
  Chapter 108 should go to jail instead of you

"Add a restraint to the guard?"

After spitting up, Lionel wiped the filth from the corner of his mouth, looking in disbelief: "But they are not prisoners!"

"Why do you think that only the prisoner's chip will add a ban ?"

Harvey said with a sneer: "Or, why do you think the chip of the ordinary person can't be banned?"

"The Sinner Directory—"

"When you were detained in the crime house, you were already subject to multiple bans. At that time, you hadn't signed the "Sinner's Directory", which was not fundamentally different from the ordinary person. The effect is just to keep our ban constant."

Lionel muttered: "I thought the hunter used a miracle on me..."

Ash felt a chill in his heart.

In other words, everyone in Blood Moon Country, whether it's an ordinary person or a spellmaster, wears a shackle that can strangle them at any time. If the processor receives an order, it can control everyone in the area to do anything, even let them personally stab their own throat!

It's funny, so far Ash has never really seen Blood Moon Country, or even the ordinary person in Blood Moon Country, but he knows a lot of secrets that the ordinary person can't touch.

He is like observing the world in the cracks, and all he gets are fragmentary keywords: multiracial, human rights association, nursing home, crime hall, church, memory division, Blood Moon Trial, woodpecker Gangsters... These keywords form a world of bizarre and motley, democratic and dictatorial, rich and poor, respectful of human rights and invasion of privacy, entertaining to death and harmonious and stable.

Like a Blood Lotus blooming on the sludge, it is bright but exudes the stench of pickled fish.

This may have a lot to do with Ash's source of information, after all, in the death row prison he can see the truth, goodness and beauty among who? But there is never a perfect country on earth. Maybe Ash will be really fragrant after going out, lying on the sofa and watching Blood Moon Trial on time every month.

"This is definitely not the kind of information that a scavenger can access." Igor suddenly said: "Who the hell are you? How did you hide the crime from the Hunting Hall?"

"I'm a scavenger." Harvey said calmly: "The duty is to deal with the corpse, and the main job content is so that the corpse does not ask for rescue, do not resist, and do not escape."


Lionel suddenly remembered something: "In the past few years, there were some murders that were also called Legendary in the industry. The victim was murdered at home, but there was no trace of fighting in the room, and the victim disappeared without a trace, and there were many of these victims. Spellmaster ...Everyone calls this killer a 'controller', thinking that he has mastered a control miracle that is very difficult to deal with, and can even make the Two Wings spellmaster completely lose the ability to resist!"

"Overpraised, I It's just taking advantage of the existing loopholes." Harvey shook his head: "As for how I got past the crime hunting hall, it's very simple - delete the memory first, and then find a way to get it back."

Ash is very I am puzzled: "You can delete all the memories, so why don't you just delete all the illegal memories, so that you can be acquitted on the spot?"

"He can't." Igor said: "He Majoring in the necromantic faction, most of his memories are related to the necromantic faction. If he deletes the relevant memory of the necromantic faction, it is no different from letting him lose his memory directly. Memory, the crime hunting hall must know that he deleted his memory - there is no corpse to learn the necromantic faction."

"This is the best result after his calculation."

Ash snorted: "Wait, since you've processed your memory in advance, does that mean you were arrested on purpose? Did you have to enter Broken Lake Prison for a reason? For example...for Narbel?"

A chilly wind suddenly blew from the closed room.

As Harvey lifted his chin and glanced all around with his wicked pupils, Ronald immediately pulled Lionel behind him and Igor stepped forward to stand in front of Ash.

Ash got goosebumps from the wind, couldn't even breathe, and his head went blank.

spell, or maybe a miracle?

This gust of wind came and went quickly, and Harvey lowered his eyelids: "I can add restrictions to the guards, so that they can't do anything, not even sound the alarm. Can this ability bring you a promise?"

Igor said: "Tell me about your requirements first."

"After escaping, you have to help me kill someone. ."


"Arandall Fernandez." Harvey spit out a well-known name: "The current mayor of Kaimon."

Void Realm, the sea of ​​knowledge.

