Star Empire

Chapter 286 The Nightmare of the Past (Part 2) The Turning Point of Destiny (Part 1)

This kind of disaster that may appear anywhere in the void has different names among countless wisdoms, countless consciousnesses, and countless civilizations.

In different reference systems, it may have different so-called "explosion cycles" - hundreds of millions of years, billions, tens of billions of years, or a few years, etc. are possible.

Among them, there are some problems that have entangled the order for countless years - there are no rules and restrictions in the void itself, and there may be no objective truth that is absolutely correct in the true sense.

The most likely thing is...the truth is created by countless order bodies interacting with each other, influencing each other and finally building together over countless years. Truth exists in the sea of ​​order, but they are not absolutely unchanged, and perhaps not unique.

From time in the sense of physical changes to being selected as a reference system based on various more or less symbolic "periodic" events in the void, this process requires users to cross countless hurdles.

But even so, many truths, many "understandings" that are more suitable for the environment of void and order, still sink to the bottom that is difficult to reach.

It seems... when civilization develops to a certain extent, the disaster in the void will gradually "get away" from the core of civilization - not only can the world with a complete control system after the outbreak last longer, but also in those countries that are relatively complete. A world under the control of... itself is difficult to be struck by disaster?

Outside of civilized territories with relatively complete control systems, disasters seem to continue to invade the world of order. Moreover, this disaster that seems to be destroying everything seems to also erase some original rules and restrictions - and it seems that it will also erase some deaths?

In the distant, invisible void, countless worlds are connected to each other. Under the bloody river of light, there is a bottomless sea of ​​fog and a swirling wave of corruption. They are like rifts in the void, wounds of order - fracture zones.

Here, there is actually a problem - the birth of fault zones, the continuous outbreak of disasters, etc., all of which are essentially outside the visible range of civilization.

Civilization perceives real harm and needs the whole country to face such a disaster. If there really is such a thing as "under normal circumstances" in the void...

The rules that are recorded in the history of civilization and shaped in dials and countdowns one after another - do disasters themselves really have cycles and trends of outbreaks, or do disasters continue to occur in the void in a certain way during these years? These "uniform" "rules" affect the ordered world, and between each span, these sporadic disasters are accumulating power, until their accumulation is large enough to attract the attention of civilization?

This may be a question for which there really is an "objective answer", many existences can answer it? When the laws involved in various metaphysical phenomena and influences can be "summarized"...will the result itself really be meaningful for deducing its existence?

It seems that the various discussions between subjectivity and objectivity, reality and nothingness, perfection and overall applicability, and the various checks and balances and compromises between each other will never end.

Every time the huge wings flap, the overflowing light spots will form sharp and powerful Adelaoran energy spears. They float slightly with the magnificent light wings released by the central battleship group, as if they are moving as a whole. Breathing is normal.

When the time is right and the locking system is filled with countless shadows that can be regarded as the core, these spears will be released in an instant. Their own foundation determines that they can ignore dimensional obstructions, ignore the laws of the world, and precede the interior of the world. Everything takes effect directly on any target inside the world even before the world's underlying protocol reaction. Thousands of billions of lead-gray spears were released with the flapping of giant wings, and their targets were already shrouded in corrupted black mist and crawling with disgusting, even the most powerful devouring The violent stars with black and red patterns that even the Zerg cannot accept.

Be fast and be accurate.

Every window is fleeting, and the loss of every window may mean that some of the lives here that could have been evacuated will be buried by the storm.

Fortunately, these disasters all broke out in the border areas of civilization, and the role of these borders as "colonies" is actually less than their role as outposts. To be precise, these former outposts are being replaced by more distant void buildings and worlds. replace its original function. The footprints of the outpost system extend far longer than the mainland of civilization. Without these national outposts, the consequences of this disaster may be unimaginable.

The existence of Adelora ensures that these ships carrying life can maintain the stability of the ships under the erosion of those black and red corrupt patterns until they fly out of the world barrier and fly out of the contaminated area. A string of marks and a string of codes circulated in the huge military command system. Some of them will disappear at the "border", while some will burn out and disappear in the middle of the jump.

