Star Empire

Chapter 230 The gradually stacking past

"Come on, we still have a lot to do." The ban on the meeting began to gradually dissipate. "This time in the war with the decisive battle flagship, we can say that we are still lucky. At least the decisive battle flagship function branch did not directly attack the imperial fleet. ...This is the result of our prediction, but if it matches the prediction result so perfectly... we will be more certain. There is no doubt that the decisive battle flagship functional branch has the ability to cut off all the branches and leaves that the empire has grown bit by bit."

On the deck of the Arcane Throne, which was wider than the earth, Vidoville rarely regained his original human form. Staring at the gorgeous light and shadow on the earth, which was like an aurora, he shook his head slightly - for some reason, he always felt that the empire could exist here now simply because of some weird "favor"... The gap was still huge. , every victory... no matter the loss, is already questionable.

"We are not working for a better life - all our struggles now are just for the survival of civilization. The darkness contains many things, or threats, that we have never seen, let alone thought of. Before they have an impact on the empire, all we can do is to build our own shields and sharpen our own spears. For the collective civilization, each of us must devote all our strength."

The main flagship was activated silently. Under the coordination of highly compressed information concentration, the two empires were the only ones equipped with endless power sources. The information concentration was so high that it was unimaginable, but the speed of the spacecraft was faster than the best shuttle in the empire. be quick. In the void, these two black ghost-like giant wings have locked onto a cluster of "lightning", a cluster of probabilistic transition "lightning" that is as complex as the once legendary tree of life.

Every "bulge" in this cluster of probability lightning has an invisible seed implanted in it.

Genesis activities of unimaginable scale erupted violently along the path of lightning. The fire of order tore open the endless vast and dark territory. The power of order suddenly rose and dispersed everything in it.

"We stopped living for ourselves a long time ago."

"Please also remember what we have sacrificed to reach this day together. In the darkness, enemies still exist, and the test may end one day in the future, or it may never stop... …”

"This is still not the limit. Please give up all the beautiful illusions that have existed in the past and are still retained today. The empire may try its best to ensure the survival of everyone, but the empire cannot guarantee how much color there will be in the process of survival."

Invisibly, time seemed to be greatly sped up.

In the void, countless pot-bellied cargo ships jumped with the pioneering fleet with agility and speed they should not possess, and sow the seeds of the empire along the way. These seeds occupy every "probability bump" in the void that may be detected, and then pull and amplify them.

What the glorious creation activities ultimately created was one empire-standard world after another. Subsequently, a large amount of information stored in the cargo ship - physical structure transformation industrial modules and industrial mother machines will be thrown out by the cargo ship in a round of mathematical key matching - before entering and transforming the world, they themselves have already been preset. The process enables automatic self-replication.

If these things are done according to the most ideal state, these two processes should actually be merged into one - but the Empire has used many experiments to prove that, at least so far, the Empire's process of creating singularities is still limiting these theoretical processes. The direct realization of the primordial environment is a world filled with crystal energy arcana and its creations, which is too stressful for the world itself.

The most intuitive phenomenon is that it is difficult for the Heart of the World to peel off the reflection image associated with the entire world during the second creation. If the function of the World Heart is incomplete, then it will be difficult for the imperial facilities to completely control the internal environment of the entire world - the highest weight world line is always the highest weight, rather than occupying all the probabilities of the entire world.

Those structures of the world that are left out, or are inconvenient to control, will be terrible gaps in information warfare.

Therefore, various military worlds of the empire still require at least two processes to be manufactured.

Although this "redundant" process may not be completely solved by technical means in the short term, Vidoville still feels a glimmer of relief - these problems were discovered by the empire through continuous experiments, and although the empire is not yet able to Good fix them. Including the world's processing shortcomings, these processes full of imperfections and discovered loopholes may last for a long, long time...

But including these things, countless members within the empire are contributing their own efforts to solve the problem-from the era of the empire's revival to the present, these phenomena are not just showing that the empire's original thinking is correct. Is the Empire on the right track?

As for the technical extreme deduction module... according to the current ideas, the results can indeed be obtained. But more than the result, Vidoville himself believes that it is a mess - at least for now. Those weird and messy information structures are difficult to correspond to any of the current mature technologies.

