Star Empire

Chapter 264 The Wandering

"...our still too shallow."

"The void is full of endless possibilities and unknowns...The void is far deeper and broader than our imagination, and it is also far more creative than us..."

"I don't know if we will ever have the opportunity to witness them and get to know them..."

Probabilistic Chain Lightning came to life after being buffeted by a torrent of infinitely more micro-directed information of infinite significance from the Arcane Throne.

In the void, probability covers everything, and the various functions it can play are beyond imagination. Countless tiny probabilities were pieced together to form a new world of order, but these worlds of order were not enough to illuminate the darkness within the empire.

The probability lightning chain expanded from the virtual plane to the void, while countless creation flashes exploded from the real plane.

They shine in the void, they stretch wantonly, and the sight of their growth and birth shocks and even scares the empire...

This network encompasses the empire's unimaginable void. Countless filamentous fibers extend, flutter, overlap or intersect, and the growing chain reaction spreads out, and the void is lit up by sparks.

Shaped like feathers, shaped like wings...

The shape is like splendor, the shape is like glory.

The same homeland has been dimmed, has been annihilated, and many details can no longer be restored, but it has been devastated by several world-destroying wars, but it still relies on the survival of its soul and consciousness and has not been completely abandoned in name and vague shadow. Nyakea" same.

The Empire's Void Point Fleet, which sailed tens of millions of years ago, has left a huge number of communication base stations in the void.

In order to prevent themselves from eventually dissipating into a ripple in the void due to the huge information offset difference that cannot be compensated after sailing too long a "distance" in the void, these ships must create a ripple that conforms to the current void rules every time they travel a certain distance. World for ships to rest, recover, and calibrate.

After the rest is completed and the ship begins to jump into the distant void again, these small worlds used as "navigation relay stations" will remain, and the industrial modules dropped with the ship will also start working to reinforce those worlds. At the same time, we manufacture various necessary development equipment.

The "singularity" of field life attached to it will also be activated and multiply with the help of the order field and wide-area radar scanning field around the world. In the process, they will once again adjust the fields released by the devices so that the devices can continue to work with higher efficiency.

As long as they have time, they can directly develop on their own and become subsidiary structures of the empire, and be directly incorporated into the empire itself, just like any type of seed facilities and seed creations in the empire.

The empire had planned all of this very completely, but... the final scale of creation of that glorious and huge Genesis chain reaction in the void...

Beyond all human imagination.

At least so far, many of the interiors of the universe observed by the Empire...when the rules and constants are uniform, they will all have ultra-large-scale filamentous fiber structures. They may have begun to take shape during the birth of the world and the gradual cooling of the space-time structure within the world. They are the product of the intersection of rules and constant uniformity and the uneven distribution of entities.

Only when the constants and laws are regular and uniform can the large-scale structure ensure that its "look" is consistent everywhere. Only when entities are distributed unevenly can these denser structures appear, and stars will not be a pot of chaotic soup in the universe.

Large-scale structures are enough to penetrate the entire universe and every dimension of the world...

They can stretch for billions of light years, but they are only a subset of the world, and some situations reflect the actual appearance. And such a universe and such a world are just one of the infinite possibilities branched out by the void.

If such a large-scale structure also exists in the void... it will be based on the void, on infinity.

As for understanding such infinity, understanding such foundations and levels...

I'm afraid I need to cross a very high threshold. Who knows...

The thoughts quickly dissipated - to be precise, the little strange feeling born deep in the souls of those who were still willing to think and even had the ability to "emotion" quickly dissipated.

This is all...too far.

"Preliminary statistics, with the help of the obvious macro-Genesis trend contained in the void, the general flagship further determined the scale of the world joint structure created after the triggering activities..."

"...It's still within the scope of speculation. In fact, this is not too huge. In fact, if the void cannot breed such a large-scale or even higher-level structure and total information, then the void is not worthy It is called the source of all things. But...this is just a relative term..."

"We didn't have time to prepare so many world control devices and corresponding facilities and power..."

"In fact, there are many worlds, probably at least 70% beyond, that we simply cannot control and transform. We are too late."

"Perhaps when necessary, we should annihilate them all, completely destroy them or wipe them out in other ways... Those worlds that are too late to be controlled and adjusted may come into contact with the wreckage of Σ. It is currently unknown whether the wreckage of Σ has been transformed. The ability of the world and the ability to self-proliferate, but they themselves carry huge amounts of high-risk pollution..."

"Once activated, the Gate of Death Tide will appear, and if such a closely connected world cluster is affected by resonance..."

"Fault zone."

Communication and communication are not extinct, and on the contrary, communication and communication have become more abundant than ever before, because of the large number of soulless puppets being produced.

They have powerful information acceptance and regular throughput capabilities, and the matrix they form can also continuously evolve, constantly analyze the current situation and come up with appropriate countermeasures. Under the influence of these puppets, there are even more exchanges and communications within the empire than before, and the communication between these puppets is extremely regular, like an eternal pulse.

These pulses form a regular ocean. In this ocean of soulless beings, the unique fluctuations released by those special souls... are extremely conspicuous, but I'm afraid... no one will care.

Communication takes place among the puppets, while the soulful beings are becoming increasingly silent.

People who can still talk are often separated by hundreds of millions of worlds, separated by the real chasm of the void. Even if the relay station formed by the World Gate communication array and countless puppet nodes can forcibly ensure that these high-level nodes can carry out concept-determination communication without delay, what is passed on is just a meaning, an idea, and the result of one or several threads. ——

That's not true.