The purification of living dust clouds and the crossfire of fleet main guns cannot completely stop the invisible but pervasive pollution. However, once any theory and speculation is projected into reality, there will always be contradictions and deficiencies.

This may be unfair or unreasonable, but

If a huge collective wants to maximize efficiency and minimize losses, a few or even a majority of the countless individuals that make up the collective may have to pay more of their own interests and more power at many times and in the face of many choices. To ensure that the huge collective can maintain operation with higher efficiency and stable operation. It is not that they cannot be balanced, but if everything between the two can be guaranteed at the same time, the degree of "perfection" needs to be terrifyingly high, so high that it is unimaginable for anyone, even the most ideal idea of ​​equality and the once most powerful The most ruthless hive mother core cannot compare with this in its specialized abilities and thoughts.

It is so perfect that no flaws can be found, and it looks like some kind of coquettish wish. I don’t know what level the individuals in a race that can have such perfect operating rules will reach.

The lives that can still be detected and the fleets that can still be contacted are becoming increasingly rare. Soon, all that is left in the full-dimensional scan of the world is just groups of empty and distorted noises.

All the lives and facilities that could be evacuated have been evacuated, and the rest, if they are not still fighting the spreading disaster with the fleet on the front line, have been completely swallowed up by the dramatic changes in the stars caused by the disaster.

In the universe, there is a unique "giant hole" that is black, gray and red, which is like a wound in the universe.

On the periphery of the fleet, activated dust clouds are continuously produced by the fleet, and then swallow up the invisible corruption and pollution in space. Before they become completely violent and completely out of control, the extraordinary information and heavy protection contained within them will gradually After disappearing, they will eventually be smoothly swallowed up by the severely polluted space on the periphery. After this kind of creation-annihilation gradually reaches dynamic equilibrium, an invisible bubble is blown up in the universe.

The light began to gather. In the center of the fleet, the huge giant spaceship no longer allowed the overflowing light spots to disappear. They were all focused, compressed and gathered at the bow, converging on the dim light layer outside the sharp beak, forming Each clear and huge conical tower——

Information jets burst out from the surface of the United Shield. They pierce the universe and the polluted space. They cut through the stars and break up the uniformity and continuity of space.

A torrent of information beyond all one's own understanding and compatibility lights up in the world. Under their impact, the polluted and corrupted star clusters running around in the chaotic space exploded into supernovae after just a slight brush. The extremely violent explosions they produced... Not only do the destructive forces released far exceed their originally possible maximum, but the speed at which these destructive forces spread throughout the universe far exceeds the maximum speed allowed by conventional physics.

The once glorious stars, galactic disks and nebulae are now rapidly transforming into sources of spreading disaster and death.

After losing the overall control and scheduling capabilities of the core of the world, everything in this universe is on the verge of losing control and collapsing. The more world information that invisible and qualityless pollution comes into contact with, the faster it spreads - in the depths of distant space, the only remaining radar waves reflect that there is an existence in the depths of billions of light-years of space. The subtle circle - a circle that should have an absolutely uniform curvature from any angle, has now begun to twist and deform, which is a sign of an imminent explosion.

Compared with the vast and vast chaotic starry sky, the black door that is far from reaching the true world scale should originally be invisible, but its properties are so special that it seems to be able to control any perception and consciousness in an instant. The perception of "missing" an area it originally covered?

It is unimaginable that an Adelora information beam, which may not have a larger projection diameter than a star, can cut through the Milky Way. It is even harder to imagine how many uniform and uneven star structures there are in the universe.

10^25, this is the number of stars in the surface world structure recorded in the world snapshot before the world collapsed and distorted.

The commanders of this fleet did not expect to be able to use these warships to completely dispel the pollution entrenched in the depths of the world, nor did they expect to rely on them to take back this universe that had been completely infected by corruption. The gate was on the verge of collapse before it was effectively controlled, and the pollution it released was enough to completely stir up the entire starry sky before the stars here periodically flickered once...

