Chapter 126

“I am the Captain of the Lone Wolf Group B of the Sponge Special Combat Brigade of the Southeast Military Region. My department was ordered to carry out a cleanup task in the N5 area of ​​the YX border line. The task identification code is 5633. There is a particularly urgent military situation to report and the headquarters is urgently needed. Send a company of reinforcements, please help me find a leader who can be the master. I have to report face to face. This is related to the lives of hundreds of people.” Lin Bei said quickly.

Such a communication person who answers the phone has the highest rank but no more than a captain. Obviously he is not a person who can call the shots. So Lin Bei doesn’t want to talk nonsense with her, but directly asks for a leader who can call the shots. You have to wait for her to report before you can get a reply. It takes a lot of time to go back and forth.

“Wait a minute.” It was a female ensign who answered the call. She quickly tapped a few times on the keyboard, and suddenly a line of information was displayed on the computer screen.

【Task ID: 5633

Task content: clean up drug dealers in the N5 area of ​​the YX border

Executive Team: Lone Wolf Group B (belonging to the First Squadron of Wolfya Special Combat Brigade)

Squad member information: Lieutenant Spirit Wolf (Captain), Lieutenant Dark Wolf (Deputy Captain), Lieutenant Timberwolves…]

Seeing that the information is accurate and the female second lieutenant is not talking nonsense, she immediately presses a red button next to it. This button is directly in the office of the superior chief, not the top commander of this operation. The top commander of Operation Coyote is their Southwest Military District. A deputy commander of the lieutenant general, not to mention a company’s transfer, a regiment’s transfer does not necessarily need to alarm his old man.

This button is directly connected to the chief of the emergency communications section, that is, their immediate boss in this “Cymphal Wolf” operation, a high school staff officer from the headquarters. He is forty-six years old this year. He has amazing energy and has the right to mobilize directly. The battalion-level troops perform their tasks. It is said that they used to be a colonel commander of the main regiment of the border defense force. The colonel who was promoted at the beginning of the year usually has things that they can’t handle. They press the emergency button and let him decide.

Ta Ta Ta.

In less than ten seconds, an army colonel in normal uniform appeared outside the room, took a quick glance inside the room, and then went straight to the female second lieutenant, the leather shoes under his feet and the ground kept colliding with the sound of her debut. -.

The people in the room were used to this. Except for the female ensign, the others continued to do their own things without even lifting their heads.

“Section chief, company level.” The female ensign hurriedly passed the communicator in her hand.

The colonel took the communicator and glanced at the screen, then said in a deep voice: “Fang Dong, Chief of the Emergency Communications Section, if you have any situation, you can directly report to me, I can call the shots.”

Fang Dong!

Hearing the name coming from the satellite phone and the slightly familiar voice, Lin Bei’s pupils widened slightly, and subconsciously asked, “Tuan…Head?”

“Regiment commander?” Fang Dong frowned. Some did not understand why the other party called himself regimental commander. He has been in the Southwest Military Region since he became a soldier. He has never heard of anyone transferred to the Southeastern Military Region. Not to mention that it’s from the Spike Brigade…Wait, what brigade?

Spikes! ! !

Fang Dong immediately thought of someone, and said with some uncertainty: “Lin Bei?”

If you want to say that the soldiers under his hand are related to the Southeast Military Region and the Spike Special Forces Brigade, then only Lin Bei, a good seed he admires, has gone to Langya for many years to participate in training camps until the first few days. He was promoted to a high colonel in the month, and he never saw him again when he was transferred from the Ninth Regiment. It was obvious that he had been selected for Spike.

“Yes, it’s me, regiment commander. I didn’t expect it to be you. I thought it was with the same name and surname!” Lin Bei said with some excitement. The Ninth Frontier Defense Regiment is his old army, the first army to go since joining the army. The regiment leader Fang Dong is even more of his old acquaintance. After returning from his injury, he was promoted to the second lieutenant, and then transferred to the guard company. In the months before going to Langya to participate in the training and selection, the regiment leader Fang Dong had been He took good care of him, and he didn’t expect to meet the head of the regiment after more than a year.

“Boy, I didn’t expect it to be you!” Fang Dong’s serious face suddenly showed a smile, but he quickly disappeared, and said in a righteous voice: “Okay, let’s not gossip, what do you have? Emergency military situation report?”

Hearing what the regiment leader Fang Dong said, Lin Bei also quickly got serious. Now he is performing the mission. If you want to remember the past, there will be time after the mission is over. He quickly said: “Report to the head. Our department is now located on the YX border line N5. Langdezhai near the area code boundary marker, the specific coordinates are N56-64.

·· ··Find flowers··········

The night before yesterday, villagers in Langdezhai ambushed a group of cross-border drug dealers, killed more than a dozen other people, and seized millions of “white powder”, but unfortunately some of them were run away by the drug dealers. We judge that these dealers have recently Will definitely retaliate against Lang Dezhai wildly.

Langdezhai has been living in the border area for a long time. In recent decades, the villagers have been deeply harmed by “white powder”. Many tribesmen have lost their families because of this. They can be said to have blood and blood feuds with drug dealers. Therefore, in recent years Langdezhai has begun to organize hunters, and These drug dealers fought against many drug trafficking organizations, killed many drug dealers, destroyed “white powder” of unknown value, and offended many drug lords for this.

… 0

Drug dealers have been rampant during this period of time, and their arrogance has been very arrogant. In the past week, our military’s blows have caused these drug dealers to suffer heavy losses and severely shame their faces. Their hearts must be suffocated. Tone, the emergence of Lang Dezhai at this time will undoubtedly become their catharsis object!

Not only this drug trafficking organization that has just been ambushed by Langde Village, it is very likely that those drug lords who have been offended in the past will also join them and send troops to slaughter Langde Village. This will not only deter the villages on the border, but also Retaliation against our military!

Head of this kind of thing, you should be aware that there have been similar incidents in the border area. I judge that the probability of their unity is as high as 80%.

The people in Langde Village are very stubborn. The patriarch always disagrees to move to the village and evacuate to the rear. There are currently hundreds of villagers in the village, and our team alone cannot guarantee their safety.

So I asked the headquarters to immediately send troops to reinforce us, preferably with a company’s strength. In extraordinary times, we have to use extraordinary means to forcibly evacuate Langde Village directly and bring all the villagers to the rear for resettlement.

At the same time, it was also in response to the drug dealers’ subsequent retaliatory actions. With the strength of this company, even if you encounter these drug dealers during the evacuation, it can also protect the safety of the villagers. My report is over! “Death.

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