Perhaps billions of years ago, some people would have been worried about this. Such a network would have been despised or even cast aside before that time.

...But what will happen?

The Empire has long known that doing things should be based on achieving the goal.

Nothing is ever done just for the sake of using which equipment or which way of thinking. Just like detection requires radar, but detection activities can also be carried out without using radar.

The current empire network is sufficient to support virtual information communication of any intensity under current conditions as well as real information transmission of pure information exchange for those with calibrated soul marks. If the purpose of communication between various nodes in the empire network is to transfer information and create interactions, then as long as this step of transferring information is accomplished, all other additional elements that are irrelevant or unimportant can be erased.

The sense of ritual and life have long been infinitely close to zero.

No one cares, even if they want to care, reality is enough to suppress all unnecessary details.

However, it may be unclear whether these attributes should be considered shortcomings or advantages... they still exist with the existence of the empire until now. In a daze, it seems that there are still some vague bottom lines and things worth paying attention to...


Countless instantaneous jumps make the Arcane Throne look like it draws an actual line in the void. The boundaries of the huge empire's world structure are being further determined, and at the same time, countless modules are projected out of the ship by the Arcane Throne using mathematical rate keys. They will cover every visible world and continue to expand.

However, even so, after that large-scale Chain Genesis event... the world was indeed too much.

"Who is thinking about all this, who is remembering and deducing all this...?"

"I...what perspective, thoughts and attitude do I use to face and sort out everything possible in the Memory Empire...?"

By studying and comparing the world structure you created, as well as the methods and "materials" used by Σ last time to almost destroy the empire again, you can actually make many, many discoveries——

The equivalent structure of Σ has been riddled with holes and scars, and those wounds have actually distorted and obscured part of its inherent attributes, or in other words, covered part of its nature.

And this "complete" structure may be able to better reveal some of the possibilities - possibilities that the empire could not see from the broken sample.

World structures with the same "association mapping network" can confirm homologous structures. When they transition from one frontier to another, the structures of all the worlds and universes within them may have different macro dimensions, differences in macro realistic scenery, and different macro descriptions of the world. It may even be different if they are directly divided into two border lines. When comparing the target elements on the screen, the differences will be so great that they cannot be considered to have the same type of world structure, and they should not be located in the same quadrant at all...

But facts overturn all the false “theory,” “look like,” and “should be.”

Within the world structure that has been identified in detail, it can be roughly determined that the differences in information representation between worlds will affect the basic logical structure, basic extractable constants, basic rank representation and basic linear time development direction within the world. From one edge to another, as the information offset gap continues to increase, the various situations between the worlds are also different, but it is certain that the changes are uniform.

In the process of striving to install the world's basic control system and place the corresponding imperial basic garrison, after modeling the abstract worldview deviations of all worlds, it can be determined that this type of macro-infrastructure composed of worlds is actually in the process of explosion. There are two processes:

The first part, as the most direct and important part of the explosion, begins to extend. It is relatively single and clear. Its birth will absorb the probabilistic lightning clusters and external excitation materials and void environment that need to be detonated to trigger the entire Genesis activity. Inspiring trends, etc. are all important resources that can support such genesis activities, and it is also the most obvious, largest and core part of the entire structure - it is like a tree trunk.

The remaining veins of branches and leaves extending from the trunk were born in the second phase of the explosion that was close to the same time as the first explosion. They are the main corresponding parts of the "chain reaction" in the main reaction, and are also the most "fiber"-like parts of the entire world structure. They expand outward from the central trunk and vary in size. The small part may only have tens of thousands of worlds, while the large part...the structure of the worlds in those "veins" is like a super Like galaxy clusters.

"To digest such a huge structure... I'm afraid it will take a lot of time."

"Yes, it is estimated that in the next at least 30 million or 50 million years we will need to expand and other methods to gradually clarify the structure of this huge world and transform it into valuable information that can be read and analyzed by us..."

"There are actually many conjectures about the birth rules of these worlds and why such filamentous fiber structures themselves have scale limits..."

"Are there not enough conjectures... Almost 90% of the contents that can be recalled in our current memory bank are conjectures. Study them - study the relationship between conjectures and reality. The conjectures themselves and the various connections between the conjectures are meaningless, at least not yet. It doesn’t make sense, and it’s not stable enough. Of course, if you think that the experimental results will be evaporated... then it doesn’t matter. In short, let’s look at it now, as long as everything works, if not, then try another idea.”

"This is not good. If all of you were like this, we wouldn't die very comfortably."

"...Did you have a premonition or see something again?"

"Rules are still are conjectures and doctrines..."

"...Which era are we in? Between us..."

“No matter what we do, there’s a lot of content that we won’t need, not now, but even more so in the future and after death.”

"A doomsday reaction has been detected in some areas, and the intensity has been reduced..."

"Perhaps they really came into contact with the wreckage, and the death tide pollution may spread in such a highly connected world structure. The fleet should respond immediately to investigate the source of the fault zone, which may also bring us more The results..."

"It's already being done, but... our fleet is not enough to effectively suppress such a large-scale order structure. We don't have enough ships, and the flagship flagship can't take care of it."

"General flagship..."

In the void, a mass that seemed to be condensed with corrupt blood floated slowly. Even the void seemed unable to block its black-red corrupt light that revealed the aura of expansion, pollution and destruction. It moves between worlds in an erratic trajectory, strangling everything on its path.

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