couldn’t make a sound, he immediately wanted to pull the trigger to warn the other brothers.

Unfortunately, he could think, and the enemy might naturally think, that before his finger could be inserted into the trigger ring, he was held down by a powerful palm and could not move.

In this way, he felt a dark behemoth, slowly swallowing his consciousness, and soon, it fell completely into a dead silence.

After feeling that the Iron Fist Regiment warrior did not struggle, Lin Bei breathed a slight sigh of relief, this little guy is really a little difficult, the average person was covered by ethanol mouth and nose, at most supported for a second or two and passed out, but this guy supported for more than three seconds, and he was able to resist, trying to shoot to remind his companions.

Unfortunately, he and Geng Jihui are the best assault team members, and they have already made a plan in their minds long before they start.

In the dark, they discovered that the bullets in the rifles in the hands of the two guards were loaded, and their fingers were still on the outside of the trigger ring.

Therefore, as soon as the action began, he used his body against the other party, covering his mouth and nose with one hand, and holding this guy’s fingers with the other hand, not giving him the slightest possibility of shooting.

As soon as he thought of this, Lin Bei looked at Geng Jihui on the side, without the slightest surprise, another guard had been solved at this moment, the two people looked at each other, and then slowly put the stunned warrior in their hands on the ground.

After everything was done, Lin Bei secretly looked at the situation in the tent, there were six people in total, one of them was sitting in the center, with a bandage around his neck, it was obviously Master Kang Leikang, and there were two colonel-level officers who seemed to be combat staff officers standing on the side, one of them was chattering, and in the corner of the tent, there were three signal soldiers, operating computers.

“There are six in total, the middle three are given to me, and the corner side is given to you.” Lin Bei quickly gestured in sign language.

“No problem.” Geng Jihui gave a thumbs up.

Lin Bei took out a smoke bomb from the backpack behind him, in fact, it can’t be simply called a smoke bomb, which was added by him a little material, ethanol, when they observed it outside, they noticed this command center before, so they specially prepared it for it.

After all, it is dark night, once there is too much movement, it is likely to alarm the soldiers resting in the camp, and with this thing is not afraid, one down, no matter how many people are in this tent, all of them can immediately suffocate.

I think that when the old birds fooled them to participate in the last level of the loyalty test of the training, they planned to use this thing to stun them, who thought that it was useless, the drug dealer really came.

Lin Bei quickly pulled the safety buckle open, and then threw it along the ground.

“Regiment commander, according to our calculations, if we want to completely eat this Blue Legion, our Iron Fist Regiment should pay about one battalion of casualties…”


Before the major’s staff could speak, he was interrupted by a subtle explosion, and before he could react to what was going on, a puff of smoke swept the entire tent, and in just a moment, his mind was confused in front of him, and the whole person collapsed on the ground, and after a while, he completely passed out.

Lin Bei and the two waited outside for half a minute, and seeing that the smoke inside had almost dissipated, they covered their mouths and noses with their hats and walked in.

As expected, the six people in the tent fell to the ground at this moment, lying on the table and lying on the table, without exception, all passed out.

Lin Bei quickly took out the red, cut the necks of Master Kong and the other two combat staff officers, and immediately began to check the information placed on the conference table, but he was soon disappointed, except for a military deployment map of the nearby area, which was of little use, the rest was of little value.

But think about it, after all, the Iron Fist Regiment is only a regiment-level unit, what major intelligence can there be.

“Captain, come quickly, there is a discovery here.” Geng Jihui’s words suddenly sounded.

When Lin Bei heard this, he hurriedly walked over, Geng Jihui was standing in front of a computer at the moment, carefully staring at the things on the screen, and after seeing Lin Bei coming, he quickly said:

“This seems to be the next battle plan of the Iron Fist Regiment, they are planning to eat one of the main regiments of our blue army, according to this plan, there is at least an eighty percent chance that they can eat this regiment, and their own losses will not exceed half, what are we going to do now, send this battle plan to our blue army headquarters?”

“Hair!” Lin Bei pondered for a while, and then said, now that the computer is on, there is no need to break the secret, and the storage volume of this plan is not large, it should not take long.

Although I don’t know if the main forces of the Iron Fist Regiment will be executed according to the original plan after the regiment headquarters is beheaded, it is always right to send it over, if the Blue Army Command can seize the opportunity, maybe it can eat most of the strength of the Iron Fist Regiment in one fell swoop, which can be regarded as a small victory.

“Good!” Geng Jihui didn’t say nonsense, quickly pulled away the soldier on the chair, and then quickly tapped the keyboard.

As a special soldier, or the top kind, a lot of knowledge they need to learn, computer knowledge is of course included, although it can’t be like hackers, but skilled use is no problem at all.

Soon, he packed up the whole plan, signed Lone Wolf B, and launched it to the Blue Army Command, by the way, he also added a paragraph at the end of the text: “The regiment headquarters has been destroyed, the iron fist has been abandoned!” ”

After sending it, he immediately erased all the data.

“Go, withdraw!”

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