Star Empire

Chapter 217 God’s Expedition (18) God’s Journey, God’s Thoughts, God’s Way (Part 2)

"Please pay attention to all intelligent entities. This is the central information command of World Ark - World Ark is about to complete its final assembly. Please gather all managers who established the logo immediately and prepare to discuss the final details before activation. Repeat, please pay attention to all intelligent entities. Here is World Ark Central Information Command..."

"After the launch of World Ark, we will gradually return the world management gods who are mainly responsible for coordinating world operations to their former management world in the follow-up process."

"...There are always some children who are not so lucky...The impact of the true god's fall is enough to penetrate the entire world. In order to ensure that even if they die, they will not instantly distort the entire world, they may even need to sacrifice again before they die. Sacrifice your own will and strength."

In fact, there can be traces of vagueness, even if it comes from multiple reminders, even if it comes from subconscious actions, even if no one can recall the story behind the name, as long as this last trace of lingering meaning is engraved The owner is still a god or a mortal, and the owner whose name may be fictitious or real is still recognized by the world of order.

And deep in his own memory, as well as in the stack area at the bottom of the huge data library after being protected by the void, there are already too many memories that will turn into a string of gibberish once they are out of protection.

A lonely and cold name may make other people forget this existence and the tragic story behind it, but if an existence and all its own attributes of existence are completely erased, it can actually be truly and completely believed that this existence Existence has never existed in the void - perhaps this small gap makes the details and variables no longer valued by children in order, but as the only one in the void who has a perspective that transcends order and has The ability to understand and directly gaze at the existence of the void, and the will of the void has a deeper understanding of this.

For billions of years, there have been countless similar individuals that have long been forgotten by the gods. Even the giant database of data cannot protect everything. Even if the blessing imposed by the will of the void can protect the backups existing in the giant database, this information can be hidden. Without truth-level bombing and splash damage, they can only remain forever in the deepest part of Void Will's memory and at the bottom of the countless historical line stack areas.

The dead are enough to influence everything. The most suitable place for the forgotten may indeed be the deepest layer of memory, perhaps the most remote corner that will never be touched again after being dusted away. Although the eternal history has enabled everyone to experience everything in the void countless times, and I can see through every most hidden corner of the world of order, even in the face of some cruel situations that shatter life and death and tear flesh and blood, The powerful sanity of the gods and the accumulation of hundreds of millions of years of buffering are enough to enable them to handle everything with an attitude that is almost numb, or "following principles and being highly rational". However, even gods still have warmth and wealth in their hearts. part of a living emotion.

Unless you lie, no one can remain indifferent in the face of this hopeless situation that is irreversible and even trying to find it.

".Under the narrative layer."

"Contact all the supreme gods of the gods and the central management god. The final system inspection has begun. Prepare to broadcast to the entire void. Please prepare the fleet super rank matrix for broadcast."

The flashing light in the room, which originally had no actual form and no restrictions, quickly converged and condensed to form a solid arc-shaped structure. In the nearby void, there were countless similar structures but different styles and layouts. Arc-shaped rooms emerge and join together:

The high-tech crystal barrier flashing with faint blue electric light perfectly fits the warm and glorious Sun Temple; next to the dome of order engraved with the forest heraldry is a section of dark stone wall, with deep inscriptions on it. The content starts from the most basic environmental operation rules, all the way to the operating laws of the world and the truth that permeates the void; the phantoms of countless prisms appear and disappear, and the light that continuously converges and disperses in the refraction, not only the refraction It reflects the experience of countless mortal worlds from birth to death and the history of the void, and also reflects the solemn and solemn environmental structure next to it that looks like a void court. On that huge golden wall that leans forward, there are strictly arranged triangles with positive curvature. Three majestic superstars shine brightly; reflected in the midpoint where the holy light and shadow meet are countless jumping bridge symbols that can overcome all obstacles...

The order is broad enough.

"Finally, it is confirmed that the degree of influence of mortal civilization affected by Σ civilization - those who interact with indirect real information will not be directly deleted by the Σ chaos sea disaster, and the degree of preservation of civilization that has developed to the level of law in the world exceeds 93% , the specific accuracy will be announced in detail with the spiritual network. Based on the calculation based on the scope and intensity of the disaster, it can be confirmed that all γ-level and below divine owners, when the two major gods burst out from the network at the same time, the same intensity of disaster, All are exempt from direct impact.”

"You even proved this"

"Perhaps this is also a completely unnecessary worst-case scenario... But the collapse of Σ civilization has forced us to conduct relevant demonstrations and even tests. Σ itself, whether in terms of the total amount of information or the concentration of information, they have no impact on the pollution of the chaotic sea. Their resistance ability can be said to be as good as ours at its peak, but after this huge disaster, their will and almost their entire body have been directly wiped out by the chaos of the sea."

