
Speaker Alfred was silent for a while, thinking carefully about this remark that Chen Xing just said.

At first, Alfred also thought that Chen Xing was a madman who was just babbling.

But the more I think about it, the more I think Chen Xing this remark makes sense.

Yes, throughout the history of human existence, how could there be an era that did not experience war?

How can there be a dynasty that was not established in war, and how could there be a dynasty that was not destroyed in war?

Humanity is always cruel.

I am afraid it is precisely because of this cruelty that human beings stand out among many organic creatures and forge the civilization that has appeared.

In terms of desire, no one wants war, but if you just compromise because you don’t want war, then it’s just cowardice in essence, and it’s also a type of Dao. Yes, cowardice that refuses to admit.

Wars always happen.

And the real brave man should dare to face this war, and even before a more cruel war comes, he will take the initiative to burn the fire of war outside his homeland.

From this point of view, Chen Xing’s words are very correct.

From the very beginning of its establishment, the United Council was essentially to better coordinate the war against aliens.

It was only later that the offensive of the alien races weakened. When Human Race should have pursued and expanded its victory, it slackened and began to split and conquer itself.

In the past thousand years, the civilization of Human Race has hardly progressed.

The entire Human Race desperately needs a real leader.

And such a leader cannot be the chairman of the joint parliament.

The Union Council has no real power and no military power. What is more terrifying is that even the purpose of the Union Council has become a compromise of appeasement.

Chen Xing once scolded the United Council as a slap in the face, but it’s actually not bad at all.

The former all-powerful United Council is now nothing more than a “Holy Mother White Lotus”-like organization.

And Chen Xing has seen through this for a long time, so Chen Xing does not pay attention to the position of the chairman of the joint parliament at all.

Alfred sighed, “I understand, Lord Chen Xing. I won’t convince you to take over as chairman of the joint council. However, I still have one thing to do for you.”

Chen Xing said with a smile: “I don’t need anything old man to help me with, you and your joint council, don’t be my enemy, even if it is the greatest help to me.”

Alfred laughed, “To be your enemy? Then I must be crazy. No, even if I were crazy, I would never do that. Lord Chen Xing, I’m going to help you with this. You will never refuse, and this is not only helping you, but also helping me to unite the parliament, but also helping the entire Human Race.”

Chen Xing blinked in surprise. ,”oh?”

Alfred saw that Chen Xing was interested, so he said with a smile: “I know, Lord Chen Xing is interested in the sea of stars, so you obviously have the opportunity to directly become the king of the deer. , there is even a chance to directly become the king of the wolf, but you have not done that – what you want to do is to unify the Four Great Empires and make the entire Human Race unprecedentedly united, right?”

Chen? Xing laughed, “I don’t admit it, but I don’t deny it either.”

Alfred said with a smile: “haha, Lord Chen Xing, you don’t have to treat me as an outsider, I know what I said. Wrong. To be honest, your ambition is very lofty, and you are the only person who is most likely to realize this great ambition for thousands of years. However, with the support of Zhulu Empire and Benwolf Empire, you are still not enough. If you want to To unify the Four Great Empires, the road ahead of you is still long and full of thorns.”

Chen Xing nodded slightly. “This, I know, but I, Chen Xing, are never afraid of trouble.”

Alfred said with a smile: “I believe this very much. Lord Chen Xing, I am too old to follow you and help you conquer the city, but I am still the speaker of the United Council after all, so, I can help you from another angle.”

Chen Xing asked: “What’s the big favor?”

Alfred said with a smile: “Lord Chen Xing ,you know, What is the most authoritative office in the history of the Union Parliament? “

Chen Xing shrugged, “Isn’t it your Excellency the Speaker of the Joint Parliament? “

Alfred shook the head, “Let’s be honest, the position of the chairman of the joint parliament was created to limit the power of another higher-level office, and even all the members of parliament were also It was created to limit its power. After a political infighting thousands of years ago, the legislators finally won the political battle as they wished, and no longer let one hand shrouding the heavens, but the consequences… Hehe, it’s really ironic. We have so many generations of joint parliament chairmen, so many senior members, and so many members of parliament, so many of us have actually turned a thriving Human Race into all split up and in pieces, and civil strife abounds. “

Chen Xing immediately understood, “Old man, the position you said can one hand shrouding the heavens is the Human Race Great Marshal?” “

Alfred praised the nodded, “Lord Chen Xing is really smart! That’s right, the post of Great Marshal. Four Great Empires, each country has a military commander, but the military rank of the military commander is raised to the sky, it is only a marshal, and only the Great Marshal recognized by the United Parliament can order all the troops and horses of the entire Human Race , and can even wage war against aliens. A thousand years ago, it was because of the great power of the post of Great Marshal that it could almost be called the Emperor of the Human Race, so it was boycotted and opposed by the joint members of the Four Great Empires. After a brutal political struggle, the Great Marshal Augustine at that time was ousted from power, and the frontier army, which was not supported by high military expenses, also declined, and the endless infighting between the Human Race Four Great Empires also began at that time. start. You see, Lord Chen Xing, history is really a very strange thing. A thousand years ago, even five-six hundred years ago, no one would think that it was wrong to abolish the Great Marshal, but today, a thousand years later, we Human Race desperately needs a Great Marshal. Human Race used to think of itself as the Sovereign of the universe, but in fact we are just a drop in the ocean and the least civilized drop. We need a leader, a leader with absolute power. The United Parliament cannot save the Human Race from the constant civil unrest. Only an iron-fisted, cold-blooded, intelligent and powerful leader can lead the Human Race into the future. “

Chen Xing looked into Alfred’s eyes, he saw the sincerity of the elderly man.

“Thank you, old man.” If I can really become the Great Marshal, it will naturally save a lot of time – but the Great Marshal has been abolished for more than a thousand years, and more importantly, Edgar of the Lion Empire has long coveted the Great Marshal It’s been a long time, and you want me to take over as Great Marshal directly, I’m afraid it won’t be so easy. “

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