"So you signed an unbreakable contract, and although you haven't escaped from prison, you have included the powerful mayor on the Must Kill List?"

"Yes. , it just so happens that there is a contractor in the team, and there is no possibility for us to 'promise verbally and then go back on one's word'."

"Tsk, you actually thought about going back on it."


"You can join other people to kill the undead spellmaster after you escape from prison, so you don't have to perform the contract! It's not written in the contract that you can't hurt each other, right?"

"As expected of you, you should go to jail instead."

During the chat, the Umbrella Bird Dragon, which was beaten up like a tattered umbrella, suddenly shrank its wings and rushed towards it like a spinning umbrella. White Mist runs away, and at the same time a spell is thrown in the opposite direction!    "Sword Princess!"

"No problem!"

Ash rushed to catch spell, while Sonia ran up ahead of Umbrosaurus. Watching the Umbrella Bird Dragon rushing forward, Sonia was not afraid at all, and at the same time as she put on a sword-drawing posture, there were moonlight threads surging around her!   clang!    When the Umbrella Bird Dragon touched the moon silk, Sonia's whole body was like a taut spring, and the wooden sword drew a perfect arc, cutting out a scarlet sword qi wave!   miracle ·killing intent WaterMoon! Incorporate the Killing Intent Sword into the WaterMoon to increase the formidable power of the new miracle!    "Kuru—"

The Umbrella Bird Dragon was chopped to pieces, let out an unwilling whimper, and then dissipated into light smoke, dropping two spells.

Ash sighed upon seeing this: "There is no Experience Orb, so when will you be promoted to Two Wings..."

Sonia comforted: "This kind of thing can't be rushed, Many spellmasters have said that the Void Realm listens to our wishes, the more we want it the less it will give, and when we don't care, it will be delivered to us."

"It sounds like the Void Realm So cheap."

"You say a few more words, I'm afraid I won't want to see Experience Orb again in my life."

With "Expelling Secret Poison" and "Void Realm" With the help of the telescope, Ash can now steadily seek out knowledge creatures to hunt. In order to promote Sword Princess to Two Wings as soon as possible, so that he can hold his thighs, Ash specifically looks for knowledge creatures who may explode sword technique orbs.

But tonight, after hunting fishdragon and umbrella bird dragon continuously, except for a few spells, there is no sign of Experience Orb at all. Not only does this make Ash a little discouraged, at this rate, it's not realistic to feed Sword Princess into Two Wings fatty in ten days.

"I don't know how many sword technique gems it takes to raise the realm to gold."

Sonia lay on the boat with both feet directly on the side of the boat On, Lazily said: "Spellmaster basically relies on learning and Void Realm voyage to improve the faction realm, occasionally encountering an Experience Orb is very happy, if you can meet your own Experience Orb majoring in the faction, that is even more. You can boast a lifetime of great achievements. Use Experience Orb forcibly to pile up the major faction realm? Thinking like this, it will be laughed at by the little child."

"The value of being ridiculed is the realization of the value. ." Ash glanced at the pair of swaying black silk calves, and the snow white between the stockings and the short skirt: "Is it my illusion, I always feel that you are more and more relaxed in front of me."

"What~ Yes~, I'm just a little tired, so I take a break."

"But I remember you used to sit upright when you were resting."

"How can you sit comfortably while lying down? Hey, Viewer, can you make the boat bigger, better get a pedal, I want to put my feet in the boat and stretch out."


"Don't go too far, Sword Princess!"

"Why, you're allowed to act like a spoiled child, but I'm not allowed to stretch?"

"What, what, what? Ash was so excited that he stammered: "I've never been coquettish! You don't spit on people!"

Sonia cleared her throat: "'I'm as light as a balloon, But there is only a thin thread left to tie me to the ground, Sword Princess, to me, you are the one...'"

"hmph, you thought you had my handle Now? You think I'm the kind of person who would be shy about this kind of thing?"


"But I think it's easy to get away with it if you leave it like this. Wet your socks, it's not good to suddenly fall when the time comes fighting." Ash patted his thighs calmly: "Actually, I can do a little foot massage, why don't you put your feet on my thighs."

(end of chapter)

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