"It seems like... maybe our knowledge is too limited. After all, in the last fault zone war, we only focused on completely destroying the structure of the fault zone itself, but we didn't do much research on the fault zone - that one was later twisted to almost Which parts of the blood-colored light river in the spiral state correspond to it? I'm afraid it's really impossible to come up with the results without actual research..." While watching the glow of Genesis that was constantly lighting up in his "trail", Victorville said softly Sighed. "The breadth of knowledge affects the depth of thought to a considerable extent... Perhaps now, if the technical extreme deduction equation still wants to be effective, it will also begin to need to input highly specialized parts."

"Yes, before this, who would have known that the fixed history can actually be affected by the future, or even be completely destroyed..."

As the spacecraft's tracks continued to spread, a large number of new worlds were simultaneously included in the empire's territory. The empire's world has crossed the threshold of tens of millions, and is moving towards billions under the push of countless forces - many of these worlds are not actually "complete" - they do not carry world line storage, nor It does not carry the highest level of information forging equipment in the empire such as the Void Forge. But they are enough to support the empire's defense line, mass-produce regular-level mothership fleets, and small and medium-sized truth runes\\rune groups.

When these worlds mature, they themselves will also become the springboard for the empire's external expansion and become one of the "helping factors" for the empire's ever-accelerating expansion.

In the void, Vidoville's attention will be attracted from time to time by undercurrents that reveal a corrupt atmosphere - those small discrete Σ fleets are not enough to touch the Arcane Throne and the self-consistent law armor of the Void Matrix. The two pairs of celestial axes that light up, rise, and erupt will always represent the complete demise of these disharmonious existences-from the information structure of these battleships themselves, to all the influences related to them that Vidoville can see. These effects were so strong that Vidoville had to gradually relax its own requirements for the effects of their bombardment in new ways, lest its own memory be affected too much.

"This information will be very helpful - I hope the empire can use this data as a reference sample to formulate plans that can prevent large-scale disturbances or even disasters in the narrative layer, or find technical details that can compensate for disturbances..." Wei Dowell's figure almost drew a "big circle" in the void. With the passage of time, the already spread flight tracks have gradually been transformed into fortresses of the empire - this is enough. Although the expansion method of the empire is close to pathological, if it goes too far, the empire itself will not be able to survive. The method is to incorporate these worlds immediately after they are built.

"According to my own understanding of all this distortion... before the disturbance reaches a certain level, if my memory contains a narrative system that will be destroyed, then the memory system itself will make amnestic compensation, for example, using a method that may cause this A similar event line with a result to replace the original result... Although I have not seen it yet, but if the intensity is too high, is it possible that the history of the entire information body will be completely rewritten... Maybe there will be a way to solve it, maybe The rules of such a hierarchical order do not allow it... who knows, anything is possible."

The more he uses the power of the Arcane Throne and the Void Matrix, the more Vidoville can feel the impact of completely combining power and thought. But at the same time, Vidoville is more and more willing to speak only to himself - the limit of the detection system function contained in the Arcane Throne and the Void Matrix itself is still the limit of Vidoville's own knowledge and imagination. The more you expand your knowledge and thoughts, and the deeper you look, the more you are the only one who can talk to you.

Information structures, mathematical equations, these languages ​​that describe everything can bridge the "perspective" gap. If Vidoville wants to share something with the members of the empire, as long as the members of the empire have calculation processing capabilities that meet the analytical level, then they can fully understand what the emperor means.

But just as three-dimensional creatures, even when the Federation was at its peak, were still unable to rely on their original brains to imagine the structure of four-dimensional space, how should the fourth coordinate axis be unrelated to the three three-dimensional spatial directions? The combination is the same. No matter how much they evolve, three-dimensional creatures cannot directly understand the fourth dimension on their own because they are limited to three spatial orders. Without the help of external objects, the limit of their understanding is these three spatial orders and everything contained within them - it is impossible for a subset to cross the total set.

For the same reason, I am afraid that not many people in the empire can understand what Vidoville saw and what he thought - it is not a deliberate act between the two, but the difference between the two is really not enough to rely on the empire's existing Technology makes up for it. Vesrifan-Void Sun may also have some special sights, and these sights may even be more mysterious and tricky than the sights he possesses. But at the same time, the two people's way of thinking has completely gone down two paths. Vidoville looks at everything in the void and still summarizes and thinks about everything like a person.

And Weisrifan - she seemed to understand everything in it more by her own instincts and became accustomed to them...

