Star Empire

Chapter 250 The past that is about to be annihilated

No one can tell clearly how much time has passed in the depths of this illusory wreckage, and whether time still has meaning.

The pale information star is rapidly losing its hard work.

In the endless void, "sun" is a very broad concept.

They often exist as some kind of powerful "fire" and "source" in the world.

And "source" often contains such attributes: expansion and divergence.

It alone cannot maintain long-term static stability from the same source.

Gravity, aggregation, vortex gathering...the same thing can have countless names.

Among the countless worlds that were born based on different logical bases, many similar existences have endless nuances. These subtle differences may cause the originally very similar processes to produce completely opposite outputs. The results, the theoretical knowledge required to describe them is endless...

However, this does not affect their role: in the world in which they live, they will pull the source and fight against the divergent and expanding tendency of the "source".

When the source can exist stably, these two, three or more basic forces and operating logics will always be in a state of conflict, until one of them fails completely - at that moment, the "source" will be exhausted, and the "fire" will will go out.

The same is true for the Void Blazing Sun - it is hard to imagine why such a "star representation" with peculiar properties and composed of nearly endless information would have a structure so similar to the original sun.

When the thick stellar structure covering the blazing core was completely lifted up and blown away, everything in the source was quickly passing away - however, the foundation of this star determined that it would not completely collapse as a result. And the defects caused by these passages will make the core become more violent and crazy, react more recklessly, and absorb everything around it to make up for its own defects...

But...what else is around?

Maybe...will, residual soul, obsession, incomprehension...will there be dreams?

If there is a dream... a dream woven in this endless darkness and cold reality... will there be a little bit of warmth and light, even if it is fabricated out of thin air by illusory memories and long-denied assumptions?

The field of order no longer exists.

Everything splashed out from the core will be quickly swallowed up by the void.

The unimaginable stellar wind field was blown by the violent core primordial source, running wildly in the dark and endless void.

Countless fluctuations in probability and the birth and death of information are jumping in the void. They are like streaks of lightning, spanning the vast icy darkness.

However, whether they actually difficult to define.

If the entire scope of the orderly world is defined as reality...then these probabilistic lightning clusters are before the birth of reality. They appeared before "being" and disappeared before "being" was born. They are very chaotic. They even appear before the Creation Flash. They don't even have actual information attributes. The virtual information attributes and field attributes that can be tracked by order means are also very weak...but they can actually affect it. The fate of the real order environment, even if they are just a layer of shadows standing quietly in the cracks.

Yes, there are probabilities and births and deaths before existence, and they can affect reality. In turn, they can be affected or even manipulated by reality.

However, this kind of control... its intensity is not even as strong as a spark of thought that cannot even cross the level of chemical bonds.

In the void, the unnamed battle between the gods and the corpses of the corrupted sea is still advancing. Bits and pieces of wreckage are discovered by the eyes of order. Some records that were once thought to be completely unfindable begin to emerge, even if they are just a little bit, a little bit. The remaining ashes among the fragments can also help the gods complete the puzzle of the entire event.

In this process of improvement, many things have become more important, and many things have become no longer important... Perhaps the best way to judge and summarize this series of actions is not to judge and summarize this series of actions; The best way to name and define the incalculable overall action is not to give it a name, not to give it a clear definition...

And in the distant darkness that cannot yet be seen by the eyes of the gods, strangled by the violent and endless black tide, the "weight matrix" is collapsing point by point, and they are spewing out unimaginable tides of information.

At the far end of the void, the collision and destruction between the devourer and the devoured...the self, countless burning fire lines above the abyss throw out immeasurable debris, these debris are like condensation nuclei, constantly Absorbing the restlessness and restlessness in the void.

These births and annihilations before order can contain infinite possibilities.

Perhaps... they can present some... "pictures" under certain appropriate conditions.

On the steep hillside and among the rugged trees, a lost body was rolling down, falling into the depths of the forest that even civilizations that have been able to enter space have not yet fully explored.

The sharp rocks and dry branches shattered his bones, split his skin, and caused his blood to gush out from his veins. In an unconscious, almost free fall process, the body fell into the depths of the jungle, into a darkness that even the sun's rays could not penetrate.

Such an injury might be put into the best medical cabin immediately and possibly treated.

But it can be considered to be full of vitality, and it can also be considered to be desolate and barbaric. It is impossible to have such equipment in the depths of the dark jungle. Even if he had precise coordinates and used the best vehicle for transportation, it was impossible for the medical module to arrive before his life was completely ended.

It seems that this body that is losing blood will inevitably die.

However, this dark forest also contains many secrets that are unknown to civilized society.

Maybe it's the rare heat source, maybe it's the sweet smell of blood, or maybe it's because the sound of rolling down is rare enough here to attract the attention of many long-dormant beings...

