Star Empire

Chapter 236 What is inheritance

There are not many opportunities and time left for ΣCivilization and "oneself" to continue to make deployments.

The chaotic sea is formless and has no quality. Even the gods cannot capture the quantifiable actual existence that can be called the "turbulent sea". However, as a phenomenon, it actually exists. Every time it appears, Represents chaos and destruction.

In the void, countless mother worlds are gradually collapsing.

Within these worlds, floating in the multiverse of the ether ocean, the "fuels" that civilization once saved and placed in these corners that need to be forgotten are being ignited by preset rules.

The vast and twisted space was shattered layer by layer, and the debris scattered like stars instantly turned into invisible afterimages. The order of magnitude required to connect the wreckage to the entire space is terrifying, and such a large difference... is still full of unreality even for those civilizations that have been able to span the universe.

The time and space that has been stacked for countless rounds is collapsing and fragmenting so fast that just enough to survive in it, the old fragments of civilization react subconsciously, and then they will be swallowed up immediately.

These civilized creations and civilized individuals scattered throughout the mother world and scattered in the universe represent everything in the old civilization where they once lived, and they are the end of civilization.

Perhaps, Σ's technology is enough to create a civilization that is the same as the past in terms of physical materials, history and memory, but no matter what, the existence of these two civilizations is different after all, and they are still different after all. The new civilization after "Nirvana" may continue to move forward, but the shell that has been shed can only be forever exiled in a dark corner that will not affect the new civilization.

The selected "fuels" were once the rulers of civilizations that could span multiple worlds and had the technology to survive and develop in the void. They themselves have extraordinary significance.

At this moment, they have carried back all the darkness that needs to be forgotten for the new civilization to continue to survive. They are moving forward silently in the darkness. They themselves carry almost all the memories, all the technology and all the glory of the original civilization... ...All of these make them contain an unparalleled huge amount of information and extremely high information density.

The etheric sea and the cosmic membrane are themselves extremely powerful information-containing media and information-multiplying mirrors - in countless rounds of projection, these highly compressed information will be unfolded, expanded, and jumped until they are expanded enough to drive huge The node trident is enough to support a broadcast of information to the entire civilization, even to the void.

If this is not done, it can be said that no matter how difficult it is for Σ to find a power source that does not rely on its own production, it can also drive these devices that require huge amounts of information to be activated. Within the Σ civilization, once all creations are manufactured, they will Become online immediately and be accepted existentially.

The kings of the world will naturally think that once their desperate actions lose control, the existence network of civilization itself will most likely become a way for the spread of pollution. Therefore, you must be cautious when doing anything with these "doomsday devices."

Hatred, arrogance, anger, loneliness... these unstable and extreme emotions may not be noticeable at first. But... just like the more advanced the plague is, the more it can make its host unable to feel its existence at all. These emotions, and the corresponding extreme actions... they are discovered. By the time they are noticed, I am afraid that I will be too early. became infected by them.

At the last moment when civilization continued to fall to extremes, the kings of the world who still had their senses made a lot of preparations.

The brilliant blood-red light beam penetrated the world barrier of the mother world. At the moment of being separated from the orderly environment, the broadcast equation carried by the boiling beam of light quickly changed the existence form of these information torrents. In the void environment, they are transformed into non-linear fragments that can be quickly transmitted to all coordinates. The nodes resonate with each other, and the information fragments are continuously superimposed, eventually forming a wave of unprecedented scale - in all places that can observe the void environment. In sight, they are more dazzling and burning than any other world.

After tens of billions of years of madness, everything finally exploded. Civilization made a desperate move hundreds of thousands of years ago, and before that, they had long severed contact with the gods. The vast and magnificent territory was filled with countless emotions that were no longer rational, and countless indescribable emotions. Attitude has long since squeezed out everything from the past.

Arrogance, rashness and self-deception have blinded the eyes of the mortal kings. The once wise, cautious and noble civilized thoughts have been swallowed up by hatred and the pursuit of power, even though they know that the sea of ​​chaos is inseparable from the order itself, and even... chaos The sea itself may be the reflection of disorder that has been banished from the world of order, but...what does that matter?

With unlimited resources and unlimited time and space, civilization can exert endless power. Since countless reincarnations in the void, all failures will end here. The lazy gods are just making excuses for their fear and pedantry. Not only will they build bridges in the void, but civilization will also have enough power to conquer everything. . day, civilization can find a way to rely on its own power to deify all of its members, even to almighty, and possibly even to the void, and finally completely hold everything in the void in its own hands.