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. This is probably the corresponding reality." Regarding this, Vidoville's mood swings were not obvious, as if everything had nothing to do with him anymore. Regarding the crisis-ridden void environment, Vidoville itself should be said to have enough spare power to help the empire and promote the development of the empire while protecting itself. But when the real enemy attacks, it is hard to say whether this level of self-protection is enough. But it is certain that within the empire's knowledge, he has long been in a position where he is "too cold to be at a high place".

"We should "instruct" the main fleets in each sky region during this period to strengthen patrol operations in the area where the fault zone once existed. In the void where that area is located, there is very likely that there is still a ship The decisive battle flagship - this is a very big destabilizing factor. Once we forget it, it may cause incalculable losses to us in the future..."

About seven thousand years is not a very long time for an empire located within the main axis of time. However, during these seven thousand years, the terrible factors from the outside world have put great pressure on the empire, and these pressures are being transformed into the motivation for the empire to resist.

There are many systems and models within the Empire that need to be adjusted, and many of the adjustments are relatively large enough to require overturning and rebuilding. The first to bear the brunt are all systems covering life attributes in the empire.

Soul/existential life preservation equipment needs to be upgraded as much as possible to further improve all theoretical functions - under enough pressure, problems that may exist in the original system but have not been exposed before can be said to be tested under high pressure this time Everything underneath is exposed - bandwidth limitations, redundant security, recovery strength... these problems must be solved immediately.

In addition to upgrading and perfecting their functions, these most critical systems must also undergo a detailed examination - new angles for understanding and utilizing countless worlds have emerged, and their inherent depth of impact is worthy of the empire's immediate investment in making up for possible shortcomings. loopholes.

The Empire knew that it was too late to check whether these structures might have become missing in this new structural system. Then, if the reliability of the original system cannot be guaranteed, reorganization and coverage can be considered a good choice.

The all-round transformation of the empire's basic individuals is the top priority of the existing tasks. In the long actual combat, the real environment has made choices for the individual empires - the harsh combat environment and long-term high-intensity psychological pressure have had a serious impact on the imperial army. During the highest-level discussions between Vidoville and the Emperor's Council, the empire's decision-makers, including fleet commanders and super-flagship captains, filtered out a large number of records that should not appear in the past logs - including but not limited to fleets. Soldiers' excessive mood swings, absence from duty, soul conflicts, loss of consciousness, etc.

In theory, it is no longer possible to use these words to describe the Imperial soldiers themselves in this era. And this theoretical result also makes the actual records so abrupt and weird.

The Empire will certainly admit that the pressure brought by the Σ Fleet itself, the spreading death tide pollution, and the ever-present tragic losses of the Imperial Fleet will indeed cause tremendous pressure on all soldiers.

In the process of past experiments and summaries, the empire has used a large amount of actual data and models to conduct detailed confirmation - independent personality and emotions are indeed more conducive to the emergence of new ideas, but at the same time, this also means an increase in instability . In this environment where no choice can be made, these soldiers have too independent personalities and rich emotional changes, which is obviously not conducive to themselves, and it is not conducive to the survival of the empire.

Even if the threshold for passive activation of these emotional modules is very high, it won't work - the nearly solid wide-area fusion field of order correction and the pervasive death tide pollution may find loopholes in the fleet protection system at any time, and there may even be no loopholes. Completely resistant to these effects. The outline of these situations and the details are very clear in the log files.

Since the complete and independent personality and the rich emotions that still exist will be contaminated by the death wave and external pressure, it is best to delete them.

While this decision affects all military depots, it also affects the souls of almost all Imperial people who already have basic soul codes.

From now on, the basic warriors produced by the Imperial Depot will be more efficient, more serious and ruthless. They have little apparent emotion. Almost all of their intelligence is used to understand and process the information they receive. While ensuring that their adaptability and independent thinking abilities are not significantly reduced as much as possible, they will no longer have independent and strong perceptual thinking. Even better, it can also increase the production rate of the military station - a complete soul used to need a period of cultivation in a virtual environment to fully mature, but now, this process can be saved.

As for the current Imperial people, their original independent personalities, part of their memories, and their emotional patterns have been almost completely deleted—the past and the future need to be unified.

The basic and later learning parts of Imperial soldiers also need to be improved - everyone's memories and thoughts will be made public to a certain extent. And these memories and thoughts can be downloaded and accessed by others at any time, and the same is true for the Imperial Military Depot, and the knowledge system will be fully active.

