
The gathering speed of the alien army is very fast.

In the early morning of the second day, Lorenzonia brought an army of 200,000, grandiose, to the gravitational range of the frontier star.

“Report Lord Lorenzonia! We have not encountered any resistance. Would you like to send a reconnaissance force to find a suitable and safe camp before letting the army land?”

An interracial officer saluted and asked.

Lorenzonia coldly smiled, “Do you still need to be so cautious when dealing with a few trifling humans? They are just a group of mobs, and I have an army of 200,000 people! I have With such a dominant hand, of course I have to beat that boy Chen Xing! I want him to understand that Foreign Race people are not easy to mess with! Even more how, I also made a military order with the Supreme Speaker, Recover the frontier star in one day! So, no need to send out reconnaissance troops, no need to set up camp! Let me scan the position of Chen Xing’s main force with radar, and then we will attack!”

“This… “The alien officer hesitated a little.

Lorenzonia coldly said: “Why, you dare to disobey my orders?”

“no no no! Lord Lorenzonia, please calm down, subordinate. Let’s make arrangements!” The alien officer hurriedly saluted and left in a hurry.

After a while, he rushed back eagerly, “Lord Lorennia, we have found the main force of Chen Xing, please look at the holographic map – according to our satellite reconnaissance, he The main force of our army are all huddled in the deep valley of this Qifeng mountain range!”

Lorenzonia suddenly laughed heartily, “Chen Xing, Chen Xing, you are so stupid! All the troops of the army are placed within the valley. Isn’t this waiting for me to carry the pot? Order the army-“

“Hold on, Lord Lorenzonia!”

Another Homo sapiens officer next to him hurriedly stopped him: “We found Chen Xing’s main force so easily, it seems too simple, right? Lord Lorenzonia, be careful. !”

Lorenzonia sneered, “I’m just a trifling human, what kind of mind can I have? He must have known that I, Lorenzonia, came with an army of 200,000 people. , so I was afraid, so I found a valley to hide. If I don’t show him some color now, won’t I make the other members laugh? All of them! Give me full speed towards the deep valley of Qifeng’s mountain range!”

“Lord Lorenzonia!”

“If anyone dares to oppose me again, I will execute him by military law!”

“…Yes !”

In the entire alien army, up and down, no one dared to give Lorenzonia a different opinion.

The alien army rushed into the deep valley like a tide.

After reaching the deep valley, the entire alien army was stunned in place.

Lorenzonia frowned shouted: “Why did the troops in front stop?”

“Report Lord Lorenzonia, the deep valley is over!”

“What?” Lorenzonia frowned, “What about Chen Xing?”

“Report Lord Lorenzonia! We only found some virtual holographic projections. , and did not find any shadow of Chen Xing’s troops!”

Lorenzonia’s face suddenly changed, and he shouted inwardly.

Obviously, he’s got it.

This deep valley is obviously a trap, and those holographic projections are clearly just bait.

Lorenzonia is only now realizing that the entire abyss is like a deep pocket, easy to get in but not easy to get out.

Once Chen Xing ambushed around, their army of 200,000 aliens would be in an extremely unfavorable situation.

However, Lorenzonia still had a bit of luck in her heart.

He felt that even if Chen Xing could set a trap, he might not dare to send someone to attack his army of 200,000 people.

Lorenzonia snorted contemptuously, “Looks like this guy Chen Xing has escaped like a stray dog! We continue to chase him! listen to my orders, the back team becomes the front team, leave first In this deep valley, find a place to camp and talk about it!”

“Yes!” Only then did the accompanying alien Homo sapiens officers sighed in relief.

The entire alien army turned around immediately, and the rear team became the front team, and walked to the entrance of the deep valley noisily.

The art of war always pays attention to in a spurt of energy, and then it declines again and again, and the third is exhausted.

The whole alien army was murderous-looking and rushed into the deep valley, and the morale was extremely high.

But Chen Xing’s main force was not found in the deep valley, and the imposing manner was immediately weakened by half.

Now, the troop, which was originally an elite vanguard, has to fall at the back and be the tail of the team, and the whole morale is even more sluggish.

even more how, this is a full 200,000 army.

It would be very laborious for a bloated fatty to turn around, and if an army of 200,000 people wanted to turn around, it would be even more chaotic.

While the team was in chaos, a lightcast bomb was suddenly dropped from the top of the ravine.

This light-cast bomb is the size of a human head and glows with golden-bright and dazzling rays of light. When it fell on the team, it instantly caused great panic and even triggered There was a small stampede.

However, surprisingly, the lightcast bomb did not explode.

“Calm down! Calm down! It’s just a dud!”

Lorenzonia roared loudly: “Bring me that lightforged bomb with me Come here!”

“Lord Lorenzonia, it’s dangerous!”

“Hmph, I’m a genius, how could I be killed by a dud? Casting technology is the core technology of our alien Homo sapiens class, and Human Race absolutely has it!” Lorenzonia said confidently.

The subordinates did not dare to disobey, so they could only cautiously cast the light-cast bomb like a flashing breathing lamp, finally clasped fist in front of Lorenzonia.

Lorenzonia is indeed worthy of being a great character among Homo sapiens. After seeing the light-cast bomb, face doesn’t change and his heart doesn’t beat. After a few cold glances, he said it. with a laugh: “such insignificant ability!”

tone barely fell, and the light-casting energy bomb suddenly bounced!

The lightcast cartridge case exploded!

Lorenzonia screamed like a frightened little girl.

However, the formidable power of the light-cast cartridge case is very small, and it only triggered a proton-level shock wave, which didn’t even hurt Lorenzonia’s fur.

When Lorenzonia was embarrassed and annoyed, the lightcast bomb popped a holographic projection, and the silhouette of Dekenia appeared immediately.

“Dekenia! You exile! You’re teasing me!” said Lorenzonia, gnashing teeth.

Dekenia said with a cold laugh: “Lorenzonia, you should feel lucky. If it weren’t for me, the lightcast bomb just now would have killed you. .”

Lorenzonia said fiercely: “You made this light-forged bomb! You elbow-out traitor! What good have humans given you? You actually helped They’re coming to fight the aliens!”

Dekenia said sternly: “Do you think I’m helping humans make light-forged bombs to fight? No, I’m helping you, helping our aliens. Luo Renzonia, you are already on the brink of danger, and you will be signed to eternal damnation at any time. I advise you to surrender and return to the negotiating table of peace talks.”

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