
Chen Xing shook the head, “No, I haven’t seen any Taron Vice Captain, all I’ve seen is a walking corpse. “

Leslie Captain said worriedly: “It shouldn’t be, Taron Vice Captain has been out all day, oh, he also has a deputy, a very handsome youngster.”


Chen Xing said with a smile: “I really haven’t seen them, unless they have become living dead and killed by me.”

Leslie Captain said quickly: ” It shouldn’t be! It shouldn’t be!”

Chen Xing said: “Forget about your heroic Vice Captain and handsome Vice Captain’s deputy, Leslie Captain, you should do it first It is to mobilize the entire ancient city’s residents, so that they have the money and strength to jointly strengthen the city’s defense, and install thorn barriers and slings and other defensive facilities.”

“Thorn barriers? Stone slings. ?” Leslie Captain couldn’t help scratching his head.

Chen Xing sighed, “Find a pen and paper, I’ll draw it for you.”


Leslie Captain immediately got the paper With the pen, Chen Xing is very skilled in drawing a complete defense system, even including the placement position, which is accurately marked.

Leslie Captain looked at the blueprint in amazement, “Sir Chen Xing, you are so amazing! I can’t imagine that you are only Level 1 now!”

Chen Xing said with a smile: “There are more things you can’t imagine! Now, hurry up and mobilize the residents. After you have consolidated the city defense, let’s talk about the root cause of the living dead.”


Leslie Captain turned away, holding the blueprint.

After a while, the ancient city was full of people.

Almost all fell into despair when it became known that the Throne had not responded to their pleas for help.

But if you don’t let them fall into despair first, how can you devote yourself to self-help.

Soon, the fortifications began to be carried out, men and women, old and young, all entered the battle, and they did not care about the appearance of a proud race.

“Lord Chen Xing! It’s not good!” Leslie Captain rushed in in a hurry.

Chen Xing asked, “What happened?”

“Our blacksmith! Our blacksmith Hank, escaped!” Leslie Captain said eagerly.

“The blacksmith escaped?” Chen Xing frowned.

There are several very important key points in his defense blueprint, which requires a professional blacksmith to cast parts according to the blueprint.

A lot of defense facilities would be useless without a blacksmith.

Even the maintenance and repair of the ancient city’s iron gates is difficult to accomplish.

Chen Xing asked: “Leslie Captain, are you sure? Now that the living dead are besieging the city, it is dead end to flee outside! Can the blacksmith Hank not understand such a simple truth?”

Leslie Captain said: “But, he did escape! He took a big hammer and went straight out under the iron door while repairing the iron door. We think I can’t stop him! Sigh, didn’t expect, the honest and honest blacksmith in normally turned his back on the entire ancient city! It’s so abhorrent! Best, he will be eaten directly by the living dead!”

Chen Xing said calmly, “Don’t jump to conclusions. Leslie Captain, tell me which direction he’s going, and I’ll go out and find out.”

“What? ?” Leslie Captain stared wide-eyed immediately, “Lord Chen Xing, I heard it right, do you really want to risk getting into the living dead again?”

Chen Xing nominated, “Guide the way. Let’s go.”


Leslie immediately took Chen Xing to the gate, and pointed out the direction of blacksmith Hank’s escape to Chen Xing.

Chen Xing immediately ordered the guards to open the iron gate, then quickly dodged out.

When the living dead saw someone coming out of the ancient city, they staggered closer.

Chen Xing didn’t talk nonsense, just fired a round of rapid fire to clear the way, and chased in the direction of the blacksmith’s escape.

Not long after walking, Chen Xing saw a tall and strong man waving the sledgehammer in his hand with difficulty, attacking the living dead who were constantly approaching him.

Under his feet, a thick layer of wreckage has been piled up, but the number of besieged by the living dead has only increased.

He was almost unable to move forward, but he had absolutely no intention of going back.

Chen Xing fired a quick shot, killing all the living dead around him.

The man looked back in surprise, his eyes full of gratitude, “Thank you – Lord Chen Xing.”

Chen Xing entered the ancient city by the strength of oneself. The deeds have long been spread in the ancient city.

Chen Xing said with a smile: “You are Hank the blacksmith, right? Leslie Captain said you escaped, you It shouldn’t be so stupid, give up the security in the city and escape to these jobs. Come to the place where the dead gather?”

The man immediately sighed heavily, “That’s right, Lord Chen Xing, I’m Hank, the blacksmith in ancient city. I’m not trying to escape, just…”


Chen Xing said: “Since it’s not escaping, then go back to ancient city with me. There are too many innocent civilians in ancient city, waiting for you to protect.”

Blacksmith Han Ke shook the head, “Lord Chen Xing, I can’t go back now. If you can, please do me a favor.”

Chen Xing asked, “What’s your business?”

The blacksmith Hank pointed to a tomb in the distance and said, “Please escort me to that tomb.”

Chen Xing frowned and asked, “What are you doing in the tomb? Don’t you know , is the tomb full of the living dead now?”

Hank smiled wryly, “Of course I know—but where is buried, it’s my wife. I…I really want to see her one last time. .”

Chen Xing couldn’t help but feel moved.

“It turns out… However, under the influence of the dark things, all the dead have become zombies of the living dead, and I am afraid your wife is no exception. I think, seeing your beloved A person who has become a zombie of the living dead, the pain is probably worse than losing an arm, right?”

“Yes, Lord Chen Xing. It is precisely because of this that I cannot Let the living dead occupy my wife’s body! I will kill the living dead, then burn my wife’s body, and take her ashes with me. In this way, she can be considered a real rest.” Blacksmith Han K said in pain.

Chen Xing nodded slightly

, “I understand, in the arrogant holy world, you are also a real man, I’ll come. Follow me, don’t look back”

Chen Xing immediately stood in front of the blacksmith Hank, used a heavy recurve bow all the way to clear the way, smashed the dense siege of the living dead, and rushed to the location of the tomb where the blacksmith’s wife was buried.

As soon as I stepped into the tomb, a low roar of have one’s hair stand on end came over.

Immediately afterwards, a ten-meter-high walking corpse rushed in front of Chen Xing, with a heavy sword in his hand, fiercely slashed towards Chen Xing’s head!


Chen Xing urgently pushed the blacksmith Hank and quickly activated the holy light bodyguard.


After the huge shock wave, Chen Xing’s puppet body shook back several meters, but the puppet body was unharmed.

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