


Rough and bright white The current will light up the entire periphery of the metropolitan area.

Thousands of improved high-energy magnetic storm coils hidden under optical camouflage are activated simultaneously under the control of intelligent AI Waner!

The powerful current pulses are connected to form an airtight grid barrier. Any imperial rebels who dare to approach this grid barrier will be instantly electrified into a shining plasma solution!

Those who rushed to the front were the most unlucky rebels. They thought they were about to establish a lifetime of meritorious deeds, but didn’t expect a fork-shaped lightning strike.

They wanted to stop and retreat, but unfortunately the imperial rebels coming up behind blocked their retreat. The rebels in front couldn’t stop the car at all, and they hit the attack of the high-energy magnetic storm. on the range.

And once the electric current of the magnetic storm coil is ignited, it immediately forms a chain magnetic storm lightning reaction on the mecha of the rebels.

In a short time, one after another white and bright plasma solution exploded, and the entire periphery of the capital circle instantly became a sea of white plasma!

The Imperial Family garrisoners who came after them were not affected by the magnetic storm at all.

Their Dragon King special mecha has been specially improved. There is a high-tech device similar to a lightning rod on the helmet, which continuously emits special magnetic storm frequency waves around, which can make the magnetic storm electric circle It is automatically recognized as “Friendly”, so the powerful current always bypasses the Imperial Family garrison and only attacks the unprepared Imperial Rebels!

“Hold on! Rush in! Rush in for me!”

The commander of the Imperial Rebels was still roaring hoarsely, but at this point it had no effect.

Nothing is more important than running for your life.

“Don’t let any of the rebels go!”

Qin Heping and the others, who were originally in a heavy heart, saw the high-energy magnetic storm electric circle exerting force, and their morale was immediately boosted. The army is constantly chasing and killing!

The entire battlefield situation suddenly appeared one-sided!

Less than half an hour!

The first reinforcements of the Imperial Rebels, a total of 200,000 people, were all wiped out by the Imperial Family garrison and coordinated automation forces!

In this battle, only 30 MK-2 main battle tanks survived!

There are only fifty self-propelled plasma mortars left!

There are only 300 half-biological mechanical spider troops left!

There are only 100 drones left!

Thousands of magnetic storm coils have lost more than half of their energy and electricity, and it will take at least two hours to fully recover!

The Imperial Family garrison led by Qin Heping only lost seventeen people!

At the cost of the lives of 17 people, a hard-fought victory was exchanged! 200,000 Imperial Rebels were wiped out!

Another classic battle that will go down in the history of Human Race warfare!

When the last plasma lightning of the battle disappeared in the air, all the soldiers of the Imperial Family garrison made a deafening cry at the same time.

They have never experienced such a hard, yet so happy war!

This is the true nature of a soldier!

This is the passion they really want as a soldier!

The blood is burning in their chests!

The war is not over yet, and at least 700,000 Imperial rebels are swarming here!

Although none of them dare to say how long they can hold out, as long as there is still a breath left, they will definitely fight to the end!

“Come on! Let the enemy attack harder!”

“We are Brother Xing’s army! We are invincible!”

“As long as we are here, no enemy can even step into the capital circle!”

The Imperial Family guarding army soldiers shouted loudly. This mighty shout comes from the most real battlefield. It also deeply infected every civilian in the capital circle who loves their country.

Many people were in tears.

“The Imperial Family garrison is amazing!”

“No, to be precise, the Imperial Family garrison under the command of Lord Chen Xing is amazing!”

“The Imperial Family garrison in the era of Liao Xinghui was nothing but a tool for the powerful! But the Imperial Family garrison after Lord Chen Xing cleared it was nothing but a steel lion fighting for the country and the people!”


“I was originally very dissatisfied with our Zhulu Empire government, but in terms of territorial integrity and some major issues, I still firmly support the motherland!”

“Yes! If our motherland is not enough If it is strong, it will become a vassal state of the Lions Empire, just like the Ben Wolf Empire, and you will have to look at the Lion Empire’s face everywhere and be a second-class citizen! So, no matter what, we must support the Zhulu Empire!”

“That’s right! To support Mr. Chen Xing is to support Zhulu Empire! Mr. Chen Xing and Zhulu Empire are one!”

“You think you can kill me in the Lion King Empire! Our Queen Your Majesty, and Lord Chen Xing’s troops are blocking foreign enemies, we civilians should also do our part!”

“Yes! We organize and take whatever weapons we can, Put on whatever armor you can wear, we will go to the Grand Plaza in front of the palace, and we will defend the queen to the death! We will live with the capital circle to the death!”

“We want the rebels to know that they are dealing with , not just a 3,000-strong Imperial Family garrison army! It’s thousands of absolutely awakened civilians!”

“Well said! Let’s go!”

” Support Lord Chen Xing! Protect the Deer Queen!”

“Support Lord Chen Xing! Protect the Deer Queen!”

The people at first just in groups of three or four, and soon Gather into a multi-colored army of people who have nothing common with each other.

This army can’t be called an army at all. There are War General-level Martial Artists wearing mecha, low-level gene Martial Artists who have just used alienated weapons, and even those who can only hold explosions. Ordinary person of hot weapons such as guns.

They were united and rushed to the Grand Plaza in front of the palace.

The Queen of Deer, Li Binglin, and Regent King Xiang Fan, the Inner Court Guard Chief Leng Xuan, and the Inner Court Guards and Xiang Fan’s mechanical troops were all staying at the Grand Plaza in front of the palace at this time.

Leng Xuan, the chief guard of the inner court, was shocked when he saw so many people suddenly rushing in. He didn’t care about his injury and rushed to Queen Li Binglin, “Your Majesty, Please step back.”

Li Binglin said bravely: “Leng Xuan, if you step back, if my people want to hurt me, it will only prove that I am not worthy of being the queen. If I am not worthy Being this queen, no amount of protection is useless.”

Leng Xuan hesitated for a while, but at this time, he heard the slogans shouted by the people, so he really relaxed.

The people surrounded the city with an airtight human wall in front of Li Binglin and the mechanical troops, vowing to live and die together with Queen Your Majesty and the Zhulu Empire.

Facing such a scene, Li Binglin couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Such a dangerous scene happened the night her Royal Father was murdered.

But the only people who protected her at that time were Chen Xing and the inner court guards.

And now, more strangers have come to protect her.

What reason does she have for not fighting bravely?

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