Star Empire

Chapter 300 Despair and Speechlessness (Part 2)

Not that no one has ever raised objections to the status quo.

However, even if everyone can spare some efforts to survive and analyze the abnormal phenomena that challenge the bottom line of cognition and reason again and again, most of these civilizations distributed in the void will not gain much. useful information.

The nameless expeditions failed in batches. Civilization and wisdom did not know what they were resisting and what they were fighting.

The unpredictable disasters and bizarre phenomena may correspond to shadows that have never been noticed before, or they may be entities that suddenly appear in the universe that cannot be corresponded to phenomena, or they may even be symbols of the universe's crazy struggle and violent convulsions. , some nightmares deep in the starry sky that can no longer be settled.

So, what else can be done?

This place has experienced the metaphysical erosion of powerful death tide pollution, as well as the crushing of order fluctuations caused by a considerable number of super information bodies traveling back and forth in the void. But deep in the worlds polluted by the inert death tide, some areas are still stable, some entities are still safe, there are still countless worlds, and countless civilizations living inside the worlds survive.

No matter how violent a disaster is, it is difficult to destroy all civilization and life at once. What is unimaginable is that I am afraid that from the moment life begins to emerge from the void from the basic elements that constitute itself, and from the moment it breaks away from nothingness and enters order, a certain sense of shortsightedness begins to appear. These short-sightedness will, to a certain extent, encourage life to be content with the status quo and... adapt to the status quo.

As long as the disturbance caused by a catastrophe is not complete destruction, there will always be less severe parts and loopholes that can be explored.

Many lives have survived ancient history, and among them, there are even new ethnic groups that have emerged. Their life forms and basic perceptions may not be related to their previous ancestors, but they are still living beings.

However, now, the violent vibration of information in the void in a short period of time has caused all environments deep in the branches of countless worlds to constantly change like a violent collision between heaven and hell. Moreover, as the situation becomes more and more intense, the foreign information that continues to invade it will continue to change the original information and structure of the former world, inject a large number of discordant notes, and even directly catalyze the creation of various monsters.

The ability to adapt eventually has its limit. The environment that exceeds the limit of self-adaptability and transformation ability will become a big filter. It will continue to wash out the remaining things, which may not be understood at all by oneself, and there may even be no possibility of death. The answer lies in the little afterglow of the battle.

The number of lives will quickly decrease until there is no retreat and total extinction.

Controllers who control the world and sacrifice their former territories and lives in an attempt to escape have a hard time doing anything. Their own abilities are also limited, and countless light spots that "flash" out of inadvertent loopholes in their thinking and the bottom of their hazy consciousness have caused too many casualties. No more words can be said, and no more announcements can be made. Once the broadcast is sent out, once the announcement causes thinking, perhaps those demons with golden streams of light will soon emerge from the shadows of thoughts, and when they are at their weakest and helpless, they will use a dangerous The explosion took away a large number of lives and equipment.

But now it seems that maybe the shielding measures are still in place, or maybe there are patterns that I haven't discovered yet - there is still a chance that the problem will not break out due to a slight deviation in thinking.

All that was left was to keep silent.

And those civilizations living among the stars, what about the results of those actions that they once thought were necessary?

For a long time, life has needed rest. On intelligent planets and space facilities, where has there never been sleep, where has not been the transmission of intelligence and sharing of information, and where has never been fantasy?

Some beings can struggle to wake up from the huge shock caused by "reality replacement", but there are also many beings who cannot resist the huge changes. They may not perish in the end, and the huge splits and errors in consciousness and ideological cognition themselves will not take away the lives of most of them, but if all individuals have experienced these events deep in their hearts, So, can they, or the group they gather together, still be considered a civilization, and can they still be considered the civilization they once were?

"Emergent Phenomenon."

Deep in the stars, from time to time there will be some strange golden light seeping out from the distant light stream and the endlessly extending star fibers. They are like supernovae and equally bright, but their transmission speed is faster than any supernova explosion. Too much too much.

That means that perhaps another civilization, or several civilizations, or many intelligent creatures were destroyed by their own dreams and communications. Some of them may still be exposed to space, but many of them live under the cover of invisible powerful shields. Even if you want to stop it, how can you do it? Because the ignition of the power furnace will attract foreign enemies, all equipment that can generate energy and power must be destroyed. Because the heartbeat will attract foreign enemies, all hearts must be blocked so that they cannot beat?

This may be a path that leads to no solution.

