
  Chapter 157 and Sword Princess In   the study on the second floor of the villa, Ash almost turned into a tree man , like a forest tombstone. Every branch is as hard as steel, and every leaf is absorbing his mana.

This is a very powerful forest faction miracle. You must know that the forest faction has always been based on the production of creations. This miracle is fierce and unusual. How many spells are combined in the unimaginable can it be imprisoned, killed and weakened? effects in one.

Schilling, who is more than 200 years old, is the Two Wings spellmaster, which is not uncommon. The faction realm is the most ruthless assessment, like a natural moat that stops all the 'mediocre' who lack innate talent and lack of opportunities. Effort is meaningless to spellmaster, because effort is the foundation of spellmaster, but without innate talent, no matter how long you live, how hard you work, and how hard you work, you will not be able to reach the higher landscape.

Although I can't see the higher scenery, but because there is enough time, Schilling can also enjoy the towering quaintness of the towering trees next to it, the stingers of bees, the secrets of spiders, and the hidden nature of plants. murderous intention.

All resources are converted into the spellmaster's power, including time.

Ash doesn't actually look down on Schilling just because he's also a Two Wings spellmaster -- not just now, but never before. But time is not on his side. With the passage of time, it will be easier for the Hunting Hall to find him. He found in the curtain that the Hunting Hall has begun a large-scale investigation of the lower area and the pig area.

Freya's home is Warm Countryside, but it is also his grave.

He must get the information he needs as soon as possible, and Professor Schilling is his only option. Before he came, he knew that he was going to gamble on his life. After all, life was just a more important chip, and he still had to bet when it was time to bet.

And how important is life to him?

This is not a game he is familiar with, nor is he facing a familiar gambler. If it wasn't for the fear of being picked up, perhaps he would have wanted to throw away this chip.

Ash closed his eyelids and narrowed his eyes, as if in a deep sleep.

His voice became high and steady, as if he was the Sovereign here: "Have you made a decision, Professor Schilling."

Schilling walked around him, He murmured: "Since Heath is already not in, then I naturally don't need to continue to be loyal to him, and I don't need to carry out his orders. I'm already a free blood moon elf."

"But yours Existence is always a huge threat. There is no guarantee that Heath will be resurrected again, returning like lightning with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood."

"But you won't kill me. Ash said calmly: "After you know I'm not Heath, not only do you think you can kill me, you even have to protect my life."

After careful thinking, Ash knew that he There is no danger at all.

If he is the real Heath, Schilling will follow the order to assassinate him, but Heath also has a way to control Schilling; but he is not Heath, Schilling has been freed from the bondage, and naturally there is no need to kill him.

Some people may be wondering, wouldn't Schilling, who is enslaved and controlled by Heath, hate Wujiwu and want to cut weeds and eliminate the roots, and destroy Ash's generation as well?

Of course not, if Schilling only had the idea of ​​revenge, he would have crushed him like a peach just now.

But Schilling was terrified.

"Yes." Schilling stopped behind Ash, his voice trembling: "Since Heath wants you to die, then you have to live, even if struggling on whilst at death's door, even if life is better than death Live too!"

Ash asked, "Do you know why Heath killed me?"

"I don't know, but you're so weak, so stupid, so small, Just one point..."

Schilling walked up to Ash and pointed his index finger to Ash's forehead: "ceremony isn't finished yet, you're not a complete 'tactile', you're just a semifinished product."


"Only by killing you can ceremony be completed and Heath's fantasy come to this world."

Ash looked at Schilling's fingers, "What is 'tactile'? After I die What's going to happen?"

"I don't know, I don't know!"

Schilling scratched his hair hysterically: "That's the secret of the Four Pillar Gods, that's what only Heath can do. Know the whole ceremony! Heath only said to the congregation that he is not yet a full 'touch', and when the ceremony is complete, he will return from suffering, free from honor, fall from the sky, rise from the grave, and become a 'touch' beyond all things '! Then... he will do as one pleases to smear the world!"

"It sounds like I should be able to surpass the so-called Four Wings spellmaster after ceremony is completed." Ash's mouth was slightly upturned: " So, if you kill me, I'll become a...something like Supreme Lord Blood Moon?"

Schilling stared at Ash, "You wouldn't have that chance. ."

Ash whispered, "So, are you going to hand me over to the Guilty Hall?"

"No, absolutely not, Gerald might kill you, Blood Moon Trial is going to take your life...I will never hand you over!" Schilling shook his head vigorously, as if trying to shake off a fly: "The arrogant Blood Saint Race only wants to study you, the stubborn Moonshadow Race doesn't care about you at all!"

"Only I know how serious you are, only I can do this...only I..."

Schilling whispered the devilish words: "Cut off your limbs, lock you in a doll box, and put you in the deepest basement on the third floor, using only an infusion tube to maintain your most basic life..."

That's right, that's it.

Ash didn't waver, and was satisfied with Schilling's decision. If Schilling really handed him over to the crime hall, Ash couldn't possibly repeat a prison break, no matter how stupid the prison knew to guard against his purification miracle.

Not to mention anything else, just change the sending frequency of Ash's vital signs from once every ten minutes to once every second, Ash removed the chip on his front foot, and Gerald came to Broken Lake on his back foot.

Schilling, no matter how many obstacles he adds to the outside world, is not as neat as a chip ban. Ash doesn't care about physical disabilities, as long as he can enter the Void Realm, sooner or later he will have the strength to break the game.

even more how, Ash doesn't really lose all his resistance now.

Attachment, Heart Sword, Slash Me Miracle, these skills that Ash fully masters, he can activate without mana.

It's just that this tree completely imprisoned his ability to move, and it's useless for him to resist now.

When Schilling is ready to move him, that's the best time for him to get out of trouble. He followed Gesas all the way here and observed the surrounding security situation. If Schilling wanted to hunt him down, he would kill the surrounding security guards and lead the hunters to come.

The hunters wanted to kill me, and Schilling wanted to save my life. If it works properly, it can even trigger a conflict between Schilling and the hunters, and if it causes mass casualties, I can also use Fernandez's speech the other day to detonate racial conflicts and class conflicts, and then... One by one thoughts swirled in Ash's mind. Extinction, and soon formed a conspiracy with a prototype.

The worst case scenario is that he is imprisoned in the basement and becomes an immobile, boxed doll with only heartbeats left in the world.

Ash was unwavering, not nervous, not afraid, not excited about the tragic fate that lay ahead for him.

He seemed to detach himself from this body, quietly admiring the fate of 'Ash Heath' beside him.

Pain, loneliness, and torture cannot shake his will, because in his world...

In his world...

... ...and Sword Princess?   Things are interrupted here, Ash shivered, and his pupils recover.

It's hard to describe the feeling, it's like Ash was about to fly out of this world, and suddenly a thread pulled him down, making him fiercely fall to the ground, and then the sound of the air moving, the fragrance of the earth , the pulse of the heartbeat, all the feelings rushed into the brain.

It's as if Ash fell asleep just now, and now he's finally awake.

At this time, Schilling suddenly made a strange noise.

"Schilling Dole, you can't run away." He murmured softly, "You're free, you can't run away."

elf took a handle from the drawer The ebony dagger, then walked up to Ash, held the dagger upside down, and pushed it gently—

stabbed into his own throat.

(End of this chapter)

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