Start Cthulhu with priest

Chapter 179 178. Mom and Ice Cream (4000)

"Big brother, what are you doing?"

The clear sound, like the ding-dong of spring water in the mountains, resounded in the darkness around An Le.

‘Xiao Ganxiang? '

An Le can easily recognize who the owner of the voice is, but it is precisely because of her recognition that An Le is even more surprised.

He actually expected that the night in the silent cemetery did not completely deprive people of their senses.

Instead, use this darkness and dead energy to flush together, and use stronger stimulation to cover this sense.

Its nature is like that after a person is bitten by a mosquito, he will scratch the long bag with his nails to relieve the unbearable itching with pain.

The reason why An Le couldn't see, hear, or smell the surrounding environment was because there was a stronger stimulus covering his perception.

‘But why, I can hear Xiao Ganxiang’s voice? '

'Is it because of...a certain extraordinary relic on her body? '

An Le thought about it, and then asked, "Xiao Ganxiang, can you see what I'm doing?"

"I can see it."

Gan Xiang's tone was so innocent that An Le could even imagine her pointy little canine teeth when she smiled.

"I can still see that there is a silly big sister in front of the big brother!"

"And... big brother, put your hand on hers..."

Xiao Ganxiang suddenly panicked: "Big brother, shouldn't I talk?"

An Le: "..."

If there is indeed a shorter woman in front of him, then the height of his outstretched hand is indeed about the same...

However, he didn't feel anything!

Even if you really touch it, it's the same as if you didn't touch it.

Compared to this insignificant matter, An Le could hear from Gan Xiang's answer——

Not only can she see herself in the dark, hear what she says, but she can also witness the source of those weird "sights".

But according to what she said, big sister?

An Le narrowed her eyes slightly, and asked softly, "Xiao Ganxiang, can you tell me what that big sister looks like?"

"Oh, good."

Xiao Ganxiang observed carefully for a while, and said: "The silly sister has a pair of eyes, a nose, a mouth, and two ears..."

An Le: "..."

Sure enough, don't expect Gan Xiang's ability to describe her appearance to be better.

He asked again: "Is there any special feature?"

Gan Xiang: "Um..."

"She's not very good-looking, not as good as the big sister with the cat, let alone my mother."

"Her skin is very white, frighteningly white! She is dumb, stupid, and motionless."

"Also, she has been staring at you, big brother, all the time!"

An Le's heart sank slightly, and he guessed a possibility.

"Is she not the only one around?"

"Hey, big brother, how do you know?"

Gan Xiang was surprised and said: "Brother, can you see it too? There are many, many, many, many... people who are very similar to her!"

She used four "many" to describe the number of these beings nearby.

As An Le thought, the source of those "gazing", in Gan Xiang's view, is all a human being!

——At least, on the surface, it is human existence.

They look empty, like puppets that have been manipulated without souls, standing all over the mountains and plains in the silent cemetery, accompanied by those dead and strange tombstones, as if they are holding a grand parade related to death.

Moreover, each of them stared at An Le with malicious eyes.

'Why do they appear? '

Last night, An Le didn't feel the presence of these guys.

And I haven't heard Mrs. Cat mention it.

It is very likely that this is a mutation that only appeared tonight.

'Is it related to the two sentences I read out? '

【Death is the end of everything. 】

[In the strange ages, even death itself passes away. 】

Looking back now, on such a huge tombstone, it was a strange thing that An Le could notice these two sentences for the first time.

Subconsciously saying it, it seems that it is not out of An Le's own will.

It is as if the person who erected the tombstone here set up a means to make people blurt out the moment they understood the meaning of this sentence.

Thus triggering something in this silent cemetery.

So, these guys popped up, floating in the cemetery at night.

'But do they really only appear at night? '

An Le put a question mark in his heart.

An Le has already guessed their identities, but it will only be verified in the daytime.

An Le asked casually, "Xiao Ganxiang, where are you now?"

"I'm here, I'm here!"

The crisp voice kept approaching, like a glimmer of light in the dark.