Those are billions of violent and dangerous critical stars, the source of billions of nameless sources that cast endless shadows on other structures. They dance and twist wildly in space at speeds and methods that transcend light, laws, and basic possibilities. They draw coquettish and strange lines in the nebula. Just by looking at them, the soul and consciousness can fall into a violent endless whirlpool. …

The stars here, and all related structures, are the ultimate derivatives of the underlying and secondary structures of the world, and they are like spiers in the overall activity of the world. They can be highly active symbols of world information, channels for wisdom and civilization to explore the truth of the universe, or they can be...

Rapidly infects vulnerabilities that expand contaminated areas.

There is no good way - after the pollution spreads throughout the space and pulls all the star regions and ultra-deep fields into the abyss of corruption, the world core's world control ability itself will be greatly reduced and may even disappear completely. In this case, they can't pull the starry sky itself, which is already sizzling like red-hot metal...

The release of countless jets made the entire thorn-ball-shaped fleet become more and more weird and evil in the space where it had begun to collapse and disintegrate, and its conceptual structure and basic laws began to be lost. The pollution is getting stronger, and the activated dust cloud...

They are being ripped apart in pieces and devoured.

In such a chaotic area, everything should no longer be orderly... However, the fleet's recording system shows that stars are "exploding" near the shield more and more often. Not only are they becoming more frequent, but the situation is also changing. More and more diverse...

It's as if some consciousness in this world is controlling everything in an attempt to destroy the fleet.

"That's right - your attention has been attracted, contact the outer fleet, drop void bombs, and prepare to blow up the world barrier!!"

"The order field generators of the entire fleet are started simultaneously, the active dust cloud protection system is withdrawn, the joint shield strength is maximized, and preparations are made to leap into the void!"

Engraved in the memory of the soul, this is an order that has never been given in a long time, or is so rare that it can only be counted on one hand.

In the void, some obscure light points flashed by - these traces are difficult to capture. Due to the scanning frequency and scanning range of the void nonlinear scanning radar, those point-like order fields moving at high speed in the void can be used again. Even with a precise fire control system, you can only feel a slight afterimage. They are void missiles against the world, and they are the "active force" for civilization to destroy the world after the core of the world loses its power to control the world. At this moment, all possible attention in the entire world is attracted to the fleets that are throwing firepower crazily inside the world. Even if it wants to take care of those crazily flashing beacons, it is already too late——

Countless missiles hit the world barrier from the outside, and blasted huge ripples one after another on top of this self-consistent barrier formed by the combination of time, space, and law representation. Wherever the ripples affected, the originally empty barrier suddenly disappeared. Appear, but every barrier that appears reveals a certain sense of grayness and fragility that has passed away. These chain destructions raging in the frequency soon spread again and again in the world barrier.

After the barrier is broken, the influx of void will erase all traces of the place.

"The world structure has been cleaned up. The world barrier is 100% broken. No additional order fields have been found. The monitoring array is operating stably. Continue tracking."

"It has been confirmed that the evacuation and cleanup operations of the surrounding fleets at the same level have been completed."

"Their battle continues deep in the Rift."

Inside the flagship, the trend set by the overall action clearly emerges in the commander's consciousness, and the directly understandable model without any obstacles allows the intelligence communication between the fleet aggregates to be without any obstacles.

More giant missiles are crossing the void, and their target is the huge perceptual shadow that is "pressed" out of the endless void outside the "light wall".

"It's unimaginable that such a structure can actually expand and form such a terrifying aggregate-?!"

"Alert - an unknown order field appears on the edge of the rift valley -"

Communication was interrupted, along with the fleet that was supposed to respond before, and the rift valley.

"Unknown Order Field!?"

The sudden violent attack took away the traces of the fleet monitoring the movement of pollution and the existence of the rift that pollution tore out of the void itself. Astonished, the commanders from different civilizations sitting on the flagship immediately began to investigate what happened - they vaguely noticed a tentacle, a tentacle with white, purple, and... Gold and tricolor tentacles.

However, they don't know that there are many more tentacles like this, and what they have wrapped around is just one of them.

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