
  Chapter 184: Four Pillar Gods Infighting? The   underground hall is so quiet that there is only the sound of flames.

The children stopped crying and looked at him blankly. At this moment, Igor seemed to be a teenager younger, just as dazed and cute as the child next to him. Only Harvey had a funny look that wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and gave Ash a thumbs up with his bound right hand.

Everyone seemed to hold their breath, quietly waiting for the result of this sacrifice showdown.

One second passed, two seconds passed, three seconds passed, nothing happened.

The children showed disappointed expressions one after another, and Igor also secretly sighed.

However, the surrounding black robed man gradually began to commotion.

"How is it possible..."

"Are we abandoned?"

"Why is this, Four Pillar Gods, are you punishing us? "!"

Even the cute and pretty face of Eternal Tribulation is slightly frowned at the moment, like a child who sees his toy being robbed.

Yes, nothing happened.

But nothing happened, that's the biggest problem!    Four Pillar Gods has always responded very quickly to sacrifices. There has never been coldness or delay, loving the people. Four Pillar Gods has indeed reached the top of its peers, accurately grasping the pain points of believers, and arranging new competitions in many places. Tao, formed an ecological closed loop of sacrifice and Oracle, improved people’s perception, and ensured the end-to-end short, flat and fast processing of sacrifices to Four Pillar Gods. The flat decentralization of sect realized the simple repetition of sacrifice ceremony. Use and quick response are the strongest moat of Four Pillar Gods Church...

However, this time Four Pillar Gods did not respond to the believers’ summon and came out to take away the sacrifices. It’s like a netizen found a webpage. If there is no response, the black robed man will panic so much as it should be by rights-they suspect that Four Pillar Gods has broken the link with them!   Who is not afraid of network disconnection!

dong!    Suddenly there was a strange noise in the sky. The black robed man lifted the head in surprise, but saw a crack in the ceiling of the hall.

bang!   With a bang, the ceiling exploded directly!

Looking at this scene, Ash always feels that the development of the plot seems to have been seen somewhere.

"Finally found you, Serena Bright."

In the falling smoke, a tall elf with gray hair and long ears fell gently in front of Ash and the others. She wore a red cloak with a hood, her gray ponytail was raised high, and each hand held a hand gun engraved with a rune loop.

When she fell to the ground, the surrounding fire ring suddenly went out, and the earth cracked into layers of soil walls, which surrounded the children just right!

With the sound of surging xiu xiu, more than a dozen rescuers who also wear red cloaks rushed in from the ceiling, ruthless shot the black robed man in the underground hall, and didn’t care about who right. sign.

But the cult black robed man here is much better than Ash’s cheerleaders. They are not afraid of surprise attacks. They even drew out their weapons and cast miracles to recoil, trying to drown the few rescuers!    Suddenly a young man among the rescuers gave a surprise roar: "Job, very good, you are okay—die for me, cult leader!"

The tall elf's face changed drastically: "Ku So, don't you—"

Huh! The    youth moved towards Eternal Tribulation shot an electromagnetic blaster, but the blaster happened to hit another rescuer’s blaster. The two blaster clinked in the air, the flight path was forcibly twisted, and then--

pa!    Ash heard the sound of a watermelon cracking from behind, and then his back became hot, as if some warm liquid was splashed on, and then the children gave out hysterical panic tips. Scream.

He didn't dare to look back.

"Job...Job!?" The young man lost one's head out of fear and shouted, "Impossible, this impossible——"

The tall elf stared at Eternal Tribulation , Yelled: "Kuso, you are on the battlefield now!"

Elf's worries soon became a reality. The young man named Kouso let out a scream when she tone barely fell, as if The black robed man seized the opportunity to fight back.

In the whole process, the tall elf didn't look back. He always stood in front of the offerings of Ash, keeping his eyes on Eternal Tribulation and letting others solve other black robe cultists.

"Klios · Admiration."

