Start Cthulhu with priest

Chapter 246 245. Calling His Name

Anle is out of town.

Now that he has accepted the mission of Miki Montenegro, he must take action.

He decided to find the stronghold where the saint was, and went to find out.

But on the way, he encountered a little episode.

An Le learned from the movie star's report in the church that near their village, there were suspected personnel from the Infinite Biotechnology Company.

Anle had expected this.

It is different from the situation that the form that is completely different from the dragon transformation cannot be recognized.

Yingyue and the others are serious farm fugitives, and they can't change their appearance.

There are so many people in a small village, eating, drinking, and doing all kinds of necessary activities, it is bound to leave traces.

It is only a matter of time before being found by the people of the infinite creatures.

It's just that their identities now are different from before.

He has changed from an ordinary refugee who no one cares about to an employee of Anle.

Don't look at Anle's claim that he wants to exploit and extract the surplus value of employees.

In fact, by comparison, he is a rather homely and kind-hearted boss.

Firmly believe in the "people-oriented" development concept.

At this time, the employee encountered difficulties, how could he stand by and watch?

Without them, how could An Le earn more filthy sanity.

He originally wanted to deal with the situation himself, but when he left the city, he had already received a distress signal from the movie star.


The small village was surrounded by a group of heavily armed men.

The leader is the captain named Wang Zhen.

It was the captain of the advance team who was sent that day to find the murderer who killed Young Master Butterfly.

Someone in the team lamented: "It's really unlucky to send us to do this kind of task."

"It's thankless, it's exhausting, and the pay is pitiful."

"Come on!"

Wang Zhen said angrily, and glared at him.

"It is a blessing in misfortune that we can still do such a task."

"Is it possible that you still want to track that guy?"

"If you want to go, I can arrange for you to join other teams."

"No, no! That's not what I meant."

The team members knew that they had made a slip of the tongue and quickly changed their words.

"It's fine if you don't have one."

Wang Zhen gave him a meaningful look.

In fact, the reason why their group appeared here had something to do with An Le.

After making a phone call last time, Wang Zhen and the others naturally failed to find An Le, and were scolded unceremoniously.

Fortunately, the personnel manager is a sensible person.

Knowing the strength of the opponent, it is really difficult for these people to want to keep him.

So there is no excessive punishment.

Even so, Wang Zhen's prestige among the various team leaders was still greatly reduced.

Originally, he had the opportunity to be promoted to a higher position. As a result, his competitors naturally chose to add insult to injury and completely ruined his chance of promotion.

The tasks assigned by the superiors have also changed from finding peace to such trivial and boring things as catching fugitives from the farm.

However, Wang Zhen still felt lucky.

Even now, whenever he recalled the scene he saw at that time, he still couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart.

If the power that could crush that mountain with one punch falls on him, what will be the result?

He didn't want to experience that feeling for himself.

Although the current task is cumbersome and boring, Wang Zhen has no dissatisfaction.

Compared with work, my own life is more important.

He hasn't lived enough yet!

There are obviously not many people in the team who can think like him.

It can be seen that the players still have some resentment in their hearts.

After all, who doesn't want to continue to climb the ladder if he joins Infinity Biotech?

And the thing like capturing the escaped goods is done, there is no credit,

If they fail to do so, they will be severely punished.

It can be described as a thankless job.

They will be dissatisfied in their hearts, and Wang Zhen can understand it very well.

However, when the team members have been in the company for a long time, they should be able to understand——

Living in peace and security is already the most fortunate thing.

Putting these chaotic thoughts behind him, Wang Zhen gave the order to enter the village.

based on the information they received.

It is basically confirmed that more than a dozen people who ran out of the farm, led by the youth of the Shadow Wolf Clan, Yingyue, are hiding in this village.

Moreover, it seems that this batch of "cargo" seems to be spreading something recently... about the strange sect of Chaos Omniscientism?

"What a bunch of fools."

Wang Zhen commented in his heart.

"I actually really believe in so-called religion."

