
The holographic projection camera turned, a young woman wearing a white military uniform with a star-studded medal of qualifications on her chest, a proud face Appeared in front of Guo Mingyuan.

Guo Mingyuan suddenly felt a shudder.

He did not know the beautiful young female officer across from him.

The reason why he was shocked was not because of how beautiful the female officer was, or because of the rank of the female officer in the ancient book.

In fact, the rank of this young female officer is only a major, not as good as Donald, the captain of the starship.

However, Donald was very respectful to the young female officer. The “instructed inspection” that Donald just said was also under the order of the female officer.

Judging from the standard of military uniforms, this young female officer is not directly affiliated to the Judgment Army, but directly to the Military Intelligence Bureau of the United Parliament!

The Military Intelligence Bureau, the Star Research Society, and the Judgment Army Combat Unit, these three units are completely equal units under the Joint Council!

If only a satellite escort ship under the name of the Judgment Army appeared in the sky above the capital circle, Guo Mingyuan still had hope to contend with it, but if someone from the Military Intelligence Bureau appeared, the matter would definitely be gone. Negotiated!

The mission of MI is to supervise all military operations throughout Human Race!

Once the military operations are not compliant, the MIB can directly mobilize the Judgment Army to attack without going through a joint parliament meeting to discuss!

A female officer of the Military Intelligence Bureau appeared here, and Guo Mingyuan’s heart was completely dead.

“Hello, Mr. Guo Mingyuan, I’m Ye Lingwei, a special investigator from the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Joint Parliament.”

Ye Lingwei said to Guo Mingyuan with a sneer: “Just now, Mr. Guo Mingyuan, I have already recorded the matter of trying to bribe the trial Captain Donald, I don’t know what else Guo Mingyuan has to say?”

Guo Mingyuan quickly waved his hand and said, “School Young Master Ye! This is a misunderstanding. This is all a misunderstanding! I am loyal to the Zhulu Empire, and now the queen of our Zhulu Empire is in trouble. I am eager to save the queen, so I have decided to do this! I also ask Young Master Ye and Mr. Donald to ignore it!”

Ye Lingwei smiled coldly, “Oh? Really? With the three flagship battle groups, 100,000 ground troops have come to attack their capital, and they said that it was to save the queen. This story doesn’t sound like much. Is it credible? Lord Guo Mingyuan, please tell me, who would dare to assassinate your queen?”

Guo Mingyuan rolled his eyes and said quickly: “Two adults, I’m afraid you don’t know something. , In our Zhulu Empire, there is a commoner background dude named Chen Xing. This kid has always had wild ambition and is invincible. He deceived the eyes of the Queen Your Majesty and became the left and the queen of Your Majesty. Right hands, he was promoted to the Minister of Intelligence. But he didn’t want to repay, he was disrespectful at the cabinet meeting, and was later removed from the cabinet meeting by Mr. Wu Changhe and others, so this Chen Xing plotted revenge and wanted to directly replace the new queen , to become the new owner of the Zhulu Empire!”

These words were originally prepared by Guo Mingyuan and Edogan in advance, waiting to kill the new queen and occupy the capital circle, and then announce it to the outside world. All the dirty water was poured on Chen Xing.

Anyway, winner is the king, loser is the villain, and history is written by the winners. As long as they can win the capital circle, it is not an exaggeration to frame Chen Xing.

After listening to Guo Mingyuan’s words, Ye Lingwei and Donald couldn’t help but smile at each other.

Guo Mingyuan was delighted in his heart, thinking that his words had played a role, and quickly said with a smile: “I wonder if the two adults can see the safety of our race queen, be magnanimous?”

Ye Lingwei smiled coldly, “It sounds like she really thinks about that – if I don’t know Chen Xing, I think I’ll believe it.”

“What? …”

Guo Mingyuan spent a long time talking, and only now did he really realize that the investigator of the Military Intelligence Bureau and the captain of the trial army turned out to be in the same group as Chen Xing!

They didn’t come to inspect and mediate at all, they just came to intervene to ensure that his three flagship battle groups could not function!

This trick is really too cruel!

This is equivalent to directly abolishing his arm!

Even if a Tejas impossible attacked his three flagship battle groups, his three flagship battle groups would not be able to attack Tejas and the capital circle!

Abandoned! What!

The most proud of the killing move was just abolished!

The twenty-one starships, which were aggressive just now, are now like a pile of scrap iron suspended in the air!

It doesn’t work!

Guo Mingyuan trembled all over, “You, it turns out that you already colluded! Chen Xing, this bastard! I will never spare him!”

Ye Lingwei said coldly with a smile: “Guo Mingyuan, I don’t care what you say or what you think, I will only warn you as a special investigator from the Military Intelligence Agency that in this civil war, if there is an indiscriminate bombing of the three flagship battle groups, if there is an indiscriminate bombing of the three flagship battle groups, If any civilian is killed or injured, you have committed a civil war war crime, and the MIB and the Judgment Army will intervene to the end!”

“Good! Good! You are amazing!”

Guo Mingyuan’s gnashing teeth Said: “Do you think that if you can manage my three flagship battle groups, I can’t win the capital? My nine Legions are still fighting on the ground, and I still have the remaining 900,000 Imperial Army troops from Help from all over the country! This is an overwhelming war! The final victor must still be me, Guo Mingyuan! Whether you are the Military Intelligence Bureau or the Judgment Army, you must not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries until you receive an official order from the Union Parliament! All I need is If you don’t use the indiscriminate bombing of the three flagship battle groups, you can’t help me!”

The ground war is indeed beyond the control of Ye Lingwei and Donald.

After all, this is an internal affair of the Zhulu Empire. Even if they have more reasons and excuses, it is impossible for them to intervene directly before the joint council has reached a conclusion.

However, their task has been done beautifully.

They blocked the indiscriminate bombing of twenty-one starships with just one starship.

With one chess piece, Guo Mingyuan’s twenty-one ace chess pieces were forced to death. This was already a huge victory, and it also made ordinary people in the entire capital circle deeply sighed in relief.

Actually, Chen Xing started to contact Donald and Ye Lingwei long after he knew that Edoğan had sneaked into the capital circle.

Donald was carrying out the Star Research Association’s exploration mission to the barren galaxy, and Ye Lingwei was also going to the Wolf Empire to investigate military operations. It can be said that both of them have important positions.

However, Chen Xing gave a summon, and they immediately interrupted the work in their hands, converged at a very fast speed, and rushed over at the time.

This feeling, if it is not a comrade-in-arms who share life and death, is absolutely impossible to do.

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