Is it even possible that civilization itself can reach a point where it can truly be ubiquitous on an infinite ladder that can even be measured by infinity, and reach a level where the entire void is completely brought under its control in a real sense...? ?

During that time when the thoughts of the individuals who make up civilization and the thoughts of civilization itself became more and more indescribable, and they moved more and more towards paranoia and madness, it was so weird that even civilization itself did not dare to think about it and knew it. Content that has gone beyond the category of "impossible" can now be thought up and proposed by more and more people in such a frivolous way. They are endless and endless. This kind of attitude that tears apart reality, tears apart order theory, and is so arrogant that it has no boundaries. Failure to advance will not be leveled, but will spread anxiety and violence, forming a vast storm.

Move forward, regardless of the cost.

Success, all-or-nothing, whatever means necessary.

When the suppression failed and the sea of ​​chaos finally broke out, the most original zeroing force in the void swept through countless underlying nodes in an instant, every element that made up the super-rank matrix, and the decisive battle flagship that carried a complete set of civilization snapshots. Team. The chaos of the sea submerged the order and glory of civilization in the dark tide. At the same time, this dark tide also wiped away the impetuosity, arrogance and madness that had little foundation at the end of civilization. Civilization finally had the opportunity to think about it. My own experiences in madness and chaos - after death.

After all, the manic chaotic thoughts are just the clouds and fog that envelope civilization - it does cover up the wisdom of civilization, but after all, it does not have the foundation and thickness of civilization itself. During the outbreak of natural disasters, the clouds and fog that enveloped civilization were torn apart by the disaster. , the fate of civilization has become irreversible.

Even if civilization retains wisdom and reason, the violent corrosiveness of the chaotic sea will seriously interfere with their sanity. At the moment when the sea of ​​chaos broke out, civilization itself was already in the countdown to destruction. Σ, the king of mortals, the pioneer of the void... this symbol was destined to be forgotten by the void.

However, I have already reached this point on my way forward, and I can foresee that it may take a very, very long time for other orders to exist on the path that I have forcibly walked through in my madness, and it may even never be possible to reach such a height again... His own demise may indeed be inevitable, but before he perishes... his remaining rationality can still allow him to control his decayed body for the last time, or... several times.

"Inheritance." Maybe I something.

I know my own strength.

Civilization has indeed been at the forefront of the void. Even the gods have to admit the path they have taken and the heights they have reached. This is not bragging, this is objective reality.

These precious information and experiences should not be destroyed along with one's own arrogance. The truth itself is not a sin.

What's more, they are also related to the possibility of the birth and death of all civilizations, even many civilizations in the Void Era. These data, as well as these situations, must be continued.

Civilization itself... may no longer be preserved, but the gods once gave revelations - in information, information, and mapping, civilization can include far more than the level of physical information. Memory, past, influence, habits, culture...all the influences caused by civilization can actually be passed on to civilization. Even one's own mortal enemies and exterminators may become the continuation of one's own civilization——

When their sworn enemies tried their best to kill them, and they finally did it after trying for an endless amount of time, they could target their own technology and individuals at will, and annihilate themselves like mowing grass. Civilization It will indeed perish in the end, but at that time, everything about itself has become a brand, imprinted on all aspects of the enemy, technology, thoughts, actions... all of this is because of civilization itself. How can such a negative continuation not be called a continuation?

Σ, this symbol has the meaning of "summoning" in many civilizations that have used the "divine text" of the quadrant, and the civilization itself is the ultimate growth of countless races through integration, co-prosperity, development, and truth-seeking. Get up.

In the process of development, civilization continues to merge and integrate different types of culture and technology. With strong power or mutual recognition, races give up their barriers and develop together, with multiple perspectives, aspects, and attitudes. Come think about a problem, and all the ideas will eventually merge together, and then you will finally find the most appropriate solution.

The specific methods may not be directly applicable to all problems, but they can be retained as ideas...

In the process of civilization development, Σ himself has experienced countless situations described by gods.

Its own development has not been smooth sailing, and its civilization has almost perished, and protracted wars have also broken out. Civilization has survived to this day, and many of the technologies and ideas possessed by civilization do not actually originate from the surviving individuals of the civilization itself. Many of them actually originate from other individuals that have been destroyed or have been completely merged and assimilated - a long-lasting The war left a permanent imprint on Σ, so that these imprints normally exist in various technologies and memories.