Wang Zhen saw it very clearly.

He believes that all sects, including Huijiao, are just tools for the gods to seek their own self-interest.

It sounds nice to say, what spread the glory of the Lord of Radiance, believe in religion can get peace of mind.

In essence, it is just a means of gaining power.

The only real reliable things in the world are money, power and strength.

There are not a few people in Waste Capital who have such thoughts as him.

Of course they knew that the gods were real.

However, how could the purpose of those gods be to take care of these ordinary believers?

That would be too kind to them.

Just take what you need.

And the Chaos Omniscient Sect, this kind of sect doesn't sound like a serious religion at first glance.

The power obtained from it must have already marked an expensive price behind it.

Entering the village swaggeringly, Wang Zhenbai glanced around boredly.

Wang Zhen didn't take the resistance of the goods in the village to heart at all.

He naturally understood that the strongest of these escaped cargo were only D-rank brothers and sisters from the Shadow Wolf tribe.

In my own team, I can pick any one out and have the strength to kill a D-rank.

Moreover, it is absolutely crushing in terms of equipment.

Suppressing them with firepower can crush them to death.

Simply put, the advantage is mine!

How did the flying dragon lose?

The only difficulty lies in the fact that the other party's goods are relatively precious goods of the Shadow Wolf Clan.

If the order from above is to capture them alive, try to capture them alive.

In order to completely squeeze out the value of their bodies, continue to complete the harvest of organs.

This makes the task slightly more cumbersome.

However, it is only "some".

The team started a carpet search in the village with three people as a unit.

This village is not big.

Not long after, they discovered the tunnels and crypts where Shadow Moon and the others used to hide.

Walking down the tunnel, I found that the place was empty, leaving only traces of people living there.

"Hmph, it's quite clever."

Wang Zhen snorted coldly, with a cruel smile on his face.

"But it's just cleverness."

In a relatively hidden corner, they quickly found another passage leading to the outside world.

It is also blocked by rocks, just to prevent them from continuing to track.

It's a pity that Wang Zhen didn't pay attention to this trick at all.

Randomly pick any team member to crush the rock, and then continue to advance along the passage!

Unexpectedly, when they walked up this hidden tunnel, they were about to see the exit.

A violent energy fluctuation came from above.

Wang Zhen's complexion changed, and before he could shout out the warning, a violent explosion occurred.


The narrow tunnel began to tremble, showing faint signs of collapse.

Gravel and fine sand kept falling from overhead.

When Wang Zhen recovered from the shock.

I felt my head was buzzing, my ears were ringing, and there seemed to be warm blood oozing out, and it was difficult to stand up.

"Damn it!"

Wang Zhen gritted his teeth and said.

Just this injury was already the result of him deploying his protective shield in time.

If there is no special equipment, it is estimated that he has been seriously injured at this time.

Looking around, the two front team members fell to the ground, bloody and lifeless.

The people in the rear are still in relatively good condition, but their expressions are a little dazed.

Obviously, they never expected that they would suddenly encounter such an ambush here.

‘Where did those foolish people get such a powerful weapon? '

Wang Zhen had a fierce look on his face, blood welling up in his heart.

The death of a team member will undoubtedly further reduce his evaluation in the eyes of his superiors, and this is what makes him angry.

"I want you... to pay the price!"

In order to avoid the collapse of the tunnel, he was buried alive in it.

Without hesitation, Wang Zhen led the players behind him to rush upwards at the fastest speed.

He was hit by another wave of firepower head-on.

Only this time, the team members were prepared and no one was injured.

Outside the tunnel, Yingyue's face was full of determination.

He who released the attack just now was pale and extremely weak.

I thought to myself: Damn it! If only we could blow this place down.

I'm still...too weak!

It has to be said that Yingyue and the others have achieved the ultimate in planning and strategy.

The only problem is that the gap in strength is too great to be compensated by tricks.

The same is true even if you have already received gifts from Him.

Yingyue resolutely said to her younger sister: "You guys run away first! I will try my best to hold them back."