Although his old nest was copied, Eternal Tribulation didn't seem to care. There was no trace of worry on his face, and he looked tall with interest. Elf said: "The "Red Hat·Azura" ranked first and the watchman'Crying Sand' Klios of the "Red Hat General List" tenth came to arrest me, a disabled person. Serena is really flattered."

"You are not only disabled, you are cruel."

The female elf named Klios coldly said: "No. 1 in the "Sinner List·Azura", No. 1 in the "Killing List·Azura" 6. "Disaster Messenger List" is eighth. In recent years, Azura's crime rate has risen year by year. Serial killings, kidnappings, drug smuggling, and the resurgence of cult spreading all have nothing to do with you."

" Klios elder sister, actually I was wronged." Eternal Tribulation suddenly burst into tears: "Look at me, I can't even move without a wheelchair, and I will even starve to death if no one serves me. I'm just being left alone. The puppets on the booth, in some cases, even become secret mastermind toys... Klios elder sister, can I trust you? Can you let me out of the control of Four Pillar Gods Church?"

Harvey and Igor looked towards Ash at the same time, with strong doubts in their eyes again—brother, are the whitewashing lines of your cult leader exactly the same? Did you stay in the same training class before taking office?

Ash didn’t know that they were treating good people like bad guys again, and whispered in defense: "I was really wronged! You just change the subject of her words to me. Really!"

"So have you been used as a toy by secret mastermind?" Harvey asked.

Facing Eternal Tribulation’s excuse, Klios didn’t fluctuate in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little: "Serena, you have hard to avoid calamity tonight. What you say is useless, "Gospel" won’t Wrong."

Eternal Tribulation quickly changed his face, coldly snorted: "Blind faith is a Road of No Return. The most stupid thing for people is to think that God is selfless. Klios, your blindness will sooner or later. You bring despair."

"Are you a cult leader qualified to say such things?"

"Because I know that God loves the world." Eternal Tribulation said with a smile: " But God loves himself more."

Klios shut up, seemingly not interested in continuing to talk nonsense with Eternal Tribulation.

Eternal Tribulation leaned lazily on the silver throne, "Then, since Klios you consider me a criminal, why not come up and arrest me? You would never expect me, a disabled little girl, to come down and surrender. ?"

"I'm waiting."

Female elf coldly said: "Wait for all other cultists to be resolved, wait for all external factors to dissolve, and wait for your destiny miracle to be unavailable I will ring the death knell for you myself."

Miracle of destiny!

Hearing this most mysterious magic faction, the three migrant workers couldn't help but prick their ears.

Destiny, truth, and prophecy, these three Sect departments have no spellmaster. I don’t want to learn, but no spellmaster knows how to learn. Even the most familiar prophecy faction has no system in Blood Moon Country. In the Kaimon University, all professors who study prophecy factions and each one are all cheating funds.

Although the prophecy faction is as if dreams and visions in a bubble, the spellmasters still think it is a serious faction, and the truth and destiny faction has been angrily denounced by many spellmasters as feudal superstitions-even There is no shadow of spell from each faction. The deeds of spellmaster about the truth of destiny only exist in the words of Yuan Ancient God. What is the difference between this and the setting of fantasy novels!

Even the spellmaster who believes in miracle believes that it is a feudal superstitious magic faction, unexpectedly appeared in front of you?    "Before I acted, I ran out of my points and gospel, and got a way to defeat you from "Gospel"-'can't hurt you'." Klios said: "If I guessed correctly, yours The miracle of destiny uses all kinds of accidents to distort all attacks on you, and can even attack the people who produce killing intents against you."

"Just now, Couso wanted to shoot you, but the gunshots were accidental. Shoot down at his younger brother, and because of this, he lost his mind and was killed by your men... It's a terrifying miracle of fate."

