Early the next morning, Yang Ying took Katerina, Brian and two ghost agents to the Union building in the Union car.

Different from the mainstream design of the space city, Worrell did not build many high-rise buildings in the city center. Looking from the edge of Worrell to the city center, only one building can be seen, and that is the Alliance Building.

This egg-shaped building is about 150 meters high and is covered in snow-white. There is a huge oblique opening on the building, as if it has been severely cut by a 100-meter-long knife, revealing the black paint wrapped in eggshells. painted tall buildings.

When you get closer, you will find that the exterior of this building is actually covered with snow-white glass, which is completely transparent on one side. The scenery outside can be seen from the inside, just like transparent glass, but the inside cannot be seen from the outside. Even if the connection is put on the surface of the glass, only a piece of milky white can be seen.

The special car stopped under the eggshell, Yang Ying got out of the car, and saw Yusuf and several alliance officials waiting here, a red carpet was spread on the ground, leading the way to the entrance of the eggshell.

Yang Ying stepped onto the red carpet, Yousuf stepped forward, and said with a smile, "Your Excellency is welcome to the Alliance. You had a good rest yesterday."

Yousuf's face has been slightly made up, focusing on the corners of the eyes and eye circles, but it's hard to hide that his bags under the eyes are a bit more prominent than yesterday, obviously he didn't sleep well all night.

"Commissioner Yusuf, although Worrell's night is a bit noisy, it will not affect my rest, but you still need to pay more attention to your body. I'm afraid you didn't sleep well last night." Yang Ying also stepped forward One step later, he greeted with a concerned tone.

"Hehe, I'm old, and I can't compare to you young people." Yousuf was very happy to hear Yang Ying's caring words, smiled and led his hand to the entrance of the eggshell, and said, "Please."

"You too." Yang Ying and Yusuf walked side by side on the red carpet and walked into the giant egg.

The inside of the giant egg is a vast space supported by an alloy skeleton. The eggshell is like a closed city wall, wrapping a square inside!

At the very center is a 30-story building, perfectly cylindrical in shape, with a very different color from the outer eggshell, and an outer wall inlaid with dark glass.

The red carpet is connected from the entrance of the eggshell to the entrance of the building, and there is a forty-nine steps in front of the entrance of the building.

Everyone walked through the steps, entered the building, and took the elevator to the 22nd floor under the complicated eyes of dozens of staff members in the square and on the ground floor of the building.

The review committee that decides the promotion of large mercenary regiments is on this floor.

Everyone came to a conference room that could accommodate a hundred people. There was a long table in the center of the conference room, which could accommodate about twenty people, and there were several rows of chairs around it for people to listen.

Yusuf and several alliance officials sat down at one end of the long table, while Yang Ying and others came to the other end of the long table.

Before the meeting started, representatives from dozens of large mercenary groups came to the conference room to listen in, including Christina and her bodyguards, representatives from Le Hai's bald head, and some representatives from other large mercenary groups. people.

Yang Ying had never seen these representatives sitting in the auditorium.

Some of them walked in with friendly expressions, some with no expression on their faces, and some with contempt, jealousy, or arrogance written all over their faces.

After a while, several other officials at the committee level like Yusuf arrived and sat beside Yusuf.

"Well, let's get started." Yusuf said with a cough.

Although there are name tags in front of all the committee members, there is no need to worry about identifying the wrong person, but everyone still made some self-introductions before the official start.

This is a discussion meeting. Since a small mercenary group wiped out five large forces in one battle, it has never happened before. The Telan Mercenary Group is not hiding anything, so the Mercenary Alliance wants to negotiate with the Telan Mercenary Group.

"Under normal circumstances, in order to be promoted to a large mercenary regiment, it is necessary to submit various mission data, income data, troop strength data, and various other fragmentary data for the past three years to the review committee for review. I would like to give a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of the regiment, but your mercenary regiment has been established for less than half a year, so of course we can’t provide three-year information, I think half-year information is okay.” A member said in an official tone.

This requirement sounds excessive, but if you think about it carefully, you will know that after a mercenary group becomes a large mercenary group, it can enjoy a series of rights and interests guaranteed by the mercenary alliance, and small and medium mercenary groups can only struggle on the line of food and clothing. There is a qualitative gap.

