Star Empire

Chapter 270 Expansion, Growth, Crazy (Part 2)

Regardless of success, regardless of failure...order will always operate and change will always occur.

time does not wait.

Type 1 errors and failures and their causes:

After further understanding of the branches of the world, it was discovered that the structure itself poses a huge safety hazard for order creatures - when the branches of the world were born, external interference factors forcibly extracted the possibilities from various intervals in the entire void quadrant and integrated them into An independent structure that is sufficiently stable only if it is constrained. It has been confirmed that cutting off the uniform correlation pulse will cause the irreversible disintegration of the huge structure.

Cutting off such a pulse would have to at least trigger an apocalypse, but given the current circumstances, apocalypse is not an uncommon phenomenon - both symbolically and physically.

The topological structure will be destroyed, and the "exiled" territory may reach the boundary of the void interval where the order has been finalized for countless years in an instant... That is equivalent to destruction.

These may have been predicted and warned of many times, but they still appear in reality. is indeed impossible to fully expect the natural stability of a world created in such a huge amount...

Expanding on this basis... The existence of Σ giant void fortress may confirm its function... According to this rule, it is speculated that this type of giant void fortress is very likely to carry out layer-by-layer defense and deflection protection for the entire world branch according to the pyramid structure. Most hostile signals will attack the Void Fortress first, and the Void Fortress itself ensures the stable existence of the branches of the world through its symbolism and various strong law protections...

"Based on the statistics of the old numbers of Star Civilization and the current structure of the void... we can roughly speculate on the correspondence between some numbers and the structure of the possible world."

"333-Χ-79776-51274-277A, the 333rd area. We are not sure how huge a "sky area" of Σ is, how many worlds it will cover and how many structures it consists of. X ...perhaps it corresponds to some of our translation symbols, or perhaps to some of our ancient characters... The first doubtful guess is that it corresponds to the Void Quadrant. And the next three numbers can just correspond to the branches of the world - the veins of the world – The world is a single body. And we can also be sure that... the sum of our actions in the past has not left the scope of the branches of the world. In comparison, our activities are even very small, pitifully small... "

"The original world structure has been destroyed, and it is impossible to make further guesses and estimates. According to the existing data, it can be roughly determined that all giant void fortresses should be protecting some kind of core. Perhaps the parts they protect correspond to our branches in the world. The information found relates to the "source" and "relay source" of the pulse..."

"The protection system of the pyramid structure does have a higher overall efficiency than the core-discrete point structure, and after further calibrating the scale of operations and authority levels at each level of the pyramid, it can effectively prevent high-end resources from being occupied casually. However, there are sensitivity issues and security issues Still need to consider..."

"...How on earth did we survive such a huge gap and numerous dangers? The gap in quantity itself is completely impossible to accurately measure..."

"The world needs to be strengthened, the world's connection structure needs to be strengthened, some of its extreme properties need to be inert, and the scale of the impact of some structures needs to be corrected..."

"The design and implementation of the equivalent Void Fortress should enter the empire's overall planning and possibility deduction process..."

The second type of errors and failures and reasons:

Attacking a single branch of the world... is extremely difficult, and the attacking force must be much stronger than the defender. Some other effects were observed - related to relatedness and attribution.

That part of the void, those worlds... they are more inclined to obey the orders of the Σ fleet and the Σ facilities. The void environment and all order worlds protect the actions of all the Σ facilities. For the imperial fleet, these effects will turn into interference, suppression and hinder.

This type of impact is determined by analyzing large amounts of behavioral data and comparing them. This type of attribution... has a different impact than the attribution of civilization.

"Currently, relevant disturbances have been retrieved within a limited range. Analysis within a limited area shows that their intensity is not exaggerated. But...I am afraid that just like the gravity most commonly used in ancient times, once the source is large enough, they It will be extremely obvious and have a huge impact, and it can even create some extremely extreme point environments within a certain range."

"It's hard to imagine, if everything around it hadn't been eroded by the death tide, if those magnificent huge void structures and giant facilities hadn't been corroded and polluted... what would all of this be like?"

"Time axis dislocation annihilation technology...perhaps our analysis of it is not deep enough..."

"If you take into account the protective effect and direct function of the Void Fortress itself...if the Death Tide Natural Disaster spreads along Σ's civilization network and erodes from the endless eternal space all the way here, then..."

