

Naiden was trembling with anger, “You asked me to be a thief and help you steal!”

Vermilion Bird said with a sneer: “Lord Naiden, don’t be so rude. Strictly speaking, the top-secret information is hidden in the Star Research Association, but it does not belong to the Star Research Association. Yes. That is the manuscript of Lin Rou’s Academician graduate student body. The manuscript was written by hand, so it was not entered in the intelligent system. And Lin Rou Academician and our Divine Grade intelligent AI are inextricably linked. Going to retrieve Lin Rou’s Academician’s manuscript is completely equivalent to making the best use of it. It can improve my biochemical creation ability by a huge step! So, this is not stealing, but helping Human Race interstellar world upgrade its technology level .”

Naiden gritted his teeth, “no! Even if I wanted to, I’m afraid I can’t help you! After the blood sample incident, Speaker Alfred has suspended any of our five senatorial councillors. Work, we can’t go anywhere! Let alone get you some top-secret biochemical body files!”

Vermilion Bird said with a smile: “This matter is very easy to solve, I will publish the video as soon as it is released. , your movement restrictions will be lifted immediately, and you will gain the trust and support of other MPs.”

Naiden said in shock: “What? Are you going to publish my video? Hmph hmph! Then I will be ruined, and I can’t give you the biochemical body file!”

Vermilion Bird said with a smile: “Since I can restore the video data, I can naturally tamper with the video data. I can replace your silhouette with another senator’s silhouette without leaving any traces. In this way, your suspicions will be completely eliminated, and your competitors will also be killed by me by the way.”

Naiden blinked in surprise, “Is there such a technology?”

Vermilion Bird said with a smile: “How about I am a Divine Grade intelligent AI? But of course, The tampered data will be seen by other Divine Grade intelligent AIs. But it does not matter. The existing Four Great God Level intelligent AIs are all united fronts and will not expose this little trick of mine. As for other intelligent programs, simply can’t tell the truth from the fake, let alone the one Humans with double naked eyes. “

Naiden’s heart moved, “Lord Vermilion Bird, you can really…”

Vermilion Bird said with a smile: “Of course, of course, say it, you want to get rid of it That competitor? “

Naiden hesitated. “No, that’s not right.” “

Vermilion Bird sneered, “Naiden, don’t be hypocritical, you can even change blood samples, and now it’s clear that it gives you a chance to clear your suspicions and still be able to.” Kill a competitor, what are you putting on there? If you continue to act in front of me, I will choose another person to help me complete the task! Don’t forget, you have five elders, and the other four want you to die. “

Naiden held breath cold air, and then nodded said: “Yes! Vermilion Bird Lord! I will be obedient in the future! “

Vermilion Bird said with a sneer: “That’s about it, come on, who do you want to fuck?” “

This time, Naiden blurted out without the slightest hesitation, “Julian! Get rid of Julian! He is the most capable and the one with the most speaker-like style. Everyone is optimistic that he will become the next speaker. “

Vermilion Bird smiled coldly, “Do you have a video of him?” “

Naiden said, “Yes!” At today’s joint meeting, he also came forward to have a conversation with Ye Lingwei about testing the parts contract! “

The blue light flashed in Vermilion Bird’s pupils, and he looked up the video Naiden said in an instant.

“Hehe, he really is a capable person——Okay, His silhouette, I have completely replaced your silhouette, and now, the video of the blood sample room can be sent to your Excellency the Speaker. “

“Very good!” Speaker, will he believe it? Naiden was a little nervous.

Vermilion Bird said with a smile: “Don’t worry, he can’t help but believe that after throwing such a big piece of evidence, you just need to wait patiently for a while. “

“Yes! Yes! “Naiden said submissively.

Vermilion Bird said with a smile again: “Also, don’t think that we were a complete failure of the blood sample incident – yes, Chen Xing broke it and we exchanged blood samples. the game, however, he did not win. Because, through this contest, I have discovered a major weakness in him. “

Naiden curiously asked: “What weakness? “

Vermilion Bird said with a smile: “He takes Gu Li too seriously. “

Naiden said suspiciously: “This, this shouldn’t be a weakness, right? Because he knew that Gu Li was Prince the wolf. “

Vermilion Bird said with a sneer: “No, Gu Li’s Prince identity is naturally very important, but if Chen Xing really wants to win the Ben Wolf Empire, he doesn’t need to rely on anyone at all . Of course, it’s hard to say whether it can be stabilized after taking it down. But from this point of view, it is enough to explain the weight of Gu Li in his heart. “

Naiden said, “But what does this do to us?” Gu Li is now officially recognized as the Prince of the Wolf, and any attack on the Prince of the Wolf is illegal. “

Vermilion Bird said with a smile: “To deal with Gu Li, of course, you can’t use ordinary attack methods. Did you see Gu Li’s performance during the meeting? His brainwaves are unstable, and this would be an excellent breakthrough. “

Naiden held breath cold air, “You mean to lure Gu Li through the spirit?” “

Vermilion Bird said with a sneer: “This kind of thing is not my strong point, but the White Tiger, the god of truth, must be very happy to do it.” As long as he can win Ben Wolf Prince Gu Li, then Chen Xing will lose completely in the big game of Ben Wolf Empire! All his previous efforts will be in vain! hahahaha! hahahaha! “

Vermilion Bird laughed wildly.

Naiden laughed awkwardly.

Suddenly, a message from his personal communicator came from A message from Speaker Alfred: “All members and elders, come to the joint council hall for a meeting immediately! You must be present in person, and offenders will be punished for betrayal! “

This simple message doesn’t say anything, but the anger of Speaker Alfred can be heard between the lines.

Everyone, now, must I, or be punished for treason——

Alfred has never used such harsh words, so it seems that the video of Vermilion Bird’s disguise has been received by Alfred.


You can imagine how annoyed and desperate Alfred felt when he saw this video.

“Lord Vermilion Bird…”

“I see, you go, just as I’m going to find White Tiger, the god of truth. “Vermilion Bird said with a cold laugh: “Remember our agreement, Lord Naiden.” “

“Yes! Lord Vermilion Bird, I will be at your service. There was a sly gleam in Naiden’s eyes.

The faint blue shadow of Vermilion Bird disappeared, and Naiden stride proudly ahead in the direction of the Union Chamber.


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