Although there are only a dozen or so necessary conditions for a large-scale mercenary group, and those who fail to meet these conditions cannot become a large-scale mercenary group, this does not mean that they can become a large-scale mercenary group if these ten conditions are met.

These dozen or so items are just admission conditions, and the others must be reviewed by the review committee. If they do not get the support of more than half of the members of the review committee, then all efforts will be wasted.

Therefore, in order to enjoy a series of rights and interests of large mercenary regiments, all major mercenary regiments will go all out when they are promoted, and list all the advantages of this mercenary regiment on the materials. The total number of pages of materials submitted There are not a few who have more than 10,000 pages, and they will try their best to please the review committee and try to get it passed.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that there are such bureaucratic members on the judging committee.

"For ordinary mercenary groups, this approach is indeed no problem, but we are not ordinary mercenary groups." Yang Ying said.

"Of course we know that your mercenary group has an excellent record far exceeding that of ordinary large-scale mercenary groups. This is why we are here today to hold this discussion. Come out," said another member.

"So how much information are you going to submit?" asked the bureaucratic member.

Yang Ying stretched his hand back, and a ghost agent handed him a thick portfolio.

"Please take a look at this." Yang Ying pasted the file bag on the table, pushed the file bag across the smooth tabletop, and stopped right in front of Yousuf.

"Let me take a look." Yusuf opened the file bag and took out a stack of documents, which consisted of about thirty pages.

After looking at it for a while, Yusuf handed the document to a clerk beside him, and said, "Use the photocopier to make a copy, and each committee member has a copy."

The clerk responded, took the file to a half-person-high machine next to the meeting room, opened a drawer, stuffed the file in together, and pressed a few times on the control panel.

Now it is the 26th century, but the appearance of the copier is still the same, not much changed, but the working principle is much more advanced, the copying effect is more refined, more intelligent, faster, and extremely convenient.

In fact, technology related to copiers has reached its limit as early as the 22nd century. Various components have been finalized, and there is very little room for improvement.

Although today's technology can spray ink down to the molecular level, what's the point? It's just a waste. The eyes of ordinary people are easy to satisfy. They don't need such fineness at all, and the micron level is enough.

Just like chopsticks, no matter how advanced the technology is, chopsticks are just two wooden sticks. Even if someone invents a pair of smart food-seeking chopsticks that can help people pick up vegetables, someone has to use them.

There were nine committee members in the meeting room, and the copier finished copying eight documents in less than half a minute. There were a total of nine original documents, and the clerk distributed the nine documents to the nine committee members.

The nine committee members looked at it for a while, and one committee member said: "Commander Yang Ying, this document has indeed clearly stated the entry conditions necessary for the Telan Mercenary Group to become a large-scale mercenary group. They are three heavy cruisers, with a reserve account of 10 billion, which far exceeds the original entry requirements. I believe that many large mercenary groups do not have the strength of your group, but we still need to conduct a review of your group. For a clearer understanding, I hope you can submit more information."

"Exactly!" The bureaucrat said immediately, "There are only 30 pages of documents here. Compared with the tens of thousands of pages of documents submitted by other mercenary regiments, it is really shabby. I believe that you came to Vorrell with sincerity. , that being the case." He flicked the document in his hand, made a serious look, and said, "These are not enough."

"I also know that this document is indeed a little thin, but please believe that we did come here with sincerity, we really can't come up with more documents~www.readwn.com~Yang Ying made a With a low profile, he said sincerely.

After reading the memoirs of Master Nianneng again, Yang Ying has a deeper understanding of many of the principles. A low profile may not necessarily be a sign of timidity, but in some cases it represents bravery and wisdom. Rampage may not be able to break through all obstacles. Sometimes, taking a curve can reach the destination faster.

After listening to Yang Ying's words, the people around began to whisper.

"Why is there no way?" The bureaucratic member asked with a frown.

"Let me use an analogy, if the Caesars mercenary group wants to be promoted to a large mercenary group, would you ask them for the information on the Laurel-class battlecruiser?" Yang Ying looked at the official committee member and asked.

"It's too arrogant, don't you think that the Telan mercenary group is Caesar's mercenary group." The bureaucratic member shouted loudly. At the same time, the spectators also began to make noise.

"Of course not. I'm just making an analogy. In fact, although our Telan mercenary group is not as large as the Caesar mercenary group, we are in a similar situation to them." Yang Ying seemed deaf to the commotion around him.

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