
After Wang Xin and his bodyguards left, the Emgrand Car Wash was still solemn.

The people present all looked at Chen Xing with disbelief.

Before, they only knew that Chen Xing was the cabinet minister of aloof and remote, they only knew that Chen Xing was very powerful, he could defeat Ma Chengfei and Fan Lyon, and he could destroy 200,000 with zero casualties. Koryo Regional Army.

And now, they have another impression of Chen Xing: local tyrants.

No, he’s a real tyrant!

Three hundred billion!

Chen Xing didn’t even blink an eye!

The cost of spending 300 billion star coins is to upgrade the equipment of his Imperial Family garrison!

This is so surprising, so touching!

“Really! I don’t want to be a Legendary like Chen Xing in my life, but I still hope to become the Imperial Family garrison! If I can become the Imperial Family garrison, then it will be Chen Xing’s subordinates! I feel honored to do anything in the future!”

“Yes! I used to have a bad impression of the Imperial Family garrison. I felt that they were a group of bureaucrats in collusion. It’s just a son of the powerful, but since Mr. Chen Xing became the commander of the Imperial Family garrison, he has greatly cleared the Imperial Family garrison! Now there is no black sheep in the Imperial Family garrison! It is definitely a steel that can be trusted and trusted Lion!”

“That’s right! Lord Chen Xing has powerful strength in itself! In addition, he has worked so hard to improve the battle strength of the Imperial Family garrison, we civilians, what else is there? Why don’t you believe in Lord Chen Xing!”

“Yes! Look at what Lord Chen Xing is wearing now, he is obviously the same as us, with a commoner background! Even if he now has the reputation of Legendary, He was also rewarded as a real powerful first-class Baron, but he still maintains the original intention of starting from scratch!”

“Yeah! Lord Chen Xing spent 300 billion for his brother without even batting an eyebrow, This is indeed because he is very rich and rich, but on the other hand, Mr. Chen Xing is still working as a car wash to make money, which shows that Mr. Chen Xing’s money is not from the wind! Mr. Chen Xing is not easy. !”

“All that Mr. Chen Xing has done is for our Zhulu Empire! He is for the stability of our Zhulu Empire kingship first, and then for our Zhulu Empire not to be divided by foreign evil forces. , and now for the people of our capital area not to be threatened by the Imperial Army! He has done so many things for us silently and without asking for anything in return! And what have we done?”

The people present They all bowed their heads in shame.

“hmph! There are also these rumor-mongers! For a little money, even the country can betray! Even the country’s Legendary, the country’s hero dares to slander! It’s hard to let me down if I don’t slap them twice. The hatred!”

“Yes! Fiercely fan them!”

The people turned their attention to the old turtle and the others, and their resentment suddenly found a breakthrough.

Two-three hundred people instantly surrounded Lao Turtle and the others in the middle, and everyone was huddling to slap them.

The old turtle couldn’t tell who was beating him. In less than half a minute, his whole face was beaten into a pig’s head, and there was no good place on his body.

“Stop fighting! Stop fighting! We know we were wrong!”

“Lord Chen Xing! Please, be magnanimous!”

“By the way, that beautiful little elder sister, you brought me into the Emgrand Car Wash. I knew you were kind-hearted when I saw you. Please, please help me!”

Shen Meng stared at the old turtle and the others with disgust.

She didn’t like the old turtle, and when she saw that the real purpose of the old turtle and the others was to cause trouble, she became even more angry.

However, there is one thing that the old turtle can see very accurately.

Although Shen Meng hated the old turtle and the others, her heart was soft after all.

“Chen Xing, this group of people didn’t cause any loss, why don’t you…”

Chen Xing smiled coldly before Shen Meng finished speaking, “Shen Meng, I know you are soft-hearted, but you have to remember that soft-hearted is to be used on your own people, not just when you see others, especially you can’t be soft-hearted toward such rogues.”

Shen Meng bit his lower lip lightly, and nodded lightly to stop him, “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

Chen Xing raised his hand to stop the people who were beating the old turtle and the others.

“Everyone, many thanks for your understanding.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t reveal my identity to you in advance. After all, I am the commander of the Imperial Family garrison army. It’s not a particularly honorable thing to be a car wash to make money, so please be considerate.”

The residents immediately scrambled to speak to Chen Xing. Noisy, can’t hear anything.

Chen Xing smiled lightly, raised his hand and pressed it down, and the voices of the people immediately dropped.

Chen Xing continued to say with a smile: “I am very grateful to everyone for helping at a critical time. With residents with a sense of justice like you, the capital circle will be solid and there will be no problems!”

“As for these rogues, I still have accounts with them that have not been settled.”

Chen Xing sneered and said to the old turtle: “Have you ever scolded my friend Shen? Young Lady Meng?”

The old turtle kowtowed like smashing garlic, “Lord Chen Xing, please spare your life! Lord Chen Xing, please spare your life!”

Chen Xing said with a sneer: “You clearly He is clearly conscious, but he is not answering my questions. It is nothing more than trying to avoid answering my questions by cunning means! Just hit this point, you should fight!”

“Lord Chen Xing said that this stinky scoundrel should be Fight!”

The people were suddenly beaten like howling wind and torrential rain, how could the old turtle survive, and said loudly: “Lord Chen Xing, I admit, it was me who was wrong, I shouldn’t scold Shen Young Lady Meng!”

Chen Xing said with a sneer: “Okay, just admit it, you will apologize to me like Shen Young Lady Meng right now.”

“Yes yes yes!”

The old turtle quickly turned his head and said to Shen Meng: “Shen Young Lady Meng, the villain is blind to the dog’s eyes and dirty to the pig’s heart. , you shouldn’t be rude to you, Shen Young Lady Meng, now the villain knows it’s wrong, the villain really knows it’s wrong! I beg Shen Young Lady Meng to forgive the villain!”

Said, dong dong dong kowtows.

Shen Meng hated frowned, “I forgive you, just don’t let me see you in the future.”

“Yes yes yes! Many thanks Shen Young Lady Meng!” The old turtle was greatly sighed in relief.

Chen Xing said with a sneer: “Since you have admitted your mistake and admitted that you really shouldn’t insult Shen Young Lady Meng, then you should also be beaten.”

Old turtle cry out in surprise: “Lord Chen Xing, I have already apologized, and Shen Young Lady Meng has accepted it!”

Chen Xing said with a sneer: “If you apologize, you will not be punished. Don’t forget, you not only scolded Shen Meng, but also scolded me. I’m not as kind as Shen Meng! Everyone, please help me!”



The people were like soldiers led by generals, their blood boiled, and the ping-pong-pong-pong old turtle gave another beating.

The other four rogues were also beaten into pigs’ heads.

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