However, after An Le reached out to her...

But also didn't come across anything.

The feeling of astonishment emerged from the bottom of An Le's heart for the first time.

Gan Xiang complained coquettishly: "Big brother, you poked my head!"

An Le was silent and did not speak.

"Big brother?"

Gan Xiang asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"


An Le calmed down quickly, and said very gently.

"Suddenly remembered something."

"By the way, Xiao Ganxiang, if you're idle now, why don't you come and talk about your past?"

Gan Xiang smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I like chatting the most."


While chatting with Xiao Ganxiang, while using [Lungs of Dead Qi] to absorb the power of dead Qi.

Time passed imperceptibly.

From the little girl's words, An Le has a more comprehensive understanding of her past.

Gan Xiang seems to have grown up in a very backward and old place, and knows nothing about some technological products that An Le is familiar with.

As long as she can remember, she has never seen her father, only her beautiful mother, and four siblings.

Gan Xiang is the youngest sister in the family, so she is very doted on.

Her brothers and sisters took good care of her, and her mother was beautiful and gentle.

Although she was relatively poor when she was a child, and her life was somewhat difficult, Xiao Ganxiang always smiled when recalling that period of childhood.

But, that good time didn't last long.

One day, the eldest brother disappeared.

My mother was very sad, and my brothers and sisters were also very panicked.

Especially the second sister, who is worried all day long, and often watches her younger siblings hesitate to speak.

At that time, Xiao Ganxiang didn't understand anything, but just remembered the abnormality of the second sister in her heart.

After searching for a while to no avail.

Gan Xiang also gradually got used to the days without her eldest brother, thinking that everything would be peaceful.

It's just that she never thought that it was just the beginning of misfortune.

The second missing person is the third brother.

My mother cried even more sadly, hiding in the bedroom for several days, washing her face with tears.

Occasionally she came out to take care of Gan Xiang and her sisters, but her eyes were also red.

For some reason, the second sister began to be a little afraid of her mother, and she looked at the two younger sisters with even more worry.

One day, the second sister called the fourth sister and Gan Xiang into the bedroom, as if she wanted to say something important.

But my mother suddenly pushed open the door, interrupting the short conversation, and the second sister turned pale with fright.

A few more days.

The second sister is also missing.

The disappearance of the three children seemed to have completely broken the strength of the mother. She became more and more haggard, and her hair almost fell to the ground.

Mom makes the difficult decision to move from her small place to a big city.

——That is the place Gan Xiang said earlier, where she and her mother got separated.

That's actually what happened some time after they moved to that city.

Before that, Ganxiang's last fourth sister also disappeared inexplicably.

Hearing this, An Le couldn't help asking: "Since you have moved to that city, as long as you go home and wait, your mother will find you, right? Why did you go out of the city and come to the wasteland?"


Gan Xiang was slightly taken aback, and her tone revealed strong bewilderment and confusion.

"Right? I can see my mother as long as I go home."

"Why go out of town?"

"why why……"

Her voice became more and more tangled and painful, as if a student encountered a math problem that could not be solved during the exam. The irritability and depression almost overflowed from the bottom of her heart.

"Ah! It hurts!"

"Big brother, my head hurts..."

Gan Xiang suddenly let out a mournful cry, like a cub bitten by a poisonous snake, just listening to the sound made people feel pity.

But now, An Le couldn't even touch the little girl, so she could only comfort her verbally.

"Little Ganxiang, stop thinking about it."

"If you can't think of it, you don't have to."

Gan Xiang's low whine lasted for a while before finally subsiding.

She said timidly, "Big brother, isn't Gan Xiang stupid?"

"I can't even think about such a thing."

An Le comforted softly: "It's nothing, Xiao Ganxiang is smart."

"The smartest kid in the world."

The little girl was a little embarrassed by An Le's praise, but somehow she was distracted: "How could it be so exaggerated?"

An Le continued to change the subject: "Then may I ask, Xiao Ganxiang, the smartest person in the world, do you have any special wishes that you would like to realize?"