"So the action plan I made was to kill you first My hand, clean up all the unstable factors that can help you, and then deal with you slowly." The female elf said with a sneer: "How does it feel to watch yourself stepping into a dead end? You, a lovely person, is bred with fear under the skin. Are you in your mood?"

"It is worthy of the respectable crying sand Red Riding Hood Klios, but there is one thing you said wrong."

Eternal Tribulation said with a smile: "You The described ability is not a miracle of fate, and I am not proficient in this legendary magical faction."

"It is not a miracle, it is not a spell, it is not a secret poison, it is not a blessing."


"It's my...'touch'."

"Nonsense!" Klios looked around for a week and found that the black robed man was basically suppressed, so he stopped waiting. Gun aimed at——

The ceiling!   xiū xiū xiū!    Klios's blaster seems to have a miracle attached, and a few shots of trifling caused the rock on the ceiling to quickly melt and collapse. With the loud rumbling, a huge rock formation is about to fall, smashing the Eternal Tribulation on the Silver Throne into a pool of meat sauce!    Ash suddenly understood Klios's thoughts-although I can't attack you, but I attack the rock, let the rock fall and kill you, can't you avoid the weird miracle of fate?

This indeed seems to be a wise approach, at least Ash does not see any loopholes. The black robe cultists are suppressed and cannot save Eternal Tribulation. Eternal Tribulation has no mobility. If she wants to leave the Silver Throne, she must rely on spell or miracle.

But for some reason, Ash has a strong hunch-Serena is not a spellmaster!   She didn't master any spell or miracle except what she called the "touch"!   Just like Heath back then!   Crack.

In the rumbling, a strange cracking sound caught everyone's attention. They lifted the head and saw a weird crack in the ceiling rock, and a few drops of water leaked out of it.

Klios's pupils shrank suddenly, and he shot a gun to the back, and the ground quickly swelled into a fortress to protect the children.

pa! The   rock broke completely, but with it there was torrential water! The   ceiling quickly cracked elsewhere, and the crash-bang underground river rushed into the underground hall like a waterfall!

"How could there be an underground river there—"

Klios was staring at it, their red hats dug the ceiling and rushed in, but they didn't even dig the underground river?    She was so angry that her eye sockets were wet, and she bit her lip and quickly shot towards the floor. Layers of soil bulged up trying to resist the river.

However, not only the front, but the walls next to it also began to crack, and the violent river invaded like an army, as if the entire underground hall was built in the underground sea, and if only a hole was broken, it would be quickly submerged. ! The    red hat and the black robed man were both swept away by the river, and Klios could only protect himself with the earth technique miracle, temporarily ignoring other people-so Ash was also washed away.

Maybe Ash and the others are too close to Klios, or maybe she feels that adults do not need special protection, so her earth technique miracle only covers the children, just to expose the three Ashes .

Ash's hands and feet are still bound by miracle chains. Unless he can turn his tongue like a propeller, he can't swim at all, so he can only hold his breath and accept the flow until he hits one. He stopped with a soft body.

"You hit me."

"Ho, ho... sorry."

Ash quickly took a big breath, looked down, and found himself Lying on the armrest of the silver throne.

The former cult leader turned his head slightly, and saw the young colleagues with wet clothes like a cat.

He is now like a perverted adult lying on the thigh of a little loli-if the latter has thighs.

"You just said that you are the End Viewer?" She pressed her voice and bit her ears with Ash.

Ash nodded shook his head again, wriggling his body trying to stay away from the current cult leader: "Actually, I have changed my mind and become a new man..."

"Re-introduce myself, I am External Tribulation , Eternal Tribulation said with a smile. "Eternal Tribulation said with a smile: "It's nice to meet you, End Viewer, you can ask me to be here."

Ash is a little dazed: "(⊙o⊙ )...You can call me Viewer."

"Then, Viewer, please go to death."

Serena raised her head high, and then slammed down—

Hit Ash's forehead with your own forehead!

(End of this chapter)

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