In addition to the life part, the "hardware foundation" of the Empire also needs many adjustments, and there are many omissions that need to be improved - the Empire's heavy fortress world also needs further adjustments. When the Information Star Network structure is complete, it can ensure the absolutely powerful command execution capability of the Cosmic Base Stabilization Anchor, and the entire world will be reinforced to an almost indestructible state when the Information Star Network is complete. At the same time, the Information Star Network itself also has the highest anti-disturbance capability when it is complete.

This sounds no problem. But in war, the Information Star Network is a continuous consumable. While maintaining the highest weight of the world line, as long as the invaders can support valuable cross-world wars, then the entire Information Star Network will inevitably become the main target of attack - the Information Star Network is a quick product, and most of the time they are not Without a defense system as strong as a fleet, installing fleet-level protection systems for countless planets would take up terrible resources and time.

——As long as this system begins to be destroyed, the decrease in integrity caused by the destruction will further make the star network vulnerable. This is a vicious cycle.

Therefore, on the one hand, the strength of the star network nodes needs to be improved, and on the other hand, the defense and scheduling capabilities of the information star network also need to be improved.

Although currently, the main attack causing damage to the information star network is information annihilation missiles, the information annihilation missiles launched by the Σ fleet are not enough to destroy the heavy fortress star and the crystal energy/arcane star with one blow. However, the existing observation records also show that all the information annihilation missiles observed by the Empire are relatively similar - they may just be ordinary types of ammunition launched by "conventional motherships".

This kind of assumption will probably become more and more common in the future - this can be regarded as drawing inferences from one case to another. Because civilization changes from using energy to using information so quickly, the empire often doesn't know what kind of problems it will encounter at the next moment. Many times, the empire can only take one step at a time. If there is an unexpected change in the next step, even a little bit, the results of the previous step may be destroyed.

This problem has arisen since crystal energy began to be used on a large scale - civilization has technological and data foundations, and these data foundations can help civilization enter a new era as soon as possible.

However, these long-standing virtual models cannot be installed in entities for high-intensity interaction with the outside world, let alone their variants. It's hard for the Empire to figure out some things until there are concrete examples - for example, how could a distorted model of a mathematical structure malfunction? How should I repair it if it gets "cracked"?

As for the space channel reactor, the generation gap has been further increased due to the advancement of special time nodes. Ideas may indeed become timeless as knowledge advances, but if the new scope of understanding has not adapted to the new environment, then if we directly use the original reasonable ideas, these ideas may no longer be reasonable.

If the cultural background is insufficient, then we can only use the existing data to expand by drawing inferences. Due to biases in cognitive scope, there is bound to be a "golden hoe" in these inferences. But... there seems to be no better way.

If there is an ordinary type, then it does not rule out the existence of other types of missiles such as anti-large solid targets or even order chain fission - if there is an intention, there is a demand, and if there is a demand, it is almost certain that the corresponding demand exists. If the empire does not take these aspects into consideration, then if the next attack on the Information Star Network is no longer an ordinary information annihilation missile, but another model that can directly annihilate a world line, or other similar attacks, the losses will be extremely great. heavy……

As for more attacks, they are often absorbed by the fleet. If the Crescent Rays intentionally attack the Information Star Network, the Empire will have no choice. It is impossible for the Empire to equip every star and every unit with non-divisible structural armor.

I am afraid that it will take a very, very long time to completely solve the problem of Information Star Network becoming more and more fragile. Until then, the empire can only do its best - not all problems can be solved just by asking them.

Then, there is the issue of ships.

The main problem with the current fleet system of the empire is the lack of functionality - the conventional fleet and the two types of super flagships are not weak in terms of performance alone. As long as a relatively balanced balance between performance and construction time is found, the "basic carrier" performance of all basic mothership units will be sufficient. But with these existing ships, all the Imperial Fleet can do is to remain unchanged in response to changes - but now, as a weak party, if it does not want to make progress, it will only be beaten.

Xingqi Shengwei needs to further enhance the performance of subsequent models.

The blazing void forge will not only be used to burn runes of truth and irreducible structures.

In the imperial world, the environment is becoming more and more... monotonous.

In order to maximize efficiency, people are more accustomed to using more direct activated information forms, and the matching infrastructure system has further expanded and begun to eliminate various facilities originally required by the human form.

This is true everywhere, from a single planet and shipyard to as large as the empire sky area.

There are many problems to be solved, and there are also many problems encountered in the process of solving these problems.

Perhaps the scale of this war was large enough and it really consumed Σ's remaining strength in this area. The void environment around the empire seems to have become calmer.

But no one can be sure that this is the case.

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