With a hissing sound, smooth "tree vines" emerged from the gaps between the stream and the rocks. They penetrated into the body's torn protective clothing along with the flowing blood, and penetrated into the bleeding body. The wounds penetrated into the deepest layers of flesh and blood and organs. They began to gnaw at flesh and blood, digest nerves, and absorb bone marrow...

They simply defied biological classification, at least not at that moment.

The real situation and reasons... the information required was too complicated compared to everything at that time. These scenes may also be fabricated illusions - they are on a microscopic scale not much larger than the hadrons in the original world. The brightness and extinction, the forcibly shaped shadows, are fleeting in the chaos... Will there be wisdom to see them?

Maybe, or maybe not, the reverberations of the dead souls themselves cannot be described clearly. Even if there is wisdom and painstaking efforts to capture them from the void, what is the use?

As for what follows...

That incident can be said to be a carnival of probabilities no less than the birth of life: the "tree vines" that penetrated the dying body actually gradually devoured part of the body's original peripheral central nervous system and replaced it with itself. , became the new master of this "flesh and blood treasure land".

What later made more people find it incredible, and was even considered absurd for a long time - these "vines" or "worms" began to try to make this body create more... Add more food that they like, and these actions the body.

It's ridiculous - the first contact between creatures that have never met can actually cause such a weird symbiosis. This was considered a fantasy by the theories at the time. But in fact, in the endless void, things like this are actually everywhere - when the sampling range is large enough, even rare samples will become common.

The new nervous system revitalized the body, and even if the original conscious owner of the body discovered these things, he could not stop it - his body had been completely invaded, and if he wanted to peel them off here, he would probably have to do it himself. Needs to completely shred yourself to do it. And those insects or plants...their exploitation of the flesh and blood in his body forced him to constantly look for food and water to replenish himself, lest he be sucked dry too quickly.

While waiting for death like a countdown, he gradually discovered that... his body seemed to be recovering: the broken bones seemed to be picked up, the cold shivering after losing a lot of blood began to fade away, and he began to become calm and composed, and The quality of his body seems to have also been greatly improved - many stingy medicines that only grow in steep and rugged environments can also be picked by him on the fly, and in this unexplored wild jungle, he eats hair and drinks blood, ingesting the daily routine. The stagnant water makes people feel sick...but he has never been sick again.

It may even be that the two parties made compromises between food and practical difficulties. After a few days, the pain caused by those "tree vines" became less and less. Under such circumstances, he finally began to have enough energy to carry out some of his own work, observe, record, and write all this into trembling original reports...until he finally walked out of the mountain forest after trekking for who knows how long. Back to a civilized environment.

Heterogeneous nervous system, tattered clothes, countless hideous scars... These intuitively visible "symptoms" caused him to be imprisoned in the biochemical isolation center almost instantly. The edge of the biochemical center and the city was blocked. As long as any danger leaks out of the defense package composed of plasma bombs, everything will be completely scorched by the plasma flames of hundreds of millions of degrees in a few seconds... This should be the case. Many mortals have introduced unknown substances in this way. Maybe of fellow citizens who cause harm to their own group.

However, various tests inside the biochemical center surprised all researchers.

This unprecedented parasite has completely devoured almost all of the man's main nerve bundles, and has even begun to partially replace the brain tissue responsible for nutrient supply in his brain.

However, not only did this man not die, on the contrary, this parasitic species gradually became the component of his new nervous system after parasitizing in his body - not only is he now alive, but his various physical qualities have become abnormal. Exaggeration, whether it is adaptability, thinking reaction speed or physical strength, even if his body that looks ferocious and terrifying just stands here, many records will be refreshed.

Amid mutual attacks and strife from many parties, his reports written with life and blood were finally published - partially published, and the amazing abilities these parasites brought to him also gave him a new glory. ——His final glory.

Recorders and basic scholars like him can be found in almost as many civilizations as they want, and whether he is a human now, whether this parasitic symbiosis will be infected by unknown means, and his ferocious... His appearance and various physical qualities that exceeded his previous limits... eventually triggered a storm of public opinion and academic criticism against him.

He was eventually executed. He was the only individual who died in the plasma flames in the civilized era. It can be said that he, or it, did not have a good ending - the mountain forest was heavily blocked by autonomous machines and heavy firepower, and he came into contact with it. Everything, including many people, was completely melted, and its remaining ashes were even thrown into the sun.

However, his deeds eventually... even affected the entire civilization, countless civilizations, and... the void.

His execution was so decisive and violent precisely because the country happened to be in a period of major innovation at that time - or in other words, its development encountered a major bottleneck.

People who are born need to learn before they can go to work, be used by society, and create overall positive value.

