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Chapter 398: Well done

Everyone has their own fears in their hearts.

Some are afraid of heights, some are afraid of water, some are afraid of bugs, and some are afraid of wives.

But in fact, everyone has a common fear, that is, fear of the unknown.

The system judgment is unknown. Zhang Xiaojian doesn't know if the system will convict the company's profit to a strange crime, and then make him suffocated, weak... myocardial infarction or something, so he is a little scared.

Of course, after receiving Shi Jin's phone call, Zhang Xiaojian immediately turned off his mobile phone and got into the bed with the white-washed Mozhu after suffering three consecutive blows.

Ye Mozhu noticed that Zhang Xiaojian was a little melancholy, and remembered the nonsense that he had said before, "there is a long way to go," the more the company makes money, the more clear-headed it is.

Hmm... Xiaojian should be thinking about these things before she showed a sad face, right?

So the sensible Ye Mozhu turned over and asked, "Should I give you a massage?"

Of course Zhang Xiaojian agreed happily.

Just press and press...

"Don't touch here..."


"Xiao Jian, can you not just move your hands and feet."


"In the end, it's you yourself."

"Uh, it seems to make sense."

Zhang Xiaojian lay on the pillow, tossing and turning, this night he suffered both psychological and physical torture...


Sunlight gradually illuminated every corner of the mansion through the panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows.

Zhang Xiaojian woke up slowly with a migraine, found Ye Mozhu in the kitchen again, and had a hearty and loving breakfast.

Today’s schedule is not as busy as yesterday. Zhang Xiaojian didn’t know what he was wondering. Now Shenke has been jumping all night long, and it may continue for many days and nights...

He only knows that today he is going to finish what he didn't finish yesterday. After listening to the report on the transfer period of the PRG E-sports club, he and Mo Zhu can spend an afternoon leisurely, preparing to entertain the four cafes tomorrow. neighbor.

Without calling Li Dong to come, he and Ye Mozhu drove all the way to the RPG club in an off-road vehicle. After all, after buying the club, his unreliable boss hadn't seen it once.

Just a little frightened while driving.

According to the truth, e-sports clubs, especially the lesser-known e-sports clubs, will inevitably lose money when participating in the LPL, but because of the lessons learned from the past, no, Zhang Xiaojian is more afraid of what Li Dong will give him. Yaozi.

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaojian had no choice but to comfort himself, because as far as the RPG e-sports club is concerned, there is really no profitable point.

Even if big players come during the transfer period, they will only increase their investment. RPG will not be profitable until results are achieved.

After regaining their confidence, Zhang Xiaojian and Ye Mozhu talked and laughed, passing through the streets of Ningyuan, bypassing the alleys, and arriving in front of the PRG Electronic Club.

This is a detached two-story building. Due to the location, there are still many parking spaces in front of it.

Stopped the car, Zhang Xiaojian and Ye Mozhu got off, and they saw Li Dong who had actually been waiting for a long time after pushing the door open, and everyone from the management of the RPG club.

Zhongxing Pengyue usually walks into the club.

Not to mention, although the sparrow is small and has all five internal organs, the environment is not beautiful, but it is also neat.

Zhang Xiaojian didn’t know. After he informed Li Dong yesterday to visit this morning, Li Dong brought the coaches from the RPG Electronic Club to a cleanup, and also experienced the feeling of being a head teacher, especially looking for a little bit of the corner. Hui, then shouted: "This can't work!"

Of course, Zhang Xiaojian would not go to the horns. He walked into the conference room all the way. He sat down and looked around and saw many posters and decorations of familiar game characters.

It's just... after looking around, not only Li Dong, but seven or eight of the people present here are not so good, their smiles are a bit stiff, and they are a little vacant.. Especially like the one before the primary school student did not turn in his homework and was called by the teacher. Kind of desire to cover up.

Seeing this expression, Zhang Xiaojian felt a little comforted. It would never be the club making money, so he cheerfully said, "What's the matter?"

Seeing this smile on Zhang Xiaojian's face, Li Dong remembered the way his former boss smiled before he became angry, and he couldn't help but feel more guilty.

But the matter was over, so I gritted his teeth and stomped his feet: "Boss, the operation of our transfer period...not done well."

Before he finished his words, other colleagues showed expressions of shame.

Since the establishment of the RPG Electronic Club, it has never achieved any results, and naturally there is no money in the pocket when the transfer period comes.

But after Zhang Xiaojian bought the RPG club, his financial situation was completely reversed.

There are tickets in the pocket of the RPG club. The transfer funds of 200 million yuan are absolutely huge in the e-sports circle.


They did not buy a player that the owner Zhang Xiaojian liked.

This is not a question of money. Li Dong has not run less all over the country these days and has contacted well-known players. Some people just refuse to come to the RPG club because they think they are going to the RPG club. Let's put... you can't use 50 million or even 100 million to hit a star player. Li Dong is used to tightening his belt and thinks it is too stupid..

And due to time constraints, he had to convene the coaching staff to have a night meeting to watch the video, studied for three days and nights, and after a period of negotiation, finally put together the lineup of the RPG this season, and has done his best.

The current lineup Li Dong is confident that he can bring out a little bit of results, but how does this explain to the boss?

Boss...you gave me 200 million to transfer me, and I only spent 10 million.

Boss...you want UZI, I found you a fat man with thick eyebrows and small eyes in the lower league?

Boss...you want NING, I found you a jungler named TIAN for the YM club before NING?

Isn't this a bit unreasonable?

This is not unreasonable, this is too unreasonable.

Li Dong knew that Zhang Xiaojian wanted the RPG club to achieve results, and wanted to take the future boss wife to watch the game and win together.

So after saying that he didn't do a good job, he hung his head..

The Director of Operations, sitting next to him, cautiously sent the information of the lineup formed during the transfer period to Zhang Xiaojian's table.

Zhang Xiaojian flipped through two pages and found that none of the four players he knew... They were all newcomers, except for one mid laner, who was indeed an LPL veteran. He has played for five seasons, but his career is obviously not a live broadcast career. Wind engenders water.

Such a lineup, such a configuration...

If Zhang Xiaojian saw it yesterday, he would have given it a rating of'trash'.

But today he is different. He closed the folder and showed a pleasant smile.

When everyone in the management headed by Li Dong saw this smile, they felt that the big boss might be angry.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaojian praised comfortingly: "It's a beautiful job!"

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