The information and technology passed down by Σ come from far more than the individuals still living within the civilization. There are many extinct beings. Even today, they are still affecting themselves and even everything in the void.

Even if the civilization itself has perished, the civilization still has the opportunity to leave something behind - the civilization still has intact and secretly preserved databases, as well as some vital blueprints and information nodes, as well as technologies that can still be used, and its own Some of the discoveries - these can be passed down, and can be continued and developed.

The physical existence of civilization may perish, and perhaps there will never be such a civilization again, but... the influence can be everywhere.

The prudent gods are neither timid nor cowardly. The experience they have accumulated over many trillions of years is far deeper than their own rashness. Now, two teams with different void marks have appeared together... ...Maybe it was the connection that had existed for a long time that finally connected them, or maybe they actually knew each other a long time ago... It doesn't matter, I have no obligation to think about this.

However, when the two major protoss begin to have super-large-scale real-life information contact, more big things will happen in the void...

However, just broadcasting these things and simply splashing out your final information is not enough.

In the distant void, the last remaining rationality of civilization is slowly evaporating. After the first wave of impact, I finally have the ability to let my advanced intelligence still be active. In the virtual sandbox covering countless worlds in the void, the last consciousness of civilization is thinking about what it should do in the end from a third-party perspective.

The Protoss - his former ally, the civilization has concealed some things, and some things may have gone too far... It is already too late. After the demise of the order civilization, the purification troops of the Protoss are advancing into the void, and those of my own have already gone too far... The corrupted body had long been out of control. The moment the disaster broke out, he had actually noticed that after the long bridge in the void was connected, the two sides of the void had actually been briefly connected. After the collapse of the long bridge in the void, the backlash of the chaotic sea not only contained the zeroing ability of this shore, I'm afraid... but also included the other shore's.

Perhaps it is precisely in this way that civilization has a chance to survive until now, but the end result is that those extremely powerful corrupt ghosts can rely on their underlying instincts to force a balance and survive. To completely end them, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort. and a long time.

The Protoss has not severed the relationship between the former civilizations. The Protoss coalition is indeed clearing out the corrupted fleet, but some relationships have not changed.

The many ends of probability and fate are still entangled with the gods.

During their expedition, they may be able to secretly activate some databases, or preset some reserve ships to remind the gods that they are traveling very far in the void, and such a huge collision of information bodies will inevitably bring about consequences. Innovation and change, your own information is worth entrusting to them, but this cannot be done directly - the truth does not belong to any single individual, but I have been crazy for too long, and many influences may have permanently interfered with my cognition. Whether the information he has preserved is the truth of the order or his own forcible distortion, it is difficult for civilization itself to understand...

Let fate make the final decision... The disturbing power of the void and the attribution of order always need to be inherited by other civilizations... Void, birth and death, this exceeds the measurement range of order, and goes beyond the limits of a single civilization...

As for the rapidly rising annexer, there are still "weights"...

My decision is already very old - even the latest entry needs to be traced back to at least 50 billion years ago. At the same time, my thinking at that time was generally based on rationality, but the reality... it does not necessarily follow the truth. In operation, nothing exists in the void that is absolutely "natural".

The environment in the void is harsh. If they want to survive, they must leave behind uncontrollable massive debris and fault zones, which are disasters that can threaten many worlds. On the one hand, their own thoughts and actions are on the other hand...

For countless years, Σ has witnessed countless births and declines, both outside and within civilizations - all races prosper together, and a strong civilization does not mean there is no metabolism within the civilization. Countless civilizations have fallen on their own ideas, including their own.

The thoughts of civilization itself, the possible disasters in the void, the attitude towards the ultimate cause, and the understanding of doomsday and destruction...

The environment began to flash, and black and red patterns were penetrating along the last rational node toward the core of the calculation. "Σ" is being shrouded in black and red light patterns, and the death tide pollution is once again active with the activation of the Great Wall. These orders may be contaminated - but it doesn't matter, these possibilities have been anticipated before Σ built the Great Wall.

The overall logic module is constantly brightening and dying, the chaotic sea is corroding the last sanity through correlation and resonance, and hatred and mania are boiling in the diamond-shaped Eye of the Void.

In the void, a huge discrete fleet group is being forcibly activated. The chaotic order field is pushing each other and starting to move. Like sticky lava, black and red flashes will cover the earth.

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