"As equal beings, we have to consider: If on that day, we accidentally took the wrong path or made a mistake that really caused such a large-scale disaster, what kind of plans and blockade measures should we have - At least we won’t let ourselves become the source of unreasonable disasters for civilizations that still don’t know the truth about the current void... Since the void cataclysm can be born from the depths of the chaotic sea realm, then we have reason to worry about its internal It may be born, or it may be accompanied by a certain inducement to leak out the phenomenon of a chaotic sea eruption that is strong enough to make us helpless, even if the possibility of this event is very low.”

"Perhaps the effect may not be obvious. The divine power itself is more stable than other extraordinary information, and it can be said that it is much higher. To resist such a large-scale disaster, what is needed is not quality, but absolute crushing level. Just as we have assembled a huge expeditionary force to gradually clear away the pollution inside the Σ Wasteland, we are still facing a large number of corrupted undead, and if we are the ones who become such existences... then I am afraid that even if we really do it one day We can regain clarity, but before that, we may have completely scorched the entire order in the void many times..."

"At least we have a plan, so we have buffer space, even if we sacrifice ourselves to prevent possible disasters - after all, our task is to build bridges. On the whole, if we cannot guarantee this If one goal finally becomes a reality, then no matter what we do now, it will all be in vain - and in the face of these hundreds of millions of years, it may even have existed before, one or countless void eras, no civilization has ever achieved this. We must take these matters seriously and seriously, and if necessary, we may even need to treat them radically - we have the ability to make the order survive, but we don't have a good opportunity yet. As long as we have the ability to do it, we must try our best. , even...if there really is something that we are not willing to face, even if our own sacrifice is not enough, in a truly serious moment..."

"...Principles can also give way to reality."

"To decide this issue...if at a certain moment, a sudden situation really forces us to take a "necessary evil", then we may also need to violate our own principles and make sacrifices at that moment, even if we pay more At most, there is no problem - the success of building the bridge is not only related to us, but also to all the existence of order in the entire void, and even to the compatriots on the other side. If the bridge building really fails, then I'm afraid everything will cease to exist, including our principles..."

"Hopefully we have enough time, energy and luck to prevent this worst possibility from ever happening, but to be honest, when faced with such a large problem of the same level, what we can actually consider is actually not No more than the basic items that people living on the planet can think about when facing a devastating disaster from the earth..."

"At least, as the most powerful race in the void, even if we cannot stop every disaster that breaks into the edge of order, at least we must try our best to allow as many civilizations to come naked before they can truly see the dark side. In this world, it is possible to die naked - at this level, "die without any disease" can even be said to be a kind of luck."

"If it is confirmed that the direct impact can be avoided, then this issue can be ended - this is not a demonstration meeting, we do not need to discuss all the details, this has always been a series of our worst-case scenarios. In fact, What we want to do today is to commemorate the great cooperation between the two major gods, which is a step that can be called a milestone."

With the end of the silent exchange of wills, in that huge ring-shaped conference room that was completely pieced together from hundreds of styles, yet self-consistent and full of solemnity and sacredness, thousands of figures spoke in unison. They all stood up, and the receiving equipment spread across the entire area, from different timelines, different spatial ranks, and different final decay signal modulation formats, all started up, recording the entire holy and solemn environment in detail. modulation. A huge combination of information flows gathered here, and eventually spread to the entire void through the huge super-rank matrix composed of the divine fleet surrounding it.

"Broadcast God's will to all the territories under the rule of the gods in the void."

When the will is slightly stirred, in the distant void, the vast land of God, and countless mortal civilizations listening, God's words are clear and serious.

"God has descended! God has descended! Notify the leader immediately!" "Ceasefire! Ceasefire! Don't let the flames of war taint our minds!" "Except for those who maintain necessary work, everyone will turn their attention to these images! If necessary, continue working! We will 100% convey the parts you may have missed! Remember, God will not suffer from the dust just because of your slight neglect in shouldering your obligations! Maintain normal order!"

In the giant displays used for broadcasting in every civilization, in the communication holographic projection of every spaceship, in every TV, mobile phone, and terminal; every arcanist’s crystal ball and suspended light and shadow stone are also In the array of runes that manifest sounds and images; in the stream of consciousness of every meditator, in every regular mapping jump, and in the depth of every regular fluctuation of fields, God's will is so clear. .