"Although you work hard, you can't achieve anything in the end" and "Although you can't achieve anything in the end, you still work hard." In the same situation and different attitudes, the choices seem to have become less significant. .

"Don't communicate."

"Silence, speechlessness."

In front of you, the unpretentious control terminal provides several ways for information to be exchanged. But facing the familiar yet unfamiliar creation, I couldn't seem to think of what to describe for a while.

In the past few decades, in order to suppress the disaster as much as possible, almost all the lives in the Ark have made countless changes under the continuous urging of the invisible golden devil in order to avoid the approaching disaster, but that can only be said Drinking poison to quench thirst again and again. The price for an increasingly shorter moment of peace is the potential of an entire civilization.

In front of him are one of the few terminals that still have complete functions. Although not directly facing him, the large amount of lead-gray clouds and trembling and distorted light and shadow still located in the field of vision represent the pollution caused by the leaked Adelaoran energy equipment and the corresponding spatial variation. Once, ships were capable of handling it all, but now, the fragile grid may no longer be able to support the simultaneous operation of so many devices.

In the dilapidated Order Field, there were only a few of the once mighty Ark clusters. Some of the wreckage and survivors were forcibly dragged forward, while many ships were permanently left behind.

The boundaries of the order field are no longer stable. Every time there was some slight crack or discordant frequency, the fleet had to go all out to try to correct those shattered breaches.

When the invisible order barrier remains intact, its strength and self-consistent stability are far higher than those of ordinary world barriers. At the same time, the free activation information pulses on its surface can continuously shape the frequency of the outermost surface to deceive the void. The outer layer continuously shapes its own structure and records the covariant results and transmits them back to the inner layer. This series of operations makes everything inside the order field require almost no modifications and changes. Even if the laws of space and time need to be changed, they can still follow an almost linear changing patterns. When all this is complete, it is almost impossible for the fleet to be swallowed by the void.

As for now

It can only be said that there is a buffer zone between self-consistent and non-self-consistent. The remaining gray and white areas will not be broken even slightly, and everything will be catastrophic.

The information in memory and in the database seems to reveal certain possibilities. A long time ago, in the great disaster that brought many races together, the order field seemed to have never had such a serious problem, even though it faced all Void, but advanced technology should not lead to such a result, or will it be affected by other factors?

"Let's start with self-introduction." Following Ovilaire's will, the physical screen in front of her that should have been eliminated began to synchronize with the unfathomable data record library behind her, reflecting what she wanted to say and what she wanted to record. everything of. After this, a small, self-consistent sailing box will be ejected, with nothing inside except the complex topology inside.

"We ended the civil war and many consensuses were reached. After that, we also began to find the reasons for the outbreak of the civil war. There seemed to be some factors that showed that these wars were not intended and may have other effects. We were shrouded in the invisible but But there is substantial depth of information. But we can’t do this part!?”

Suddenly, everything around him seemed to begin to melt, and his limbs and body seemed to be being swallowed by the once strong and versatile Adelora alloy. No matter how hard he struggled, his limbs could not free themselves from the molten metal...

Is it really my own body that is trapped? Is it really just your own body?

Deep in the somewhat vague consciousness, a red light that had been left suddenly expanded, and a thunderbolt passed through the consciousness that had begun to become chaotic——

Everything around him didn't melt, and he wasn't trapped, and that red light was an increasingly crazier alarm! !

"How could this happen?" Someone immediately responded to try to stop the loss, but now, many of the equipment groups and personnel that were once equipped to deal with emergencies are no longer there.

"It must be those missiles, those missiles that appeared from our dreams, those demons. Their countless explosions and our abandonment finally made us lose our invisibility, and our trails and stories are visible. They are them!!" From the soul and the screams of the body seemed to sound the first wave of horns for this hunting-like activity - at the edge of the order field, a large number of chaotic vortices appeared out of thin air, the order was torn apart, and at that moment , countless missiles cut through the space filled with rugged and unknown pockets, directly bombarding the fleet that had almost turned into a group of wreckage.

"Activate all reactive armors, how long can you resist - is that the flagship?!" Faced with the demons that suddenly emerged from the edge of the order field, and were once thought to be resistant but eventually burned down the entire home, everyone has already I plan to give up. It has been such a long time, so much has been lost, and it is impossible for me to reverse my path and reverse my destiny, but...

There is also a void trapped in it. I don’t know whether it is a cut-off stagnant image, or whether it is some independent fragment of the world that is trapped here but still insists on resisting, or whether it is A fact that happened a hundred years ago but is seen by everyone now?

