StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 396 The Immortal War - Lich King Ner'zhul

Three black lights swept out from the battleship. The three armored octopus instinctively wanted to block it. Who knew that the black shadow in the middle raised his hand and there were three black energy arrows, which pierced the armored octopus respectively. , the armored octopus' progress stalled, and it actually stood in the void, with a layer of gray-white color spreading from their heads to their whole bodies.

Three figures approached the Legion of Evil Knights. The one in the middle grabbed his hands into the void. The surviving Evil Knights suddenly turned into streaks of light, flying out from the circle surrounded by armored cockroaches and thunder beasts, and converging into the hands of the figure. , condensed into a black ball.

The man had long snow-white hair, an evil face, one white eye and one black eye. He was wearing a tattered robe and stared at the black ball in his hand, with a distressed expression clearly visible.

On his left side, there is a heavily armored knight without a mount. The thick armor covers his whole body. The helmet that surrounds him covers his face. His appearance cannot be seen clearly. The long sword in his hand has strong energy fluctuations. It is no weaker than the immortal weapon of the Immortal Emperor of the True Immortal Realm.

On his right was a necromancer holding a staff, staring at the Nidhogg at the moment, the light of hatred in his eyes was particularly fervent!

"Hoho!" The thunder beast lost its target and rushed towards the three of them. The man in the middle was very imposing and stood motionless. The heavily armored knight on his left suddenly burst out with a burst of extremely cold power from the long sword in his hand. His figure flashed and he appeared near the three thunder beasts at the same time. , the long sword slashed out, freezing the three thunder beasts into ice blocks instantly, and then the body flashed and returned to its original position again. The whole process took only a blink of an eye, but the three powerful thunder beasts had turned into ice cubes. A crystal clear ice sculpture! The other thunder beasts were still charging crazily, but Ye Luo activated the command in time and called them back!

The Ye family brothers, Mo Yuan's clone, swept out from the Nidhogg and came to stand opposite each other.

Ye Luo devoted his attention to Mo Yuan's clone, and through the King Insect's sight, he constantly scanned the fluctuations on the three people's bodies to explore their levels.

"Zerg Ye Luo, why don't you kneel down when you see the Lich King Ner'zhul!" The heavily armored knight pointed his sword and shouted loudly.

"Ner'zhul?" Mo Yuan's clone frowned slightly. Why did Ye Luo feel so familiar with this name?

Ye Luo did not immediately respond to the heavy armored knight's shout, which made the violent knight very angry. He clenched the sword in his right hand and was about to take action, but was stopped by the Lich King Ner'zhul, "Arthas , for a strong person of the same level, even if he is our enemy, we should give him corresponding respect, right? "

The heavily armored knight known as Arthas gave Mo Yuan's clone a hard look and stopped shouting.

Ner'zhul looked at Ye Luo and smiled, "Let me introduce you to me, Ner'zhul. Fortunately, he gained some strength through practice and was called the Lich King. This is the death knight Arthas, which means that the necromancer plus Sir, the three of us have been wandering in the Death Star area for a long time. When I thought that walking out of the Death Star area and re-establishing my kingdom of death in the Alvin Star Territory would be the greatest gift from the power of death, I didn't expect that, The greatest gift from the power of death is here, you Zerg!"

Ye Luo sneered, "Don't the undead all need dead bones? Are they still interested in living things like us?"

There was a faint smile on Ner'zhul's face, and there was no trace of the anger he had just because of the excessive losses of the evil knights. "Your Majesty Ye Luo, you are right. We undead can transform any corpse and let them get rid of it." The burden of the physical body returns to nature, and with the blessing of the power of death, it reaches a more powerful peak. However, we cannot use energy other than the power of death! "

Ner'zhul took a breath. Ye Luo didn't know if he needed to breathe, but he did. "Whenever we occupy a planet, in addition to collecting the power of death, it is destruction, because the remaining things are for Others may be priceless treasures, no different from the wasteland to us. The shackles of energy sources seriously hinder our expansion, but... if you Zerg join our undead, it will be different. , I can raise a small number of Zerg that can collect energy, and the energy obtained can be used to alienate more Zerg. These Zerg can fight for us, and after death, they can continue to fight as undead. The power of death is on top. With the addition of your Zerg tribe, the combat effectiveness of our undead tribe has increased by at least 50%, haha, this is more exciting than occupying the entire Alvin..."

The smile on Ner'zhul's face was no stranger to Ye Luo, because for countless nights, when the insect nest occupied a new land, when new genes joined the Zerg, when new advanced energy sources were brought under his command, Ye Luo's face also I have seen this expression before. This expression is called ambition by many people, but Ye Luo calls himself ambition!

"It seems that we are the same kind of people..." Ye Luo sighed sincerely, "I am also thinking that our Zerg are already so powerful. If we can add the immortal power of the undead, the dead Zerg will continue to fight. Tell me, who else in the entire universe is our enemy?”

Ner'zhul shook his head regretfully, "After wandering for so long, it's hard to find a confidant you can talk to. Unfortunately, after turning you into a lich, half of your intelligence will disappear..."

Ye Luo smiled and smiled proudly, "That's such a pity, but the pity is for you. After parasitizing you, our Zerg can retain 100% of your wisdom. At that time, there will be another one by my side. Think tank and thug, haha!”

"How dare you, go to hell!" Ye Luo's frivolous attitude made the death knight instantly furious. He swung his long sword and came straight towards Mo Yuan's clone. "The power of frost!" The death knight roared wildly, slashing across the void with his long sword, and a majestic force of extreme cold exploded. From where the long sword was swung, an iceberg continued to condense, heading straight for the Mo Yuan clone.

Ye Luo laughed loudly and said, "Well done!" The devilish energy in his body was rising, like a black flame rising into the sky, looking for Shuyuan zhaohya. cm The iceberg that was frozen for thousands of miles, Ye Luo did not dodge, but rushed forward. The iceberg instantly spread to Ye Luo's side. Ye Luo hammered with both fists repeatedly. The spreading iceberg was cracked by his hammer, and countless ice shards were scattered everywhere. Flying randomly, the cracked ice cubes scattered in all directions like bullets. However, after hundreds of punches, the spreading iceberg not only did not stop, but kept freezing!

The death knight changed his sword from one hand to two, and used 120% of his power. The iceberg surged, and Ye Luo was unable to hit it in time, and was actually frozen in it.

The death knight was so happy that he didn't have time to take a breath, and he raised his long sword and charged towards Ye Luo!

"Idiot, come back!" The Lich King looked at the contemptuous and cunning smiles on the faces of the Ye brothers after the battle. He felt something was wrong in his heart and immediately shouted!

However, it was too late, and the masters fought. In the blink of an eye, the death knight thought he had frozen Ye Luo, and wanted to take the opportunity to end Ye Luo. However, he did not expect that as soon as he came to Ye Luo's side, the ice cubes on Ye Luo's body exploded. None of the broken ice cubes were larger than the size of a thumb. "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." they scattered in all directions, making the armor on the death knight's body jingle.

Among the ice blocks, Mo Yuan's clone was smiling ferociously. Two new heads grew on his shoulders, and four arms grew out of his ribs! _xcxs

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