Chapter 67


With the last number spit out from Lin Bei’s mouth, the old gun did not hesitate, and immediately pressed the detonator in his hand.

Bang! !

Three special bombs that had been placed in advance exploded instantly, and three large holes immediately appeared on the glass wall. Countless glass fragments shot out. At the same time, countless cracks started from the big hole and spread across the entire glass wall.

call out! call out! call out!

Almost at the moment when the old gun pressed the detonator, the Lin Bei trio threw the flash shock bomb in their hands into the big hole in the middle of the glass wall, and flew straight into the room along the gap between the curtains in the middle of the living room.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As soon as the three shock bombs fell on the ground, they exploded in an instant. All the people in the living room suddenly felt that they were covered by a white light, their heads were hammered several times, and they were a little dazed.

Zi Zi Zi ~

At the moment the shock bomb was thrown out, all five people in the rescue team except the old gun kicked their calves against the wall, and the whole person immediately fell backwards and quickly folded their legs in the air. A straight ray directly hit the glass wall below.


The army boots broke open the already cracked glass wall in an instant, and the huge inertia brought all their bodies into the house.


Lin Bei, who was still in the air, had already pulled the trigger. He was in the best position. Down was the gap between the curtains in the living room, and the situation in the room was unobstructed.


The bullet flew across the corner of the curtain instantly, and went straight into the head of the gangster boss Li Wenxu, and blood spurted out immediately.


Xiao Zhuang quickly fell to the ground along the curtain cloth, ignoring the pain on his butt, and quickly shot out a bullet, opening a small hole in the forehead of his target number 2, the culprit Xiao Liu, splashing blood and brains. On the white wall behind him.

boom! boom!

At the same time, Qiangzi and Geng Jihui also landed on their buttocks, killing the two gangsters standing behind the hostages with one shot.


As the army boots collided with the floor, Lin Bei quickly rolled over in a tactical manner, alleviating the huge momentum, and immediately got up and went to the head of the fallen gangster. He aimed his muzzle at his head and fired another shot.

boom! boom! boom!

The three of Xiaozhuang did the same. After landing, they got up quickly, walked quickly to their target, and shot their heads, regardless of whether the opponent was dead or not.

“Number One, control!”

“Number two, control!”

“Number three, control!”

“Number four, control!”

“Number five, number six, control!”

After Chen Pai said, he put down his hand at the two pistols squatting hostages, quickly got up and came to them, and stood up to salute: “Xia State Army Special Forces, you are safe!”

Hearing Chen Pai’s words, the two hostages, who had been squatting on the ground and shaking constantly, slowly opened their eyes and looked around.

At first sight was a corpse lying in a pool of blood. The leader of the gangster was looking at them with wide-eyed eyes with a grim look on his face.

“Ah…” The two hostages suddenly screamed and sat down on the ground.

Lin Bei glanced at them, then pressed the headset and said: “The report says that all four gangsters have been killed and none of the hostages were killed or injured. It’s over!”

After saying this, Lin Bei instantly felt that his whole body was extremely relaxed, and the mountain that was originally pressing on his body disappeared.

The task this time can be said to be very difficult. When they arrived, there were only nine minutes left. After understanding the situation and determining the approximate action plan, it was less than eight minutes.

When the door is blocked, they can only choose to go from the rooftop at a height of 100 meters to the glass wall of the living room of Room 2503, and then break into the living room from there to kill the culprits and rescue the hostages. The difficulty of the whole process is very high. Especially when they reached the 27th floor, they could only move down slowly step by step, not daring to make too much movement, for fear that they would alarm the culprits in Room 2503.

From the cable landing to breaking into the house, they were at least suspended in the air for more than two minutes. You must know that it was tens of meters in the air, and there was no place to take advantage of it. The safety buckles on their bodies only played a certain protective role. , Mainly relying on hand strength to support, for more than two minutes, even if they are brutally trained commandos, they feel a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, all the hard work paid off in the end. They successfully killed four gangsters, rescued the hostages with zero casualties, and completed the first actual combat mission of Lone Wolf Group B since its formation…

Thinking of this, Lin Bei’s mouth showed a smile, and his efforts were not in vain.

In order to ensure the safety of this rescue mission, before the rescue began, that is, when the last five seconds countdown, he turned on the function of predicting the future, spent 300 military merits, and knew what would happen in the next 10 seconds.

In that prediction, they also completed the task, but it was not perfect.

Because the gangster boss suddenly got up and left the original position and walked towards the hostages, it took him about 0.19 seconds longer than expected to kill the opponent. Although it was a bit faster than Xiaozhuang and the others, the accident finally happened.

The gangster boss has strong willpower. At the moment he was hit by the flash shock bomb, he was able to pull the trigger for the first time. A hostage was shot in the arm by him, and then he was killed by Lin Bei.

It was precisely because this scene was foreseen in advance that when Lin Bei was in the air just now, his gun was pointed directly at his latest position, and he was sent to see the king with a single shot, without giving him a chance to hurt the hostage.

“Good job!”

At this moment, Lao Gao’s slightly excited voice suddenly sounded in the headset, pulling Lin Bei back from his thoughts.

“Open the door, let the special police personnel go in and take over, and then prepare to evacuate.” Googao Lao Gao’s voice sounded again.

“Understood!” Lin Bei replied by pressing the headset quickly, and then looked at Xiaozhuang and Qiangzi on the side.

The two of them immediately understood, and walked quickly towards the door of the room.

Ta Ta Ta.

After a while, a dozen or so heavily armed special police rushed in under the leadership of the special police captain and Guozilian.

“You have worked hard.” Guozimian glanced at the situation in the living room, then looked at Lin Bei and others and said.

“It should be.” Lin Bei smiled. This is their duty, not to mention hardship.

The Guozi face nodded, and then looked at the special police captain beside him: “Immediately let the psychologists come up to give psychological counseling to the hostages, don’t let them leave any psychological shadows, and notify the people below to tell the reporters that the hostages are safe. Rescue, all the culprits are killed!”


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