But during that period of time, the long period of learning, the imbalance of resources, and the limitations from the foundation of life are catalyzing the emergence of various contradictions and making many old contradictions more intensified...

If effective changes cannot be made, then countless people in the civilization will not be able to learn enough knowledge to work even if they spend their entire lives - the civilization will not be sustainable, and stagnation or even regression will soon come.

And this kind of integrated parasitic system, as well as the super physical fitness and learning ability displayed by this individual, gave a glimmer of possibility to civilization.

Perhaps such a node is too special and the impact it brings is too huge...

The final success in reality brought an unimaginable ideological frenzy.

Many problems that had accumulated for a long time were broken through by such an event, and civilization once again reached the peak of development.

What ideological trends bring about are many changes in the overall perception of civilization...

Soon, people in civilization had super-strong skin that seemed soft but strong enough to withstand kinetic energy ammunition, bones that were as strong as the best alloys, and powerful but coordinated organ sets... After transformation, People's lives have been greatly extended. If necessary, they can maintain the population for tens of thousands of years without increasing or decreasing; if necessary, they can even breed offspring like viruses...

During these processes, numerous accidents have brought civilization to the brink of extinction. But in the end, caution, reserves, and size always save a civilization from danger.

In its frenzy, civilization becomes more and more sane—sane in madness.

Integrate and merge all required attributes and integrate all the factors you need until the goal is achieved.

Even after civilization entered space, other civilizations also became such "materials".

Obviously, ah, yes, war, a long war - stars are torn apart, planets are pulled, black holes are turned into surging energy in power furnaces... Homes are scorched, and ruins are clearly visible on a star-level scale.

War is for profit - from plundering resources to maintaining one's own life rights... No matter what the purpose, war is always linked to profit.

When the war burns to the point where both parties can no longer dig out the slightest benefit, or even the most basic rights and interests, if both parties are not dead yet, then they will naturally sit on the negotiating table.

Cooperation will not be smooth sailing.

Intrigue, rebellion, self-reliance, deception, exploitation... In the midst of stumbling, madness gradually precipitates and transforms into some kind of eternal motivation and goal.

And interests... when everything is tied together, even the concept of utilization has been quantified and controlled...

The road we walked on seemed extremely thrilling even to myself, with many gaps and sharp turns, enough to destroy civilization.

However, civilization has persisted, and this civilized union is now growing stronger.

After the initial wave of fanatical thoughts, it finally left a valuable legacy for civilization - broad vision, combined listening, careful consideration, appropriate choices, integration and truth-seeking...

In the endless void, seeds born from a certain world began to sow fire among countless worlds.

Where there is peace, there will also be war.

Only by living can you be qualified to describe and define everything, and...many perseverances, many principles...protect them and maintain your own bottom line...after losing these, life will become soulless, and soulless existence is Despicable and pointless.

The different lines of thought are very different from each other.

But they are not right or wrong.

In the fault zone, the powerful void fortress created by civilization finally fell.

But it, and all the individuals within it who contributed to civilization, tried their best to emit countless fires, so that civilization was ultimately preserved.

Civilization needs strength...

But...can endless power really make civilization survive better...

After deep thinking and research, the heavens and abyss change dramatically; the world comes and goes, and the sea changes.

The fortress that preserved civilization has long since crashed in the black tide, but the fortress itself has been remembered as an immortal symbol.

In countless worlds, in all the void quadrants, countless differences, countless novel ideas, and countless unique information structures are absorbed, understood, and integrated, and eventually become part of civilization, and countless similar parts are connected, spanning the void, creating Countless brilliance.

Σ, a symbol that has been used by civilization since ancient times and is considered to be able to express the relevant meaning of "induction, integration, and unity", together with the fortress, as the pupil of civilization, is engraved in the center of the immortal and profound giant eye

. The huge wings carry the great eyes of this civilization across the endless darkness, across the distant void, and dominate countless worlds, holding the truth in their own hands. And in the time span of trillions of years, this emblem still possesses the power of God to a certain extent... Even its own will and its own thoughts, integrated with the concept and meaning of truth-seeking, have been assigned to become a real path. The axiom is remembered by the void and recognized by the endless order...

The mortal body is already on the same level as the gods at the top of order.

The trembling light suddenly collapsed, and the long history was condensed to an unimaginable level, condensed into... a moment.

In various fields that are far apart, the last reverberations from orders, from countless mother worlds, from countless void tridents, and from the last wishes and will of countless dead kings are being swallowed up.

Everything is over. The history of civilization will gradually disappear with the erosion of the chaotic sea.