"A wish that you particularly want to fulfill?"

Gan Xiang was stunned for a moment, then hesitated and said, "Find my mother? Reunite with my brothers and sisters?"

When she said this, she was a little suspicious, not sure what she meant.

"What about other than these?"


The little girl thought hard for a while, and said seriously.

"I want to... eat something cold in a pointed tube, it tastes like milk, but it's sweet and delicious!"

"When my brothers and sisters were all around, my mother took us to eat once."

Listening to her words, An Le felt a little pity in her heart, but her tone was still gentle.

"The thing you mentioned is called ice cream."

"ice cream?"

"It's a nice name, I really want to eat it again..."

In the whisper of the girl, the darkness gradually faded, and the light swayed over the silent cemetery.

However, for most people, the real nightmare may only begin now.



The stone slabs of a tomb were lifted from the inside, and the dazzling sunlight came in from the outside.

Uesugi Koji closed his eyes in advance to avoid damage to his eyes due to the sudden change of light and dark.

He is already very proficient in the process of "opening the coffin".

Kamiyama Koji was not in a hurry to get out of the tomb, but prayed silently in his heart: "Lord of Hui, your loyal believer..."

He is praying.

As the prayer proceeded, the light swaying on this tall body seemed to gradually melt into the body and become a part of Uesugi Koji.

It's just that the strong man's expression is not very good-looking, he thought bitterly.

'The response from the Lord of Radiance is weaker than yesterday...'

Yes, Uesugi Koji is also a member of Huijiao.

It also belongs to the relatively pious category.

Uesugi Koji had already discovered that the longer he stayed in the silent cemetery, the weaker the connection with Lord Hui would be.

Although there was no evidence, his intuition told that if the connection was really severed, something very bad would happen.

At this time.

Uesugi Koji felt a pang of hunger in his belly.

Without any action on his part, some inexplicable "substance" flowed from the tomb below him to his body, filling that hunger and replacing it with a full sense of satiety.

'It's... amazing. '

Uesugi Koji looked at the empty, gray stone structure around him, feeling emotional in his heart.

No matter how many times he experienced it, this miraculous experience made him amazed.

If Koji Uesugi had to make an evaluation, the tomb in the silent cemetery is like an advanced nutrition cabin that only appears in some science fiction novels.

The kind that doesn't even need nutrient solution, can fill the energy needed by the body from a distance.

Some seniors who stayed in the silent cemetery for a long time guessed.

It is very likely that there is some kind of mysterious ritual in the tomb to achieve this function.

But when it comes to the source of nutrition and energy, no one knows. They can only use the saying that "there is a secret hidden under the tomb" to alleviate their suspicions.

In fact, Uesugi Koji thought more than once that this tomb seems to be specially prepared for those who strayed into this place.

After all, it's both refueling and avoiding the "punishment" of the night.

It's almost like... the fish that tricks the fish into taking the bait, and the cheese that lures the mice to step on the shelf.

It's like a trap.

But Uesugi Koji didn't know this.

He just... had no choice.

Same as those trapped here.

‘I don’t know, how is Mr. A doing now? '

'And the woman with the black cat. '

Inexplicably, Uesugi Koji thought of the man he met the day before yesterday.

That mysterious and frightening aura, even now he was terrified when he recalled it.

To be honest.

Uesugi Koji could have been less humble and respectful, not telling the other party so many things, let alone swearing with his soul.

But he did it anyway.

Out of intuition and impulsiveness, Koji Uesugi thought at that time: ‘Maybe he can be an opportunity to help me get out of here? '

Intuition is a very unreasonable thing that helps people make decisions that they would not otherwise make.

Now, the strong man no longer thinks that way, but thinks to himself.

‘Maybe, Mr. A has gone crazy with that woman, right? '

‘Or also chose to hide in the tomb? '

‘However, it doesn’t matter to me whether he is dead or alive. '

Uesugi Koji sat in the tomb for a while, as if he was greedy for the breath here, then stood up and walked towards the bright but not beautiful world.

In the next second, his eyes widened.

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