Driven by the huge matrix of divine fleets, this unprecedented and extraordinary great event was broadcast to the cognition of every civilization and even individuals who knew the gods. Although it had been notified long ago, in the face of such large-scale divine power, It appears that most civilizations still experienced slight fluctuations for a while. However, even such a huge divine power broadcast did not accidentally cause the loss of an order of magnitude greater than the total number of mortals in the world, which may exceed dozens or hundreds. life.

The transportation stopped, the disaster was frozen, and the war went dormant... Civilization seemed to be temporarily isolated from the main world line. In the tranquility, everyone was quietly waiting for the arrival of God's will.

"Across the void, across the long history of billions of world reincarnations, we have been radical, and we have been confused. When faced with choices, we have been in a dilemma, and we have made mistakes. We once believed that power is truth, We have also turned into a blind spot where nothing can be done...Civilization never stops operating and never stops correcting its own mistakes, and we all do the same."

Deep in the area blocked by the entire broadcast matrix, the pulsating stream of light is quietly dissipating according to a series of predetermined instructions, and the huge creation that is already immeasurable in the third-rank projection appears from countless layers of divine power suppression masks. In the depths of the giant ship, the heart began to beat slowly and was ready. In the information bloodline created by countless gods with painstaking efforts, the dazzling stream of light had activated the sleeping system of the giant ship.

"The information bloodline of the peripheral point defense system is operating in good condition, the ultra-long-range fire suppression module is operating in good condition, the restraint ring has been activated, the Tianshu Star Position Type charging is completed, the information model is stable, critical testing has begun and the final use authorization has been obtained …”

"Gods are the apex of order in the void, but the "apex" we are at is far from the real limit. Endless wars and the rise of external orders, as well as our guidance, may even affect us in the past billions of years. The situation has quietly changed without being noticed - authority has almost become a constraint. We think that we have traveled a long enough road. When facing the unknown and radical, the old ideas and habits hold us back. ."

With the complete lifting of restraints and the complete activation of the holy pool inside the ship, the chaotic information waves released by the two world arks covered the entire order field in an instant, and the burst of information noise flooded a huge area.

Even the divine power broadcast that has been enhanced, amplified and diffused by the super-rank matrix will inevitably be greatly interfered by the huge information release effect. However, with the activation of the critical system's convergence mode, the fully activated system quickly completely re-modulated and recycled the divine noise that spread into the order field - the interference was eliminated and the environment returned to stability.

In just a few moments, the huge World Ark once again became an unobtrusive background in the environment.

On the twenty-six world-restricting rings that stop on the "ecliptic plane" of the Ark, along with a series of instructions, countless giant ballistae engraved with elven inscriptions and forest heraldry or flashing blue Electric light restraining coils and giant lightning towers emerged from the void. Under the operation of a higher-level overall coordination equation, these countless point defense facilities that do not seem to be in direct contact with the ring are actually still connected to the information bloodline of the Ark, and they still maintain inextricable connections with the Ark itself.

And closer to the core of the Ark, within the range of the Δ Quadrant Constraint Band and the E Quadrant Constraint Band, sharp emerald green crystals are firmly embedded in a base carved from a warm, topaz-like material. Among them, crystal clear and warm and deep, two very different styles of gemstones make this facility, which may be arranged in trillions in an empty orbit and is more dazzling and huge than the planet, look like a holy divine creation. Works of art - However, their essence is that they are powerful main guns that can tear apart the self-consistent law armor of a fortress-level hub on their own without any information amplification.

Its target locking system comes from the entire gryphon pantheon, or it is the painstaking work of building the pantheon on a regular basis. The power of the reincarnation crystal jade and the life crystal governs the order and life in the void, and the restraint system comes from the "balance" With countless years of hard work by "researchers", the holy light nodes embedded in them can soothe the order that is disturbed and frightened in large-scale wars, and can further bring them comfort deep in their hearts, while the dark night will bring them peace of mind. Come to peace and shelter, and give the great souls who died in the battle a last dream of a long night that will never be disturbed...

Countless styles, countless materials, and countless details can ultimately be perfectly combined to contribute to the realization of the goal.

On the other side, the Sun Spear, the Brilliant Star Road and the Tianshu Pillar are completely different entities in terms of styles and operating modes, but they can ultimately assume the same responsibilities and tasks.

For a super civilization, the most important thing about creation is not the determination of the style, but whether it can achieve the purpose it needs.

If the arrows ejected by an Elven Ballista can define themselves arbitrarily, can hang the stars upside down by their own power, can track targets under preset commands and deliver a complete purification to all blasphemous existences corrupted by the chaotic sea, So how can it be said to be worse than the Divine Power Dispersion Missile and the Range Nebula Lightning Projection System?

