
“Master, this is the seventy-first report, the content is as follows…”

On Chen Xing’s side, Wan’er reported the entire Every move of the New Ben Wolf Empire Army was reported to Chen Xing truthfully.

Now Chen Xing is really busy.

He wants to help Shen Xiaolong to find the whereabouts of the younger sister, and to catch the black sheep lurking in the United Council.

What made him even more troublesome was that, judging from the military intelligence that Wan’er kept coming from, Gu Li was constantly launching one battle after another.

Chen Xing was originally very supportive of Gu Li being able to lead the new Benlang Empire Army to fight alone.

After all, Gu Li is Prince, the wolf, and will have to be on his own sooner or later.

Moreover, from a mental point of view, Gu Li’s intelligence is also very high, and he is completely able to command the war independently.

Before, all Chen Xing was worried about was whether Gu Li’s brainwaves could support the unmanned army.

And now, Chen Xing began to suspect that Gu Li was out of control.

This is more trouble than anything.

Gu Li is Prince of the Ben Wolf Empire and the only legitimate heir.

From the very beginning, Chen Xing didn’t want Gu Li to be linked to any bad reputation.

Even when dealing with the God of Truth’s Human Body Liquid Bomb, Chen Xing sent the Vajra Skeleton Mercenaries to deal with it.

But now, Gu Li only relied on 20,000 to 30,000 people in his hands, plus an unmanned army, and swept most of the western War Zone.

It stands to reason that such a record, without any negative impact, is enough to make Chen Xing proud of Gu Li.

But Chen Xing has secretly checked the data of each battle through intelligence – almost all battles have no tactics at all. A landslide win.

Gu Li is really skilled at manipulating unmanned troops.

This also has to make Chen Xing feel suspicious – even Chen Xing himself, who has reached the Battle Ancestor level after his brainwave power has been trained in the holy world, may not be able to control him. so precise.

“Master, are you investigating Gu Li?” Wan’er asked with brain waves.

Evidently, even Wan’er noticed something was wrong.

Chen Xing thought for a while, and then replied with his brainwaves: “I don’t need it for now. Gu Li is my brother, I believe him, if he wants to tell me something, he will definitely tell me. Yes, maybe it’s just not the time yet. I can feel that Gu Li really wants to prove his own value and significance, to prove that he can be a brother with me, and I can’t rudely interfere with his desire. Even more how, He did win these wars. This will greatly increase the speed of the Ben Wolf Empire’s recovery.”

“However, we also have direct line troops in the Western War Zone.” Wan’er reminded .

Chen Xing immediately ordered: “All the direct line troops make way for Gu Li.”

“Master, do you mean to retreat? This doesn’t seem to be in line with the Star God troops. Always tough!” Wan’er said with a sigh.

Chen Xing said with a smile: “Although it doesn’t match, it can only be done in this way. Otherwise, you can’t reveal your identity and say they are Star God troops, right? These direct line troops are my last trump card. I must not show it easily until I confront Edward directly.”

“Yes, I understand the master. Then, should I pay more attention to Gu Li’s side?” Wan’er asked .

“It stands to reason that with Ye Lingwei there, Gu Li shouldn’t be a big problem. So, Wan’er, you should focus on finding clues about the traitors of the United Council.”

“Yes! Master. That’s the important thing to tell you right now.”

“Oh, did you find anything new?”

“Master, you asked me to closely monitor the status of each joint councillor, and during this time, the other councillors basically stayed at the joint council seat in a proper manner. Only one person, by the name of the speaker, Left the location.”

“Well, this person should be Naiden, right?” Chen Xing said with a cold laugh.

Wan’er said in surprise: “Master, how do you know?”

“It is speculated.” Chen Xing smiled lightly, “This guy Naiden is the most abnormal. Especially after Julian was framed, he even jumped out to speak to Julian hypocritically. On the one hand, he wanted to take the opportunity to take the lead, on the other hand, he also knew that Julian was the person in the video. So instead of being surprised, I have already prepared a set of high-sounding speeches.”

“Master, your analysis is too good.” Wan’er said convincingly.

Chen Xing laughed helplessly, “What if the analysis is in place? If I follow my personal style and style, as long as I can be sure that it is Naiden, I can directly touch him. After all, A traitor like him can’t survive a few times of torture, but unfortunately now he is helping the United Council, a seemingly high-level institution like the United Council has many rules and regulations, and everything needs to be done with evidence. If you attack Naiden without evidence, not only may he not kill him, but he will take the opportunity to rise to power. If the United Council falls into Naiden’s hands, the entire Human Race world will be in chaos. Wan’er, you just said that Naiden left the seat of the Union Council, do you know where he went?”

Wan’er then said: “Master, I have hacked into his aircraft system, his The destination is the Star Institute.”

“The Star Institute?” Chen Xing couldn’t help frowning, “What is he doing there?”

“This, Wan I don’t know.”

“By the way, is Hilux still in the Star Research Society?” Chen Xing asked.

“It seems–I left the Star Research Association today.” Wan’er replied.

“Call me Hilux, hurry!”

“Yes! Master!”

Wan’er immediately contacted Hilux, Hilux’s The hologram immediately appeared in front of Chen Xing.

“Lord Chen Xing!” Hilux said excitedly: “I’m really glad to see you again! Don’t worry, Lord Xiao Feng, the president of our Star Research Association, hears what I’m saying. You work, don’t say anything else, let me go immediately! I have boarded the passenger spaceship, and I can take off immediately!”

“no! Hilux, I will let you off the ship immediately!” Chen Xing ordered.

“Huh?” Hilux was confused.

“Get off the boat first, and then I’ll tell you if you want, hurry up!” Chen Xing urged.


Hilux rushed down from the spaceship in a hurry.

When Hilux stood firm, the interstellar passenger spaceship behind him ignited.

A short while later, Hilux was gone.

“Lord Chen Xing, you, don’t you want me anymore?” Hilux asked pitifully.

Chen Xing said with a smile: “On the contrary, I need you to do me a big favor in the Star Research Association.”

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