"Brother, what nonsense are you talking about?"

In this situation, the movie star actually showed a bright smile: "Didn't you agree to go to the end together?"

"Besides, we can't escape."

All of them are old, weak, sick and disabled.

In any case, it is impossible to escape from each other.

Once these search teams find them, they will follow them like wild wolves that smell blood, until they are exhausted.

It is said that there are still some people who have a blood hobby for pleasure.

Besides, where else could they escape?

There is nothing nearby that is not controlled by the three major companies.

To say that the truly safe place is the boundless wilderness.

But the blood of the Abandoned City is flowing on their bodies, and that terrible curse is still in effect today.

After a moment of silence, Yingyue could only sigh dejectedly.

"Then how can we survive?"

"It's hard to survive freely, is it that hard?"

He was originally talking to himself with emotion and complaint.

Unexpectedly, the movie star looked at him right now, and said very seriously.

"Why don't we call His name?"


In just a split second, Yingyue knew exactly who her sister was referring to.

The great and terrible Omniscient Lord of Chaos.

During this period of time, he has personally felt His power in the dream and obtained His gifts.

He is real!

The same is true of the mysterious and weird power.

It's just that believing in existence and truly believing in it are two completely different concepts.

Shadow Moon couldn't deny that he had the idea of ​​using that black-robed priest in the church as a tool to gain power.

But at this moment, it seemed that his younger sister had actually changed into His shape, and had truly become a devout believer.

Thinking back carefully, after the weirdo left last time, my sister's mental state was a little abnormal.

Many undisguised expressions of respect, admiration and love for him.

Now it seems that she may have been deeply involved and unable to extricate herself.

Now is not the time to worry about such trivial matters.

The most critical and most important thing is to survive this crisis before considering other things.

The movie star continued to repeat: "Call His name, there will be an echo."

The younger sister's tone is serious.

To be honest, before today, Shadow Moon never thought that at such a critical moment, he would choose to pin his hope on a certain god.

But at this time, what else can they do besides longing for the protection of the gods?

Not far away, Wang Zhen and others had already walked out of the tunnel, with ferocious smiles on their faces, and cold and dangerous guns in their hands.

The atmosphere exuded by the players was even more desperate.

Seeing this, Yingyue finally stopped hesitating, and started calling out reverently in her heart together with the other children.

"Omniscient Lord of Chaos, please protect me!"

In Wang Zhen's view, this group of stupid goods closed their eyes and muttered something at the last moment.

This is tantamount to giving up resistance, closing your eyes and waiting for death.

Wang Zhen's heart was full of cruel mockery: "You don't really think that the so-called gods will come to save you, do you?"

"You are just some insignificant bugs, no one will care, no one will pay attention."

"Just honestly become the property of the company and survive!"

"That's... your honor!"

It's just that his voice just fell, just a moment before the gunshot.

The air seemed to stagnate, and the surrounding light became dim, as if attracted by an unobservable black hole.

Without anyone noticing, a figure in black robe quietly appeared beside the movie star.

He opened his eyes and said with a smile, "Are you also interested in knowing more about it, the Omniscient Lord of Chaos?"

Wang Zhen's whole body trembled, and unspeakable horror emerged from the bottom of his heart.

It was as if at this moment, what he was facing was not a human being, but a nameable existence.

"Pretending to be a ghost!"

Even with fear in his heart, he still yelled sternly: "Who are you? Don't you know what will happen if you offend Infinity Biotechnology Company?"

An Le, who was in the Shadow of Echo state, didn't answer him, but shot directly.

The overwhelming shadows penetrated from the ground.

Like sticky oil, it sticks to the feet of these people, and gradually climbs up, engulfing their whole bodies.

In just a split second, the touched parts of these people lost consciousness.

Some of them tried to break free, while others shot at super safety.

It's just that no matter what they do, they can't get rid of the shadow's control.

This battle has been an all-round crush from the very beginning.

Thanks to "Book Friends 2022010682331328" for the reward of 100 coins! Thank you so much!

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