At this level, the final package is no longer important. What matters is the great will to explore the truth and the tenacity and sincerity of the heart.

"We have power, but this does not mean that we can use our power at will - we guard the visible and invisible order in the void, and our will connects everything - rudeness and violence are not completely undesirable, but Only when they appear in the right place in time and space can these words truly exert their due value.”

"The expedition has begun, and it will never stop until the shadow of Order is completely dispelled. We will use our power to block the disaster from the world of Order. We will try our best to save all survivors who are struggling to survive in the disaster. We There is no guarantee that these survivors will reach the day when the truth is discovered. All we can do is to allow more existences of order to be born and die normally. But whether it is the world of order or the void, they are too big. Even we cannot take care of every corner of it at the same time. Death and shadow still exist, but no matter how bad the conditions are, there will always be people with a strong will to persevere."

"As long as hope exists, the future will not completely sink into darkness."

Clear light lit up the core of the ark. Because the technical systems of the two major divine systems have developed for trillions of years on completely different foundations and according to different understandings and operating models.

Even if the divine affinity bond forcibly built by the two void creatures can break the communication barrier caused by the huge gap in technical systems to a certain extent, it is far from enough. In fact, if the two major gods want to completely break down the barriers in every direction and truly come together, the road ahead of them may be infinitely long.

Now, the most direct manifestation of these barriers is the huge difference in style and effective information model between the two gods with the same purpose. However, even if the differences are so great that they don't seem like they should exist at the same time, in fact, they all have the same function.

On the nine vast floating islands made of warm boulders, a huge and regular crystal pointed mountain stands in the center of each floating island. Countless huge Tasong pines are centered on the Crystal Peak Mountain, spreading outward strictly according to a series of rules until they spread to the end of the earth. A faint river flows out from the end of the river bed, gently brushing against every needle. After that, he returned to the source of the river obediently and meticulously.

Several huge stars are made up of metal-like materials. The vast structural planes with staggered heights make the nine planets at the core have obvious and rigid lines that are clearly visible from tens of thousands of light-years away. The dark blue hexagonal pattern is like a surging wave, constantly crossing the earth under a certain rhythm adjustment, lighting up the sky and marking the huge honeycomb structure layer under the thick armor. With the activation and stabilization of Crystal Peaks and Tianshu Star Pole, the warm and bright skylight sent the first ray of light of the first sunrise to the core of the two arks.

Every flickering hexagonal pattern, every jade-like needle, is a complete world barrier, and every world barrier has unlimited potential with the blessing of divine power.

Deep in the world barrier, countless coordinate axes and countless split threads used to carry infinite amounts of information have been preloaded - they may never be used, but... in the face of infinite possibilities, who can Are you sure that no one will step on those long ladders that run through the void?

Be it a giant tree or a metal superstar. Although at first glance, their boundaries are so obvious, except for those beings who have already stood at the apex, no race can measure their size - because here, "size" can no longer be used to describe these transcendental beings. Creation outside the world.

"The "Path of Truth" divine power omnidirectional coverage field system is stable!"

"We all believe that this is a moment worth remembering, whether for true gods or mortals. We should all remember that there is no end to the void, and there is no limit. The truth never runs out, no matter how long we have been trekking on the road, We must always be in awe of the unknown ahead."

There is no unstoppable force, no light and shadow that swallows everything. Invisible fluctuations quietly sweep through the void and sweep away all existences in the orderly environment. In the position close to the core of the two arks, the huge ring structure constraining the void A quadrant seemed to be dragged by invisible resistance.

After a slight tremor, the first ring began to slowly rotate around the core, and began to maintain the reasonable existence attributes of the frozen part of the barrier in all world structures. Immediately afterwards, as if being pulled, the second, third and more rings began to start simultaneously.

The Genesis Equation that spreads widely in the void and may cover all the macroscopic rules of the world of order is gathered here. After the huge void rings responsible for the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth quadrants were activated one after another, this place was once in a state of infinite stacking and must rely on Paradoxical areas where force maintains constraints begin to be categorized, broken down and reintegrated in an instant.

It is the same as the twenty-six vast and mysterious void quadrants in the void that are superimposed on each other but do not interfere with each other.

"The omnidirectional authorization has been passed, all systems are stable and controllable, and the World Ark truth-level call has been approved."

With the instantaneous lifting of the restraining field, the power of the "Path of Truth" took over all the protoss fleets nearby and in the far-reaching environment. The huge matrix underwent a complete structural change after filling in the new central element group, but this did not It will not hinder Symmetra's glorious shine.

"On the road to seeking the truth..."


"Still moving forward."

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