The once-splendid civilization was destroyed in the indescribable chaos of the sea. What was once a protector turned into a source of disaster. The huge fleet that dominates the celestial ends of countless worlds, and its unimaginable vast influence have turned into a way for disasters to spread... The once majestic and glorious giant wings now sow only death.

Countless civilizations have completely disappeared in the shadows. Instead of believing in them, people believe in the stories told by the bards that have long been used.

Civilization has died, leaving behind endless vast ruins.

As time goes by, deep in the ruins, many giant creations that contain powerful power and can distort destiny and cause and effect may sooner or later smash themselves into one or several civilizations... A long time has passed. , if they could survive, they might have achieved some results.

And the order... is to destroy all of this.

After you die, everything about you may become a source of poison.

And living under the influence of disturbances that have begun to mutate...

There is indeed nothing wrong with integrating and seeking truth, but the premise of being correct is that it is established within a suitable range.

If you use it without considering the premise, then no matter how beautiful and powerful the concepts and formulas are, they can only become the most powerful poison.

If the huge body of civilization is still there, then perhaps integrating the concept of truth-seeking can actually be basically good.

But now, everything has changed.

Destroy them, destroy those results.

In the most violent, powerful, and most despairing way possible for civilization.

Before sufficient civilizational resilience is achieved, the acquisition of those creations by intelligent entities will be tantamount to destruction.

The consciousness has long since dissipated, and the last remnants of the order information contained in this command will soon evaporate. Civilization will never have another chance to guide these "children" who have empty power but don't know how to use it. But the void is cold and cruel. It does not suppress or target maliciously, but just by looking at this endless abyss full of infinite possibilities, a sense of difference and powerlessness will naturally appear.

Infinite possibilities not only breed infinite vitality and vitality, but also contain endless possibilities of disaster and death - they are all part of probability. Except for those great beings who transcend the order itself, no one can command the void. No one can keep themselves out of it.

And these "children"... they are the dangerous part in the development of civilization, at least the dangerous part that I have experienced... And if I walk many roads, the children may also walk...

This is not just a question of possibility, but also a question of probability and fate, which cannot be avoided...

It can be felt that everything has been entangled and twisted with each other for a long time - those words are obscure and difficult to understand, those messages are long and profound, and those creations are intricately connected and nailed in this vast void.

Those stories will not be light-hearted or clear and easy to understand. If they are still being performed, perhaps neither the participants nor the viewers will have a good feeling...

how is it? Or what can we do?

——Then let them feel enough pain, pain to the bones, pain to the tip of the heart, pain to death, pushed into death by pain, and then pulled back from death by pain - either die, or carry it through, carry it to yourself Tough enough, strong enough.

Pass everything on yourself to the new civilization and let them remember it all with blood and fire.

Hatred, pain, and the source of power at your fingertips... With conscious control, the body will avoid hurting itself - then let the consciousness disappear and the body lose control.

These may not allow those civilizations to possess truly great wisdom... but, as long as they can survive even a little bit... then they can definitely gain power - power that can rival their own team after a long burst of anger!

No matter what the road ahead is, at least... they will have a body that can withstand falls and hits! Except for the gods, even they, the owners of those bodies have powerful bodies that cannot be killed by themselves!

The huge gap is absolute, and the abyss of difference is too great. It is not something that backward civilizations can catch up with in a short period of time just by relying on a few development speedups and a few technological breakthroughs. Civilization has collapsed, but even with the few remaining remnants of it...except for the gods, how many people can withstand it, or even...just learn to hide themselves in the storm?

Crying, wailing, despair, anger, resistance, madness, killing...

Different conditions are incomparable. What will a superior being with huge resources and origin from the source ask of them? Why should we ask them? What did you bring? ? If the managers of order can ignore the limitations of reality and force their own logic and reason to be practiced, then why can't everything be reset? ?

The once king of men has been destroyed, and the dead do not react or speak.

No matter what you think, it doesn't matter. After the incident happens, no matter where it comes from and how it is interpreted, it doesn't matter what kind of anger you will be overwhelmed by. It doesn't matter...

As long as one can survive, no - even as long as enough information is transmitted to the gods, the death of civilization will not be meaningless, or in other words, civilization will not perish.

The fire that swept through countless worlds may completely destroy all life, and the pain of these "successors" with paradoxical power will burn until they are reduced to ashes.

However, after the raging of these natural disasters that can destroy almost everything, civilizations and even entities that have seen the truth of the void, at least this part of the truth of the void... As long as there is even a little bit of them that can still wake up from the disaster, all of this is possible. meaningful.

The first attempt has failed.

The second plan fragmented reality.

The third plan attempts to restore the source, but what else is the solution to the problem?

The fourth issue has been scattered and I hope there will be a different success.

Fifth (5) five (5) five (5) five (5) five (5)...

what is that? Enemy?

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