Start choosing the president of the billionaire group

Chapter 1241 Let's go to a place first

Yang Wei is not a try to try a try, he has guess Ye Chen will not help.

Sure enough, I saw Ye Chen's expression and movement, Yang Wei was dead.

This is also able to blame, it is not blame himself.

Ye Chen took the police station with Zhou Sin and took a sports car.

The car just started, and Zhou Sin looked at Ye Chen said: "Ye Chen, in fact, Yang Wei is also very pitiful, you said yes."

He didn't think of the girl around him, but smiled and said: "Su Su, you are really very kind, I think he is not pitiful, you think if the man in the office is not me, you Is it that it is eligible to be eligible. "

"It is also said." Zhou Si is nodded.

Suddenly, she didn't seem to have a reactive saying: "In addition to you think, I will not bring other men to the office."

Ye Chen heard this sentence, smiled and looked at Zhou Sin, I think this girl is a policeman, and the ability to respond is so strong.

"Well, we don't say this, where do you want to eat?" Ye Chen asked with the girl.

"It's better to eat some Ken Kewei, so that it is convenient to save." Zhou Veu replied.

We are all right away, and it is most convenient to have this fast food, and will not waste how long it is above.

Ye Chen was white and she said: "Do you like to eat this? Do you want to eat some other?"

"Let's eat this, you have to continue to investigate after eating, now I have to compete for the case." Zhou Veen's expression firmly said.

Helpless, Ye Chen can only take the girl to eat KFC, I have already thought about eating in this way.

Seeing the mood of Zhou Sin so eager to solve the case, he knows that it is not necessary to eat, just ask Zhou Sin.

Usually, Ye Chen will not choose to eat this kind of thing, because he thinks some monotonous and eats unsatisfactory.

Two people came to KFC door, Ye Chen took the car.

He came down from the car, but he found that weapon still sat inside.

"Su Su, here, get off at the bus." Ye Chen shouted.

"Ye Chen, you can buy a spicy leg, I can wait for you in the car." Zhou Veng said.

The girl's words make Ye Chen really speechless. Is it just a burger?

"Su Su, hurry up, let's go in to order, and haven't used it." Ye Chen said again.

I heard the words, Zhou Yue wrinkled and took the car, and Ye Chen walked towards it.

Ye Chen did two spicy legs, then some chicken pieces, grilled wings.

When waiting for the meal, Zhou Sin is an anxiety, watching Ye Chen asked: "Ye Chen, why didn't you get our number?"

"You wait for me, I will go see it." Ye Chen got up and walked towards the table.

During this time, Zhou Sin did not stop watching the watch on the wrist, showing anxious expression on his face.

After a while, Ye Chen's dining pan came over.

"Su Su, let's eat slowly, don't have to hurry." Ye Chen comforted.

It may be because Ye Chen's situation, and the weapon is no longer anxious.

She took the burger and took a drink again.

"Well, this is right, eat too fast for your body." Ye Chen said with a smile.

However, the two people have been eaten after the meal, I used less than half an hour.

After all, in the store, Although Zhou Sin is anxious, it is impossible to tell Ye Chen to say the case.

After waiting for the two, she asked Ye Chen, anxiously: "What do you have?" How do you think about this case, how do you plan to break? "

Ye Chen did not answer him, but he looked to Zhou Xu said: "Go, take me to see the little girl."

"Well, ok." Zhou Xu nodded.

Ye Chen opened the car in accordance with the address of Week, came to a very luxurious community.

However, this community is lost than Ye Chen.

The car drove in the inside, and the security guard saw Ye Chen opened the car and did not stop him, but relaxed.

Ye Chen stopped the car and walked in front of Zhou Su.

Two people sat on the elevator and the patients were pressed by the number 10.

"Hey!", The elevator door opened, two people came out, under the leadership of Zhou Su, they came to a door.

At this moment, the door is placed on the door.

Ye Chen frowned, and I thought that the little girl still stayed here.

After all, here is the case where the police need to protect the scene, it is impossible to let anyone stay inside.

Didn't wait for Ye Chen to ask, Zhou Sin said: "Ye Chen, this is the home of the little girl, but the little girl is not here."

"That little girl is not here, what do you take me?" Ye Chen said in a glance.

"Thought for many years, usually we all broke through the case, because there will be some trails of the murderer." Zhou Sin looked at Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen felt that Zhou Sin said that there is really reasonful, but that also scores.

Since I have come here, it is better to see if I want to go in in Zhou Sin, save her to felt that she is lie.

Ye Chen put it in the clothes, shoe cover, gloves, etc. who prepared to him, Ye Chen, etc., but after entering, Ye Chen did not look for fingerprints, shoe prints, blood stains, etc. in the same professional police. I saw it in the upstairs.

He came upstairs and looked at Zhou Xu said: "Su Su, let's go."

Zhou Sin looked at the time, from two people came in to Ye Chen, less than ten minutes.

"If you go so soon, Ye Chen, have you seen it clearly?" Zhou Veen's expression asked.

"Look at it, see clearly." Ye Chen applied.

In fact, Ye Chen is here to use, this is this, and the reason why he coming in is fear that Zhou Xu is suspicious.

"Every room has seen it?" Zhou Yin asked again.

"Yeah, every room saw, Zhou Da police officials, you will be relieved, I dare to lie to you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Seeing Ye Chen said, Zhou Si is nod to say: "Well, let's go."

When I heard the words of Zhou Su, Ye Chen was angry, after all, for him is nothing more than a waste of time.

Ye Chen knows that Zhou Sin wants to solve the case, then it is not used here, and it is necessary to hurry to see the little girl.

Two people came out of the building, Ye Chen opened the car, and Zhou Su sat in the second drive.

"Ye Chen, I will take you to see the little girl." Zhou Xu said.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Wait a minute, let's go to a place first?"

Zhou Sin is surprised to ask: "Where?"

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