"It is not these worlds that resist the most major pollution and the largest direct destructive effects, but these giant void fortresses. They almost symbolize the entire branch, every world in the entire vein, and all worlds are supposed to accept If the pollution that comes in is also carried away by them..."

"We may really be killed in the past, completely killed, or...even if the entire empire can survive, it will lose all future and all possibilities in that branch fortress..."

"This will be another baptism in our thoughts - why do we survive, rely on the stellar wind, rely on the death tide disaster that completely destroyed most of the life and most of the vitality of the Σ facility in the void, rely on our luck or... …By us, by our lives, by ourselves?”

"To further improve the design demonstration and construction of our equivalent facilities... the preliminary design plan should be submitted as soon as possible and implemented. Currently, the key nodes of the world's branches are protected by the fleet and the Holy Music Praise Cluster, but their functions and effects are extremely important Some cannot be used here, and their effect may be limited..."

"If no matter the cost..."

"The ultra-high-intensity direct attack launched from the distant void towards the probability lightning chain... now seems to be enough to banish all the world structures in the entire world branch. Unless the degree and speed of our transformation of the world branches can continue to increase, Or...we can completely modify the "construction model" and "possibility" of the world branches themselves..."

"Previously, Σ facilities may not have been able to launch attacks on structures at the same level. It is also possible that Σ's corresponding attack facilities have been paralyzed. Their own logical structure is not enough to support the remaining parts to accurately determine the target and launch corresponding attacks..."

"Or, they are giving us "mercy", just like every time we survive..."

"Alert, it is observed that part of the main line is lost..."

The third type of errors and failures and their causes:

There are no clear intermediate quantities and relay units in the branches of the world.

Not all direct jets containing huge amounts of complex information can create branches of the world.

Within each quadrant, the basic categories needed to create branches of the world are not compatible with each other.

"The prefabrication experiment may fail more than 90% of the time. Correction to eliminate the effect of the blazing sun star wind weight; correction to eliminate the possibility of luck. Correction to eliminate the original negative impact of the disappearance and decline of the attribution effect..."

"It is certain that the original success rate is negative."

"This 'first step' may not have been completed yet."

"It can be confirmed that the practical application formula that has been put into use can be used as an "ignition striker" to trigger the probabilistic lightning chain core explosion in the quadrant. However, the single operation mode of the ignition facility has low efficiency across quadrants - possibly due to existential incompatibility. For other reasons, the effectiveness drops significantly after crossing quadrants.”

"This means that the national ignition device can exist and operate normally in the void divided by each quadrant, but it must check the background environment, determine the absolute gap and relative gap between different quadrants, and reset the parameters to formulate a more effective The "ignition" process..."

“It is right to prioritize building cross-quadrant information resistance.”

"No, it's not just that - that was perhaps the wisest decision we have ever made. Now, our basic existence is at least independent - in this way, we can also avoid all the original worldview differences between the quadrants. And lead to obstacles and harm..."

"Why were you hurt?" In front of the remaining emperors and beings, this sharp and strange question suddenly appeared. “Transcendental information transcends the fabric of the world—we inhabit it!”

"Either, we have overlooked something - the world is equivalent to extraordinary information, but there is something deeper between the worlds."

"Either, it's because of ourselves - we haven't been able to coordinate our development. We are just using more and more advanced resources to try to forcefully distort the surrounding environment into what we once knew..."

"Do we still have a chance to change something?"

"No - or ask a simpler question, who are you? Who am I? Who is talking to whom in these conversations? Do you know clearly who is talking to you? It's you, it's someone else, Is it some imperial facility that can respond automatically, or is it your own babble?"


"No chance."

"Our technical black box has long been out of control - we don't understand what we are doing, we don't know how the foundation under our feet is formed, we don't know its height and thickness, we just know how to use - use, use and use , and then just block the enemies surging in the void before everything is over."

"As for where we are? What heights have we reached? What madness have we gone to? Where are we now? Where are we compared to the past?"

"Everything has been torn apart a long time ago - so torn that the pain can no longer be transmitted."

"Don't think too much, do something practical - think about who you are and where you are..."

"The evolutionary matrix has begun to deduce other possible structures, and the transformation corresponds to the "ignition" basis. There are problems with virtual and real exchanges, and the huge scale gap reflects our powerlessness in the face of pure orders of magnitude..."

"The gap between virtual and real information is extremely huge. At present, it is impossible for us to easily break through its obstacles and barriers..."

