Chapter 575

“Teacher Hong, nothing else, I must toast you later!”

Hearing Li Yaorong’s words, Teacher Hong suddenly laughed, and replied: “Well, wait for the two of us to get together!”

After that, Mr. Hong focused his eyes on Lin Bei who also stood up, or more accurately, on both An Ran and Guo Yao who were next to Lin Bei.

There was a trace of doubt in Teacher Hong’s eyes, and he had no impression of the two of An Ran and Guo Yao.

Of course, he didn’t rush to ask who the two of them were. After all, there were so many students in one class. To be honest, so many years have passed, and he really can’t remember everyone’s looks.

If he asks who you two are, it turns out that they are also students in their class, then it would be embarrassing…

Lin Bei was naturally aware of the doubts in Teacher Hong’s eyes. He immediately smiled and said, “Teacher Hong, I will introduce you to me. This is my daughter-in-law, Enron!”

“Hello, Teacher Hong!” An Ran quickly stood up and said.

“Your daughter-in-law? Well, your kid is married, very good!” Teacher Hong nodded with some relief.

He didn’t know the news about Lin Bei’s marriage, and Xu Song and others didn’t tell him anything. After all, there is basically no contact between them.

So now that Teacher Hong has heard the news that Lin Bei is married, he is really pleased.

If in the entire class, who was the most worried teacher among their teachers, then it was undoubtedly Lin Bei.

Like the children of martyrs, their class is not unavailable. If nothing else, Li Guangrong, he is!

But like this kind of orphaned martyrs, let alone the entire class, that is, the entire grade, and even the entire school, Lin Bei can be said to be unique!

Both his father and uncle died for the country, and his mother died of illness. It can be said that anyone with a little kind heart will feel a little distressed for Lin Bei.

Teachers like them, naturally, there is no need to say more.

Hearing what Teacher Hong said, Lin Bei also smiled, and then pointed to Guo Yao next to him and said, “This one, you have to honor the kid who introduced you to 〃〃!”

“Oh? Isn’t it possible that this is the wife of Glory?” Teacher Hong looked at Li Glory as he said.

“Yes, daughter-in-law, my daughter-in-law, Guo Yao!” Li Yaorong smiled like a fool again.

Good wife, good wife, he wished Guo Yao would marry him now.

After all, the relationship between two people is not too short now, and the elders of both sides are quite satisfied with each other, there is no reason to drag it down.

“Hello, Teacher Hong, I’m Guo Yao!” Guo Yao said, and lightly stepped on Li Yaoguang.

As Li Rongrong said, they have no reason to drag on any longer, marriage is an inevitable ending!

But now Li Yaorong hasn’t proposed to her yet, so he introduces himself to others as his wife. Guo Yao wouldn’t be so cheap.

If it weren’t for worrying that there are a lot of Li Rongrong’s teachers here and need to give him face, now it is not as simple as stepping on the foot, but directly to the highest criminal law.

“¨¨ Well, well, I didn’t expect that this kid Glory is also married now. Although he fell in love with my class the most at the time, he was the most skinny in the class. I was still a little worried about whether he would remain single. , I didn’t expect this to be resolved!” Teacher Hong replied with a smile.

Xu Song, Guo Ge, and Teacher Liao all smiled at this, and did not say much about this matter.

They all know that Li Yaorong and Guo Yao are not married yet. They are only boyfriends and girlfriends at the moment, but both parties (Wang Nuozhao) have said so by themselves. It is naturally impossible for them to interrupt and say something. .

Moreover, for Li Yaorong and Guo Yao, they are both very optimistic, and I hope they can come together smoothly.

“Teacher Hong, take a seat first, don’t stand!” Lin Bei saw that everyone was talking about it, so he asked Teacher Hong to sit down.

Teacher Hong didn’t have any nonsense when he heard the words, and directly responded, and then sat next to Teacher Liao.

In the next few minutes, some of the other teachers also rushed over, and Lin Bei arranged for them to take their seats. .

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