The huge disc-shaped battleship was still firing hard to block the golden battleships that were constantly penetrating around it. And around it, the once powerful fleet and the once magnificent matrix have completely disappeared without a trace, and can no longer be found. The flagship itself is still playing some kind of war song on the radio. The tune is impassioned and exciting, but not many people listen to it, right?

Soon, the war song that could no longer inspire any fighting spirit ceased - in front of everyone's eyes, the huge and thick disc-shaped hull of the flagship was torn to pieces and disintegrated in the golden sea of ​​stars.

Then, the white light that struck from outside the projection range cut through everything flickering in the stasis bubble. Whether it was an image, entity, or remnant of will, they all disappeared in an instant.

On one side, he is gradually fragmenting himself, and on the other side, the depths of the order field become more and more bizarre. Countless scenes emerged from nothingness, and memories and nightmares from the past seemed to come to mind more and more.

That was the past, a history where truth and falsehood were meaningless.

The giant dragon with glittering golden light and the tall figure in the white-gold robe stand on the reality-distorting sword "Balance Ball" on the plane so vast that no curvature can be seen. They are chanting, they are praying, the sword body and the sword Mysterious and complex light and shadow flowed on the tip, and inexplicable etching patterns appeared out of thin air. The reality was like a ball of dust that could be processed at will, a fragile horizontal plane, turned upside down by the light and shadow of countless sharp swords.

The once overwhelming insect swarms, the fleets that spanned countless starry skies, and the lives that existed on the basis of order... They were erased from all reality, from the timeline and possibility, and from the depths of the story...

Looking back now, I have no way of knowing why everything is like this. They will not leave any traces behind, only empty narratives and delusions. Perhaps, all of this has never existed. This ark, these arks, have no longer been real since many times before they set sail. In the distance, the vast space-time structure seems to have life in a narrow sense, like the sword rays of stars are still gathering, they seem...

No one knows what this means.

When the once linear history and memory begin to fragment, old and weak memories begin to emerge, which means that another group that follows linear development will come to an end. Everything in them will no longer follow linear operations, and they will turn into pieces without any trace. The rules and regulations are spread out on the empty plane without any logic, and then the circle of birth and death will be closed.

".No——!!" In a daze, the feeling from the past emerged. The past of civilization, all the past formed history, forming a thick layer of strata that weighed down from the sky. For tens of billions of years, the birth and death of countless lives and countless souls has affected this huge collective, and gradually promoted it to become the final civilization it is now.

Destruction is a normal phenomenon, but no one wants to perish because of it, let alone have any hope of existence. At the moment when he should not perish, he will have such an end.

An explosion, or something else, overturned everyone in the circular control hall, and the out-of-control Adelora could boil in the cabin and all the cavities.

Finally, everyone, including that special girl, was no longer indifferent. The oldest feelings emerged from their hearts, the experiences of every moment, the deep memories of the past, trust, expectations, joy and worry, and everything. What they saw and heard suddenly emerged and occupied all their perceptions.

Throughout the ages, the desire to survive that may have existed in all lives due to various reasons quickly condensed and became like entities.

In the blur, there seems to be only one sentence, or a few words repeated without emotion.

"Help us. Anyone can come and help us. Anyone can. Let us go, please."

The fragmentation of the order field announced the shutdown of the void engine.

Within the scope of the void that can still be seen, there is no story anymore. The last cry has disappeared a long time ago. As for the noises in the void that seem to still pull the brush strokes, they seem to have been there for a long time and are difficult to block. , cannot be isolated.

No more attention.

Countless long and narrow arrows point to the sun in the center.

The grand ceremony can already directly control all the probabilities and destinies around it, ordering them to turn directly to provide all possible conveniences to the already chaotic empire and to the blazing sun that continuously spurts out blazing stellar winds.

But why? If we do this, who can still use these resources?

The memory and history of the empire itself are fragmented, and in essence, they cannot even confirm each other's succession.

It can be said that in the past, which can still be confirmed, everyone's intention was to fight for a field that could support their survival and development for their own civilization and the possible life around them.

But what about now?

The concept of "self" has almost disappeared. Nowadays, people no longer speak. Fragments from the past just pass by sluggishly and quickly dissipate, like the oldest meteors fleeting in the night sky. What you can see In the void, there was only silence.

The most prosperous civilization, the most powerful and profound civilization has collapsed.

But it may not only sow disaster, but also bring wealth within the disaster.

But how many civilizations can actually use this super-metaphysical wealth?

Do they still have souls?

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