"What is created on the other side is a strong law level real information network... Such a large scale of real information cannot be used only for consumption. It may have other functions and effects, and the intensity is unimaginable..."

"We still have a lot to do..."

"Alert, the expeditionary force's loss rate exceeds 60%...70...85%..."

"The functional difference between the puppet mission and the evolutionary matrix should be distinguished. The evolutionary matrix that needs to provide basic computing power for each core system and core souls should no longer carry out expeditions. At the same time, try to further optimize the puppet structure and omnidirectional evolution Algorithms provide possibilities for "handover"..."

Type 4 Errors and Failures and Their Reasons...

There are too many, too many failures, too many mistakes, too many problems and shortcomings caused by barbaric growth over billions of years.

It can be said that the entire empire is now a crumbling wall. Its interior is full of countless gaps and cracks. No matter how powerful the life force is and how powerful the evolutionary matrix is, those shortcomings and wounds cannot be filled. .

The empire did not collapse, because in the process of its development, the empire welded bricks one after another out of thin air - as long as this wall can persist until the next layer of permanent standards is established and can no longer collapse, then it doesn't matter!

No longer relying on life, no longer relying on fate... we can only rely on ourselves.

Every step forward is full of dangers and unknowns...

I don’t know when my memory and history have been lost.

Looking through the observer's records, grafting those fleeting experiences of wisdom onto one's own body... there is nothing wrong with that.

Wading in waist-deep black water, beneath my feet is a sticky and mysterious swamp...

The empire is this trekker - no one knows whether what they step on when taking the next step will be the same sticky mud, a slightly solid ground, or a pit and abyss that is enough to swallow a person...

Whether it is a battleship, a facility, a building, the stars in the world, or whether the doubt is a symbol of the magnificent laws composed of countless worlds...

There is no dark corner in the empire, no place where you can vent your soul pressure and dissatisfaction.

Because compared to everything else, the empire itself is such a place.

The concept of the body seems to be slowly being forgotten. Countless contacts and countless sensory connections... Compared to commands and consoles, or even telepathy... they are more efficient and direct.

The battleships shone with light, and the empire shone with light. Beyond the light, the tide of death, the corrupted fleet, and the endless unknown blocked the empire's sight. In other words... as far as the empire could see, they were everything.

The soulless ones are more simple and direct - they will only make more perfect arrangements to avoid losses and impacts as much as possible. They will absorb everything from them and then make the evolutionary matrix more perfect.

It's just... whether the evolutionary matrix will get out of control and whether it will also move towards paranoia... this is unknown.

The expeditionary force won more and more victories and achieved brilliant results. The huge imperial fleet relied on an almost pure increase or decrease in numbers and tried its best to block the surrounding void. All attacks on the empire’s territory——

Even so, more than half of the structures in the first world branches of the empire have been exiled or killed.

Born from a brilliant chain reaction, and then died from the same chain reaction.

There may be some of them that can survive, but most of them may be washed away by the huge information pressure from the moment they begin to be "exiled"...

"Fire" began to be sown - the virtual point jump fleet was released. They moved towards the depths of the void in their respective predetermined directions. They turned on the operating intensity of their engines to an almost infinite operating level, allowing countless orders to synchronize. The results flow through the engine...

Fortunately, the empire should be said to be located in the border area of ​​Σ, which means... not all directions will be like this.

The track world will be obliterated - they will never look back, and neither will they.

No one person can be remembered, and no single thing loses the meaning of being taken out alone...

They are all part of this reality, a silent, rotten and dead reality, a part of a part of life trying to survive... nothing more.

Crying, struggling, angry, cursing, escaping...

It is difficult for them to change the reality that they have no wisdom and cannot respond to.

This is a kind of helplessness, a helplessness of the same nature but more unsolvable.

Although the Empire does not have much experience in diplomacy and getting along with each other, through the Observer Parliament that has been running for a period of time, the Empire knows many stories, and its own experience can also be... written into many, many stories.

No matter how good the result is, the process of creating the result may be full of blood, tears and cruelty, not to mention... not every story will have a good result.

The heavy artillery around the Ring of Blazing Sun began to activate, and the huge pool of fuzzy information accumulated over billions of years was mobilized, activated, and loaded...

In the distant void, countless flashing light spots are particularly bright in the eyes of these imperial-level "national ignition devices".

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